PSY 145
Tamsin German
193 reviews

PSYCH105 . German T C M 13 Years Ago

no reading, no studying, attended every lecture, and i got a B, in other words, one of the easiest classes i have taken. my favorite psychology professor without question, and also one of the best lecturers.

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PSY105 . German T C M 13 Years Ago

Best class I had so fat at UCSB, the professor is awesome and is very clear in lectures. She knows exactly what she's talking about and she goes slow and made sure everyone understood the material. She is also very helpful and patience in her office hours! The tests comes directly from the lectures, make sure you use the study guide she provides!

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SY105 . German T C M 13 Years Ago

She's a really sweet lady and the material is really interesting. There's no book required and tests are pretty fair. I'd def take her again

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 13 Years Ago

One of the best professors I've had. You don't need to go to lecture but I enjoyed the class so much that I actually looked forward to going. She shows lots of videos that are very helpful for remembering the material. And she has an awesome English accent, what more is there to ask for?

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 13 Years Ago

German is awesome. She is very clear and I always looked forward to going to class. She uses power point slides and attendance isn't mandatory put she plays clips in class to help you understand the concepts better. Definitely one of my favorite teachers at UCSB.

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PSY105 . German T C M 13 Years Ago

Material is fairly easy, no book, everything is based off lectures/power points. Although attendance isn't mandatory to do well, the video clips do help a lot (and they're entertaining). She is always available and willing to help and has lots of extra office hrs near test dates. Tests are easy as long as you go to class and look at study guide.

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

Probably my favorite professor at UCSB. I actually looked FORWARD to going to class. Material is not the easiest, but I rated it as easy because Professor German made sure we had a lot of help. Her videos helped to visualize material, her study guides covered all test subjects, and the online forums were a big help. She's really funny and cool too!

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PSY105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

Awesome professor, shows funny and relevant videos and is very clear in her explanations.

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

Professor Tasmin was so awesome! Her lectures were very clear, interesting, and usually really fun. She shows lots of video clips, (little kids are really entertaining to watch) I loved going to class. Her exams are very fair, study and you will do really well. Practice midterm and bonus questions. Take the class if you are a psych. major, def.

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PSY105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

Great lecturer! She is crystal clear. Her class is fun and always includes video clips that help tie concepts together. This class is interesting and pretty easy/straightforward, so it's a perfect addition to a otherwise rough schedule.

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PSY105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

German is a great professor. She has a ton of videos to help explain the material and it was one of the few classes I actually looked forward to. Don't completely neglect studying for her class but the midterms and final are very fair. On top of all that she doesn't require a textbook. If you can, take her!

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PSY105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

One of the best teachers I've had at UCSB!! So easy to understand. Makes the material interesting. Great lectures. Awesome PP slides online. The material isn't the easiest, but she makes it so easy and clear to understand and remember. AWESOME!!

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

LOVED HER!!! I laughed in every class Theres no textbook, everything is online. She gave us study guides which were pretty much filled out for us so easy easy midterms. The clips in class made everything easy to remeber. Best class so far !!!

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PSY105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

This Woman is amazing! I couldn't wait to go to each one of her lectures! She has funny video clips and is CRYSTAL CLEAR about all slides and information. She will Explain the information in baby steps. Such has a absolutely amazing and successful teaching method. DO NOT REGRET IT! TAKE HER CLASSES!!! she has a practice midterm too. too cool!

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 14 Years Ago

BY FAR! BY FAR! MY FAVORITE PROFESSOR HERE AT UCSB. She f-in rocks! I love her humor, she tries really hard to make accommodations if you need extra help, tests are the fairest I've ever taken at UCSB (and I'm a senior). DO NOT take 105 with anyone else. I wish she weren't my professor so we could hang out! haha

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PSY105 . German T C M 15 Years Ago

She seems like a cool lady. She always starts off class with a funny clip. She uses a lot of video examples. There is no reading required everything you need to know is on the slides provided online and she goes through everything you need to know in lecture. She provides study guides so you already know what is on exams. Class got boring at times

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PSY105 . German T C M 15 Years Ago

not the best lecturer, but has a good sense of humor and uses a lot of video examples

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PSY105 . German T C M 16 Years Ago

This was one of my favorite classes! German had great notes and was a good speaker. The video clips and examples were awesome! :) Even better, no textbook was required. Tests were from lecture only. The topic was really interesting and I was never bored. Loved this class!

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 16 Years Ago

this was one of the easiest classes ever taken at UCSB yet it was interesting and easy to attend. German gives you everything you need for the test at lecture and then gives out a review sheet. you can drop an exam. super easy

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PSY105 . German T C M 16 Years Ago

She is a great teacher and I would definitely recommend taking her! The material is interesting and easy to grasp. You must attend the lectures to succeed in this course. Reading the textbook is optional and unnecessary.

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PSY105 . German T C M 17 Years Ago

This is a very easy class, and Professor German does everything she can to make the class interesting and she succeeds! Although slides are posted online, their hard to understand without an explanation. Usually studied about an hour or two before the midterms and finished the final in 20 minutes! If you can take her do it!

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 17 Years Ago

Great class, great prof, im sad its over!

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PSYCH105 . German T C M 17 Years Ago

Great class, great professor. She uses heaps of video clips so it's easy to pay attention, the material's interesting, she's funny, the tests are easy, and there's no mandatory reading. Take this class!

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PSYC105 . German T C M 17 Years Ago

This is the best class I've taken as UCSB by far. The class is really fun and interesting, She gives you lots of videos to look at which helps you remember things much better than pages of notes, and her exams are very fair and shes very approachable. Take this class if you can! I just wish she took more classes.

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