FR 101B
Renan Larue
18 reviews

104C . Larue R J 2 Months Ago

It is clear that prof Larue is passionate about what he teaches. He answers all questions with careful consideration, and will put in the effort to respond to every email in detail. I found his class difficult, but worth taking and made easier because of his teaching. He was very kind and his lectures were organized effectively :)

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FR151F . Larue R J 1 Year, 3 Days Ago

He is so nice and you can tell he loves teaching. He rarely makes the students talk, it's mostly him going over slides, which is nice if you are shy. You have one group presentation(2ppl), quizzes everyday about a movie (pretty easy if you watched it, drops the lowest), the midterm/final are questions about the class so skipping is not a good idea

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CLIT189 . Larue R J 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

I took vegan lit (CLIT 186FL) and I loved it. This class may have been better than other classes with him because he has a passion for vegan literature and has written a book about it so he might be different in other classes, but I had a great experience. He is very knowledgeable but not pretentious or preachy, funny, and very approachable

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FR151F . Larue R J 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Renan is a very passionate professor which makes his classes very interesting. If you're in an upper div French class, he'll speak fast French so be ready for that. In 151F you have to watch lots of movies and series which can be long but you'll learn a lot. Quizzes after every movie or text, so you definitely need to watch them.

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INT94WL . Larue R J 3 Years Ago

Professor Larue was really fun, especially in this seminar on alien studies! Unfortunately he was kind of a mess, which made due dates, slideshows, and discussions confusing and chaotic. It seemed like he had a course objective in mind and conversations got derailed, but either way it was a cool class!

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COMPLIT30B . Larue R J 4 Years Ago

prof larue seems fine until any student reaches out for help or accessibility of materials. his emails are condescending and passive aggressive. he barely acknowledges that there is an issue and instead blames the student when its his job to make the materials known and accessible. hope to god you dont need help outside of class with this guy :)

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
CLIT189 . Larue R J 5 Years Ago

Excellent Prof. Do the readings and pay attention in class and you'll do fine. Really cares abt student success. Charismatic too!

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CLIT189 . Larue R J 5 Years Ago

Prof. Larue is great! The class is pretty straightforward, but you definitely need to read otherwise you will not do well on the quizzes. Extra credit option was easy and everything was simple as long as you did the readings. He is a nice guy and really cares about literature and making sure his students know what's going on.

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CLIT30B . Larue R J 6 Years Ago

Professor Larue was very knowledgable about the material. I really enjoyed his lectures. We did have to write a couple of papers but he is clear about his expectations in this area. Exams shouldn't be difficult if you pay attention in lecture and have read all of the material.

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FR104B . Larue R J 6 Years Ago

This class was a great way to write in French in an autobiographical way. It was one of my favorites and Larue was definitely a big part of that, he's understanding, caring and gives good feedback. Would definitely take again.

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FR104B . Larue R J 7 Years Ago

Larue is a straightforward professor; he makes it obvious that he cares about students and will answer any questions that you might have that he can answer. He will work to help your French improve and is great if you really are trying deepen your learning of French. Would recommend this class too, readings are also pretty good!

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CLIT30B . Larue R J 7 Years Ago

Not bad. Everyone complaining is probably just expecting this class to be super easy. It isn't crazy difficult, but you will have to actually put effort into your writing. There are some large disparities in TA difficulty, though. His lectures are boring.

5 helpful 1 unhelpful
CLIT30B . Larue R J 7 Years Ago

As a non comp lit major, I find it very hard to try and think/ analyze texts the way he expects us to, especially comparing the random ass texts. His powerpoints are so disorganized and he talks a lot and fast so my notes are a mess and hard to study from. Its also week 8 and he has yet to mention our final paper that is apparently 25% of our grade

6 helpful 3 unhelpful
CLIT30B . Larue R J 7 Years Ago

Horrible professor at least for this class. Has a thick accent so is hard to understand, goes through lectures super fast, and talks the entire class so it's almost impossible to keep up in terms of note taking. Continuously changes grading criteria. TAs are also vastly different, some grade easy and others ridiculously hard.

10 helpful 9 unhelpful
CLIT30B . Larue R J 7 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS WITH LARUE. This is his first time teaching a non-upper div class, so he turns a usually easy GE into an extremely difficult wannabe philosophy class. Lectures consist of many questions and not a lot of answers. Midterm IS NOT multiple choice. Instead it is fill in the blank, short answer, and vague quote identification. Boo.

9 helpful 9 unhelpful
CLIT30B . Larue R J 7 Years Ago

He is so frustrating! He's constantly changing his mind about assignments and the grading criteria. The poor TA's don't even know what info or direction to give us for the assignments because he has not worked out the "logistics" of ANYTHING! He also says he'll put the lecture slides online, never does. 10/10 do not recommend

9 helpful 8 unhelpful
COMPLIT30B . Larue R J 7 Years Ago

He is difficult to understand, and the class is really boring. All he does is talk about animals and their rights instead of literature. I feel like I am in church not a classroom. The readings are not traditonal literature and I feel like this is some weird philosophy course where I am supposed to become a better person by reading self help books.

12 helpful 9 unhelpful
FR104B . Larue R J 8 Years Ago

Had 2 of his upperdiv classes and he's a consistently easy grader. He generally grades based on what he thinks you deserve, not what you answered correctly or how many mistakes you made. Attendance isn't required but he's keeping track of it and will dock points. He's super funny in a quippy way and is very nice. Lecture based, not discussion.

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