Kind of a confusing class, professor explains things OK but what's really important is who your TA is since they grade the take home midterm and final.
I came into the class with little knowledge on Hinduism but did fine. 20 pages to write for the entire quarter and three short webwork assignments. The essays are easy and the class is very fun, the Prof. is awsome and interesting
The course was really intense, especially for a lower division one, but it was extremely interesting and taught me a lot about a different area of study. i recommend it if you're up to the work.
I took several classes with holdrege about 30 years ago. To this day, I find her material to be not only fascinating but life changing. Religious studies was my major so I can understand why others might not see the beauty in it but learn it anyway. The mastery she has in such a obscure area will make you a hit at cocktail parties down the road.
There were only three things graded and one was attendance and participation. She is very knowledgable on the topic, but is extremely unorganized and 90% of the readings are her own. Also, is very inconsiderate of her students time as she never finished lectures on time and schedules review sessions during finals that don't end until 10pm.
She talk slow and has a script for her lectures which are boring and longs. She cares about the students which is nice and offers a review session for both the final and the midterm which are both take home and gives you all the answers if you put in some work. The class is easy but boring. Also doenst post slides just makes you buy a reader for it
This course is a bit challenging, but if you work hard you can easily earn an A. Taking notes and attending each class is key to passing this class. There are two major assignments for this course: a 7-page midterm + 12-page final. Don't let the page length scare you--I found the final to be easy. Admittedly, the midterm was a bit more difficult
Don't read--u read w/her in class, but will need Reader to write papers. Midterm was 7 pg take-home paper w/a prompt that pretty much spells it out for u; broken down into 2 essays. Easy. Final: take-home paper, 12 pgs, a little more wiggle room on prompt but in-class discussion makes it easy. Holdrege is really caring & nice. Attendance mandatory.
Professor H is possibly one of the hardest, but nicest teachers I have ever had. I had her for Hinduism, and never having taken a hinduism course and this was upper div, she really helped me through the quarter. Expect to read, and expect take home midterm and final papers. SHOW UP TO CLASS, PARTICIPATE, AND YOU WILL PASS. Only buy class outline.
Barbara Holdrege is amazing. She really loves her work and it shows. This is one of the best classes on campus
Not a bad class but not a good class, I thought it would be a lot more interesting. She speaks in a lot of Sanskrit so its hard to follow. I didnt read the book at all and it cost like $60. The take-home midterm/final is 2 essays, one normal and one with dialogue, but they're easy to BS. I have no idea what i learned in that class.
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. She is very knowledgeable in this field, but she is not very clear when teaching. This class is not an easy A. Her class doesn't even cover basic GE's. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS.
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. It is extremely hard and not as interesting as you originally would think it would be. The midterm and final are long take home essays that are hard to understand. Do not take unless you absolutely have to.
Easily my least favorite class I've taken at ucsb, actually ever. Lecture is mandatory and drags on forever. Not to mention that the class gets let out five minutes late everyday. This class is not an easy A!! She is very knowledgeable about what she's teachings but incredibly critical. Basically don't take this class. It's hard and boring!
This class was horrible. The lectures were confusing, she talked extremely fast and didn't repeat her points. I wouldn't take a class with her unless you had to.
helpful professor! if you have any questions she'll be sure to answer them for you! lectures are tough to follow, but the handouts really help. she's a fair grader and understands that the material can be difficult. she cares about her students and wants them to do well. if you're having difficulties in the class, tell her. she'll help you!
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absurd class! it feels like i spent a quarter in a class taught in latin
class structure relatively unorthodox. handouts not helpful unless you attend lecture. very complex material/reading, but she's a relatively easy grader. (i still dont know anything about the veda, but somehow managed a B).
My absolute favorite professor! Absolutely important to pay attention in lecture because it sometimes feels like a book is being read to you. However, if you ask a question, she is great about answering it and loves to get to know her students as people. Really cares about her class and is not just
Very informative, has a lot of good knowledge to impart, but repeats herself incessantly. Each 75-minute class could be condensed to half an hour with nothing lost.
This is a terrible class. She tends to ramble on in lecture taking twenty minutes to make a point.