Klein offers a fresh perspective on the field of brain science that few other PBS profs do. He is incredibly knowledgeable about the topics he covers and his passion for this knowledge is inspiring. The class itself is graded simply on a midterm and final exam. I can't recommend taking a class from Klein enough - it is an experience like no other.
the class is made up of midterm and final. you have to buy an expensive book he wrote. lectures are informative and entertaining, he normally ends class early. he'll lyk what will be on the exams, questions are straight to the point as long as you study you will do good. I didn't read the book and still got an A but recommend doing the readings
he doesn't post lecture slides and makes you buy a really expensive textbook he wrote. lectures were entertaining and never lasted the entire 3 hours. he lets you know what will be on the exams. exams are easy and straight to the point so as long as you study you should do fine. i never read the readings and got an A- but I would recommend reading
I get why some people wouldn't like his lecture style, but I really enjoyed it. Class once a week, no mike, no slides, just lecturing - sounds intimidating, but I promise it's not. Your grade is only based on two exams, but the class isn't super dense w/ material - if you go to lecture and study, it's fine. Klein is a prof I'll remember for a while
I really enjoyed this class and the way it was taught. Lecture was once a week and varied anywhere from 1 hr - 2.5 hrs. Prof makes it clear what is needed to succeed in his class and is very straightforward. He is visibly passionate about the material and about teaching, making class enjoyable. Definitely recommend!
Stan gets some hate because he doesn't lecture like other professors, but I learned more in this class than I've learned in any other psych classes. He is very intelligent and knows the material super well. He doesn't use slides so you have to show up to class. He makes you critically think, but his tests are easy if you pay attention in class.
Klein is a very nice guy and this class was super interesting. I plan on taking another class of his in the fall. My biggest complaint would be that there is only one midterm and one final that determine your grade. Additionally, you are required to pay over $100 for the textbook and the textbook is very dense and a bit confusing.
Incredible professor. Really has an ability to explain lecture material in a fun, engaging, and interesting way, most likely due to his experience in the field and passion for the topic. If you enjoy listening to an intelligent mind and don't mind taking notes from audio only, this is the perfect class for you. Truly cares for his students.
the type of teacher who reminds you what its like to learn and not just memorize! encourages questions and is super approachable and straightforward. Definitely the best teacher I have had at UCSB!
Taken him twice, The best lectures ive had at ucsb, really peepeepoopoos on psychology as a whole. highly recommend, his textbook is $100 though, something to do with the publishing company. you can skip the textbook but you'd probably a B+ in the class tops (unless you're me I guess)
Best psych lecture I've taken at UCSB
Stanley Klein was one of my favorite professors at UCSB. I took him this past summer online and his lectures were extremely engaging. He is not the typical professor, instead he is into going deeper into the meanings of things and looking for the real truth. He won't through facts at you. If you aren't into thinking, you won't like this class.
He is one of the best professors in my college life. Really inspirational on ideas and thoughts, helpful to answer questions. Clear lectures.
Such an amazing lecturer! He's not your traditional psychology professor but he provides more of a critical thinking lens. Grades are based on only two tests but if you pay attention in lectures and do the reading, you should be great!
As an online class, I was not a fan. He just rants a lot and doesn't have slides or any sort of structure to the class. Nothing on Gauchospace expect for the lectures. Seems like a pretty pretentious dude the way he talks about himself but that's just personal opinion.
He's really funny which makes three hour lectures fly by. Tests are easy and the questions are very repetitive, if you can answer one, you can answer four others that are just the same question reworded.
Definitely my favorite psychology professor at UCSB. His way of teaching is really interesting and the information usually sticks in your head easily. His exams are straight to the point. He doesn't care to trick students in any way. The course itself is really interesting. Highly recommend him because he's an amazing professor!
This course was not exactly what I expected, I'm not sure if I ever gained more of an idea of "what the self is" but he makes it clear that no one really knows what it is anyway. Interesting topic and amazing professor! Only graded on the midterm and the final, but if you pay attention you'll do fine! Stan is the best professor I had at UCSB!
Klein is hands down the most brilliant professor I have ever had. He is an expert and leading researcher in his field, and is very clearly, passionate about what he teaches. His lectures are engaging, and inspired me to seek more information on topics outside of class. A truly gifted mind.
It was a love-hate relationship for me with this course (& him). For the most part, I did enjoy his class & I will be taking him again. However, while his midterm was fairly easy, his final was NOT. It was a total shock. It also really sucked that he only gave us 2 hrs for 81 (DENSE) questions- totally unexpected. There is also lots of reading!
Hilarious, straight-forward philosopher teaching a psych course. (which to me seems like a fusion of both). Go to lecture if want to pass! He only uses the whiteboard; no power point. The book is short and sweet, more dense in some parts than others, but a good read. (coming from a former phil. major). Review notes and use book for patients.
Amazing professor. I really enjoyed this class!
Goes on tangents all the time but he gets through the subject material and tests fairly
One of my favorite professors at UCSB. This man is a genius. If you're getting bored of hearing the same info over and over in psych classes I recommend you take this class. He doesn't use powerpoint but you can buy AS lecture notes for his class and it's really not hard to follow his lectures. Seriously, take this class.