Professor Santoro is awesome! Seems passionate about her work and creates a welcoming atmosphere in her class. Even if you don't have a scientific background, she explains concepts about microbial ocean clearly and appreciates discussion from different perspectives/non-stem majors
Prof Santoro is amazing. She is super intelligent & easy to talk to if you have any questions. I highly recommend taking EEMB 144 if she is teaching. The only semi negative thing I can say is that she talks on the fast side but even then its not bad. Grade is based off a few hw assignments, midterm, section participation & final. Take this class!
This class will change your perception of all natural things, by imbuing a well rounded understanding of the metabolic diversity and strategies of microbes. You will NEVER look at a tree, the ocean, or a cow in the same way again. Beyond the content, this professor is particularly good at explaining the material in a relatable and clear way.
Valentine is a very laid back professor. I felt his lectures were very clear and reflected almost exactly what would be on the tests. Plus, he provided a study guide with topics before each exam. Seems like a genuine guy who really loves what he does. Don't buy the book, didn't open it once. Section activities are very easy as well.
Awful at explaining simple concepts. I learned almost everything from my textbook (get an early edition, it's the exact same and costs $4). Made fun of students during lectures. Took a whole lecture showing us unrelated videos of his research. Unclear about what would be on tests. Nice thing is that he grades on a generous curve. Do not recommend!!
I loved this class and I loved Dave. He was super funny and really passionate about his field. He talks a lot about his research (which I found super interesting) and related oceanography to every day life. Creative tests (i.e. not just multiple choice) that were pretty easy if you pay attention. Loved him, would definitely take again. Easy GE.
Everything is based on the lectures, however I was one of the those students who actually bought the textbook and found it really useful for the labs, and study guides he provided us for the exams. His teaching is boring but the material is interesting. Can be an easy A (due to curve), although his exams were a little more tedious than expected.
Class is boring and fell asleep couple of times. Tests are super specific on dates and irrelevant events. Has a huge curve though.
Lectures are useful to attend, because much of what he tests on is from the lectures. Sometimes, he tests on things that seem more trivial. Sections are simple. Attendance at lectures is non-mandatory, but you must at least turn in the weekly section assignment to your TA. 15% sections, 2 midterms each worth 20%, and a cumulative final worth 45%.
Easy class. Don't like the professor. Very confusing, unprepared, late to class, unprofessional. Blah!
His tests are harder than I expected but they were not that difficult. EARTH 4 is not really a hard science class, as much as it is just memorizing facts about science. Valentine gives interesting lectures, and he talks about his research, but he doesn't put questions about it on tests and he doesn't present it as fact.
I loved this class! He was really clear on difficult concepts and although his tests were kind of hard, I didn't think they were terribly hard. Would definitely take another one of his classes! He made me interesting in oceanography and marine biology. Really great class, the textbook was kind of unnecessary, just go to lecture and youll do fine :)
The book was expensive but it was not necessary to buy because tests were based on lecture and when I did try to use it I came to find the page I needed wasn't there due to it being the condensed copy, UCSB exclusive. He tried to be funny and use demonstrations but the classes dragged on. He is attractive so that kept me awake sometimes. Dont take.
Such a great guy. Cracks jokes and gets the material across very well. The labs were always a lot of fun. The tests tend to be a little bit difficult but he grades on a pretty generous curve. Tests are lecture based and a lot of people actually just kinda missed class and did fine so attendance isn't really mandatory. I recommend taking this class.
Great Professor, very interesting, has a lot of interesting stories that relate to the topics. Some parts are dry and boring but there isnt really many ways to make seafloor spreading interesting. Very knowledgeable is a nationwide renowned researcher with NOAA. Loving this class.
His lectures are really confusing, his tests are based only on he lecture, but doing the reading will greatly help your understanding of the lectures. He is very confusing. you can tell he's passionate, but isn't a great teacher. Tests are way hard, but the class has a huge curve in favor of your grade.
he puts the lectures up online but they're just a bunch of pictures so unless you go to class you tend to fall behind. the last lab was the best! remember the math equations, they're not that hard. the material was horrifying yet interesting since he talks about current events that are affecting us like global warming.
Dry as a desert. He is young and interested in the subject but acts like he wants to leave and get it over with, monotone also. Section is awful and the class was not at all what I thought it would be. If for some reason your obsessed with plate tectonics and doing math problems to calculate random sea floor areas then your in the right place.
He's funny and a pretty good teacher. However, because he teaches the class with such a relaxed atmosphere it can be easy to assume that you are more prepared for the tests than you really are. The tests are difficult and contain a lot of theoretical stuff that actually makes you apply the different concepts you've learned. Lab is good.
he's passionate about what he teaches. going to class helped a little, reading helped too. sort of a random class. labs were cool.
professor was interesting, course material was not. either pay close attention in class or do all the readings - this isn't a class where you can just barely scrape by. the labs were pretty interesting, though. tests were confusing as hell.
This class was pretty easy. Go to lecture, if not then read the book. His tests are multiple choice, no writing. Sections were really easy. My TA gave us all the answers. We didnt have any sections the last 2 weeks of the quarter.
on the last lab, a student who had already taken this class said to me, "oh yeah. that class was pretty interesting, but mostly not." i couldn't agree more. go to lecture, you'll probably do pretty. don't count on office hours because he wasn't there both times i tried. reading not necessary but helps with his confusing tests.
i liked the class only because i thought the content was interesting. he does not go by the book and his tests were not at all like the study guides and ridiculously random. can get pretty boring sometimes and you have to take a lab section, which is the easiest part, but a waste of time