RG ST 19
Barbara Holdrege
46 reviews

RGST19 . Holdrege B A 3 Years Ago

The material of this course is fine. My complaint is that the flow of the course and the way things are assigned makes me want to drop out. A 10 page midterm with the prompt posted a week before?? We have an assignment due in 3 days at midnight and the prompt is nowhere to be found. There's no upload link for hw due tomorrow. Some of us have lives!

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RS19 . Holdrege B A 4 Years Ago

Professor Holdrege was super caring and addressed a lot of the concerns I had throughout the quarter. The material is interesting and she is clearly very passionate about it. Lectures were sometimes slow, but very informative. Grade really depends on your TA. You have to put work into the online assignments and essays, so not the easiest GE.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 4 Years Ago

She seems nice enough i guess but the course i took with her was a complete nightmare. Terrible lecturer and organizational skills, the flow of the class made no sense, no feedback or grades to go off of. This was a gigantic waste of time and i feel DUMBER for having taken a course with this clueless professor.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 4 Years Ago

Cannot describe how much this professor infuriated me the entire quarter. I understand that we spent this quarter in a pandemic, but if that gives students no excuse, it gives her no excuse either. 10 page essay due in one week. During global outrage. 200+ pages of reading a week. Lectures always late. Pure disregard for our time and mental health.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 6 Years Ago

Midterm/Final Essay (7 pages/10 pages). Two website assignments (4 pages each). She is honestly the most boring, convoluted professor I've had. Couldn't stand going to lecture but maybe it's interesting if you like religious studies. Good thing is that the class fills lots of requirements.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 6 Years Ago

sweet lady. she encourages participation and is nice enough to hold review sessions for the class. She can talk all night long, but will give you all of the necessary information you need for the final essays. Though I am not interested by this topic, I enjoyed her enthusiasm and passion for the subject.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 7 Years Ago

If I could describe this class in one word, it would be confusing. My TA was able to explain it clearer during section, but it's definitely a hard subject to tackle without prior knowledge of the Religion. No tests, just a midterm/ take home final essay, which was amazing. You sign-in at every lecture, so attendance is mandatory. Lots of reading.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 8 Years Ago

I absolutely loved this class. Barbara is very knowledgable about the material and her lectures are very interesting. No tests, just papers and you get a week to write each one. Only two homework assignments that are pretty easy, and a lot of reading, but the material is interesting so its not too bad. Highly recommend, great class and professor!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 8 Years Ago

she's nice but her class made me want to die not worth it just for a GE

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 10 Years Ago

Prof. Holdrege was a delightful professor- enthusiastic and passionate about the material. I didn't buy any of the books or reader but went to lecture. As long as you take diligent notes and pay attention the class is an easy A. The essays, although long, are easy to pull together will all the material she discuses in class.

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RS19 . Holdrege B A 11 Years Ago

She is a wonderful teacher. She makes lecture very interesting and easy to understand. For her Gods of India class, the exams are papers and since I have no problem whipping out a 10 page paper, it was a piece of cake. She was an angel and takes time to get to know her students! take her class!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 11 Years Ago

i hated this class. i was so excited for it & it ended up being so convoluted. Barbara is an extremely well educated woman with A LOT of knowledge to share. But she forgets that most of us can't understand sanskrit and know how to spell it on our own. Final essays were HARD and section with Schwartz was useless. SO hard to pay attention in lecture

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RS19 . Holdrege B A 11 Years Ago

really lovely professor who is an expert in her field. Go to lectures, make good notes and you will be fine, but it is a complex class and you need to pay attention. very interesting though.

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RS158C14519 . Holdrege B A 11 Years Ago

If you are serious about religious studies and love to learn... I recommend Holdrege! She is very intelligent and dedicated to her students. I previously had RS19 & 145 w/ her & am now in her 158C course. What she teaches is deep and meaningful... so work hard and her classes might change your life! :)

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 12 Years Ago

She' every nice to crashers and in general too. Her language,however, is very convoluted and confusing. the material is pretty difficult but if you really pay attention in lectures it will be okay. There is a take-home midterm and final, so you have time. USE YOUR TA!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 13 Years Ago

She is a great professor and is very passionate about what she teaches. Gods of India is on of my favorite classes that I have taken so far! need to go to lecture but reading not as important. no tests, just papers. She's a fairly easy grader and very helpful!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 14 Years Ago

she is such a nice lady, and you can tell from her lectures that she is very knowledgeable, but the lectures are almost unbearably boring. It is very easy to get confused and if you have no interest in the subject matter like me, it is easy to lose interest. i definitely would NOT recommended this class

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 15 Years Ago

Lectures get boring, but if you take great notes, you won't have to read much. Very approachable, nice lady. Kind to crashers and a leading scholar in this field. Midterm and Final essays are not that hard if you pay attention and get help if you don't grasp the concepts. 2 web assignments that are VERY HELPFUL for the midterm and final.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 15 Years Ago

She's very nice. Lectures are a bit boring, and you need to take really good notes every lecture in order to do good on her essays, which can be hard. You don't need to do the reading if you attend EVERY lecture and write down EVERYTHING that is said in it and in section. I got an A- without doing the readings, but I did take very good notes.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 15 Years Ago

Two really hard take home essays. The TAs grade quite harshly. This is a class that you can't bum through so I wouldn't recommend taking this class unless you are willing to work hard.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 17 Years Ago

Amazing! She was very helpful! She does not have in class exams , but makes pretty hard take home test essays. TA's are great too!

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 17 Years Ago

Great professor! She may come off as a little intense, but is exteremly knowledgable, clear, and passionate about the subject.

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 19 Years Ago

ok so the class is not super easy but its not that hard either. but as far as the teaching goes Holdrege is so good! she gives you her notes so you can just pay attention w/o having to write down everything shes saying, she made the class really interestin

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RGST19 . Holdrege B A 20 Years Ago

She was way intense during lecture but it is a REALLY interesting class and taught me a lot about something I knew nothing about before. I recommend it highly.

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