Professor German is a great lecturer and made her class FUN! I always looked forward to going to class because the topics were very interesting and she included funny videos, etc. There is no midterm or final, and quizzes and exams are all online. She also lets you retake the quizzes as many times as you want! AWESOME professor!
I absolutely loved this class! the structure is a powerpoint lecture every week. She made them fun with lots a videos. There are no midterms or finals in the class. There were 8 weekly tests. As long as you pay attention during lecture it is an easy A. All exams were open note and open book.
Sweetheart with a great sense of mental health awareness. The class is tailored more towards babies to correlate with the professor's research area. This isn't bad but it's not your typical into to Psych class. Read the textbook and watch the lectures. Questions are worded weird and can be tricky to pass the tests if not read carefully. Solid class
honestly very boring lecturer but if you pay attention and read you'll pass, the textbook is very needed but also lecture son info from the textbook, participating in psych studies is also needed,
She has been my favorite professor so far. Lectures are organized, recorded, and include video examples. She understands how students learn best and uses that in her teaching. Quizzes and Exams are weekly but all open note (so a lot of work, but easy) and Quizzes can be retaken until 100%. Just have to volunteer for some psych experiments but easy.
No final but there is an online test you have to take every friday. A lot of test material comes straight from the lectures so going to those is definitely helpful. On the quizzes after every lecture, you get multiple chances to take it. Overall it was an easy and interesting class.
Super interesting class, very broad, great for taking care of GE's. Prof. German is very fun, shows cat videos throughout class. I did all the reading and went to the majority of lectures and ended up doing pretty well.
Psy 1 with German is the perfect GE. Grading is largely determined by weekly take home, open note quizzes. If you read the textbook and payed attention in lecture, a B or A is basically guaranteed. Lectures themselves are well-organized and pertaining to the material at hand.
Lectures are interesting, though fast-paced. There are several opportunities to get a good grade but the exams are what matter most and are, oftentimes, extremely difficult considering that lots of questions/topics aren't even covered during lectures... No curve and Prof. refused to round my 92.33 to a 92.5 (which is an A for this class).
She's awesome! Super interesting lectures, and she makes the material easy to understand. You can tell she wants her students to succeed, and designs the class to make this happen! Definitely take her!
Tamsin is the best!! This is definitely a solid GE to take and a pretty easy class. Finished with an A but you definitely have to pay attention in lecture. Just graded on quizzes (which you can take as many times as you want) and the weekly tests. They werent too bad but can be lecture heavy so take good notes and focus on tests.
She is such a responsible and caring professor! Learning comes really naturally with her fun lectures and engaging course material. She also drops two lowest quiz grades out of eight so if you listen to lectures and take thoughtful notes you would definitely get a good grade. Take advantage of her office hours as they could be really helpful
Professor German is a great teacher. Her lectures are super relaxed and interesting. She gives little breaks in between lecture topics, so actually paying attention is easier. There are two quizzes a week, but they're not timed and you can take them as many times as you want. One test a week, open note, very easy. Easy GE.
Professor German is such a gem! Her lectures are engaging and fun, but also extremely interesting and they make me excited to go to class. She is so so great you should take her class!
All of Professor German's lectures are extremely interesting and you can tell she loves what she teaches. Her presentations are engaging while also teaching you everything you need to know for the class, and I genuinely look forward to her classes and would take another. Tests and quizzes are open note but still require you to understand material.
My favorite professor by far, made me switch my major to psychology after just 2 weeks of her intro to psych class. She is so kind and makes lectures very fun by showing cat videos before each one and giving us 5 minutes breaks in between the units of the lecture. No midterm or final, just weekly exams that are very passable. 100/10 would recommend
By far one of the top best professors in the PBS department. She is so caring, welcoming, and really enthusiastic to interact with. I took both of her PSY 145 and PSY160 courses and based on my experience she teaches beautifully. Her exams are transparent and no way tricky. No lie Im going to miss taking her classes. Trust me take her classes!
Took this class in the fall and she was amazing! DEF will take another of her classes. She offers extra credit opportunities. Quizzes were timed but reasonable and open note, the material was straight off of lectures and readings so you have to do the work to do well. She hosts review sessions before quizzes and she is very kind and genuine.
Professor German makes her async lectures fun and interesting with lots of videos. She shows a cat video of all her kittens at the beginning of each one. She is super caring and considerate because of covid and really cares about her student's well being. There are frequent but easy-ish assignments, text book online. Great prof, learned cool stuff.
She was so flexible throughout the quarter and was just overall a very caring person.
8 prerecorded lectures each week each about 15 mins long each. Theres one 20q mc exam every week. Theres readings but I did fine without needing to buy the $50 book. No final. You can choose to participate in a study throughout the quarter or write a 2 pg paper but its only 2% so I did neither. Shes very accommodating too. Section takes attendance
BEST professor ever. Would 100% take another class taught by her. Very understanding. Hosts office hours to review before weekly exams that are very helpful. Pretty straightforward class. Highly recommend this class as a GE or just for credit. Textbook is online. Section attendance mandatory. Watch the lectures and do the readings to get an A.
Prof. German is an amazing teacher! This class has weekly tests based on two reading chapters, which ended up being a lot of work. Her tests are also slightly confusing wording wise but wasnt terrible. She modified some aspects halfway through the quarter after feedback, which was really nice.
One of my favorite professors at UCSB. Tamsin is a fantastic teacher and person. In PSY 1 if you read the textbook material and watch the lecture then take the online CYU quizzes you will you well on the weekly exams. THERE IS NO FINAL! She is very understanding even though this is a huge group of students and a stressful class to run. Love her.