Class was very easy, 5 online, at home tests instead of a midterm/final. Not good at lecturing, talks too much about theory and not enough about how to actually solve problems, but my TA understood that and was how I did all of my learning for this class.
Professor Labutin's lectures make no sense. Going to lecture just made me more confused. There are no midterms or final, just quizzes every other week that are take home, open note. Having a good TA and attending CLAS made the class manageable.
Labutin's lectures are usually confusing and hard to keep up with. That being said, this class is a free A, all tests are online and at-home, open note.
Professor Labutin was a challenge, in that -though he seems to be a very caring and available teacher- he did very little explanation in his lectures. It was hard to follow what was being talked about, and more times than not I ended up having to teach myself. If you have him, make use of TAs, videos on youtube, and study groups for understanding.
Prof. Labutin is nearly unintelligible in lectures and very disorganized. In a lecture of about 500 students, eventually less than 100 showed up. Despite this, the exams were super easy and the class average was in the high 90s. Homework is tedious but manageable.
I didn't go to any of the lectures this quarter but the online quizzes were easy. The professor was almost impossible to understand so you have to self-learn to do the homework but the grading is super easy so it's a trade off. I would do the homework little by little throughout the week because it gets a lot to wait until Saturday.
I never really attended his lectures. The combination of his fast-paced lectures and his heavy accent made them hard to follow along, so I self-taught the entire course. However, I will say that the exams themselves were very fair, easy even, (there were five throughout the quarter and he dropped the lowest score) and so I did well in the class.
Basically a terrible lecturer but so easy to pass the class. Don't go to lecture, do the homework problems, review the slides, and do the practice midterm problems. Midterms are super easy, no reason anyone shouldn't get an A in the class.
All tests are take home and online so it's the freest A ever. Lectures are confusing and his accent is difficult to understand. You won't learn much.
I took 4A and it was a super easy A. Professor has a super thick accent and his lectures are practically useless, but all tests are online and there is no midterm or final. Additionally, your lowest test score is dropped. I would recommend CLAS for this class if you can't understand the lectures.
Professor Labutin teaches Math 4A extremely well, once you get past his heavy accent which usually happens after the second or third week of lecture, the class becomes super easy as 90% of the class is just repeated applications of the reduced-row echelon form which is introduced in the very first lecture. Overall, his class is was super enjoyable.
This man is a goat. He has an accent but it's pretty easy to understand. Unfortunately he's not very good at explaining linear algebra but at least his accent is funny. Skipped a lot of lectures but still did good because tests were all online and I had fun group of study buddies.
Not great at lectures but makes it easy to get an A, tests are all online and take-home.
Attend office hours, get a group, do not worry it's great
I only attended the first two weeks of lecture because I found I was able to teach it better myself and on my own time. Despite not being the best lecturer, you will get the grade you want. That being said, I really did not learn the material. If your goal is to get a good grade, he is the right teacher. If you want to learn, he isn't the one.
Labutin does nothing but read off the slides that he already posts on canvas--the lectures are basically useless. I wouldn't recommend him to someone who isn't familiar with the topic of Linear Algebra already. If you're new, stay away You're graded on weekly homework assignments and biweekly 90-minute exams.
Take home tests that are easy if you even remotely keep up with the textbook. Everyone starts skipping lectures after week 1/2 because they're not very understandable. Class was based on just a weekly online HW and biweekly online tests.
Possibly the worst lecturer/ability to explain concepts, especially in a class like linear algebra that is so conceptual. Tests are all open note take home, but lectures are useless and make you even more confused. Just get a copy of the textbook from a friend and read the sections on your own but overall the class wasn't bad.
Super easy. Terrible teacher. Take if you want an easy 4.0. Don't take if you want to actually learn.
EZ credit EZ exam even no attendance
Good for credit, bad for learning.
Prof.Labutin is literally the best grader I've I ever met. If you are a human and have some basic logic, there is no doubt that you'll get an A. His lectures are sometimes confusing, but when the tests are coming, you'll thank him.
The goat of Math4A, giving incoherent lectures and still managing to give the whole class A's. Tests and grading scales are beyond generous and lectures occasionally will make sense. Class becomes much funnier once you realize that the lectures go in circles and you can talk through most of it.
72% of the grade comes from 5 take home exams. From them, only the top 4 exams are counted. The homework sets are most definitely not too long, I just do a few problems a night and get by no problem. He does have a heavy accent, but sitting closer to the front of the lecture hall makes his speech more clear.