An introductory, interdisciplinary approach to the literary and cultural history of France and Francophone world from the seventeenth century and the Enlightenment. Readings of poetry, drama, and fiction. Focus on advanced discussion and writing in French.

Prerequisites: French 100 or French 26 or equivalent.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

GEs Area G
Unlocks FR 147C FR 149F FR 149E FR 147B
Renan Larue
18 reviews
Spring 2024 . Larue R J
ILP 4103
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
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FR 101B Larue R J Winter 2023 Total: 17
FR 101B Larue R J Winter 2022 Total: 27
See All
104C . Larue R J 2 Months Ago

It is clear that prof Larue is passionate about what he teaches. He answers all questions with careful consideration, and will put in the effort to respond to every email in detail. I found his class difficult, but worth taking and made easier because of his teaching. He was very kind and his lectures were organized effectively :)

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FR151F . Larue R J 1 Year, 2 Days Ago

He is so nice and you can tell he loves teaching. He rarely makes the students talk, it's mostly him going over slides, which is nice if you are shy. You have one group presentation(2ppl), quizzes everyday about a movie (pretty easy if you watched it, drops the lowest), the midterm/final are questions about the class so skipping is not a good idea

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CLIT189 . Larue R J 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

I took vegan lit (CLIT 186FL) and I loved it. This class may have been better than other classes with him because he has a passion for vegan literature and has written a book about it so he might be different in other classes, but I had a great experience. He is very knowledgeable but not pretentious or preachy, funny, and very approachable

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FR151F . Larue R J 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Renan is a very passionate professor which makes his classes very interesting. If you're in an upper div French class, he'll speak fast French so be ready for that. In 151F you have to watch lots of movies and series which can be long but you'll learn a lot. Quizzes after every movie or text, so you definitely need to watch them.

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INT94WL . Larue R J 3 Years Ago

Professor Larue was really fun, especially in this seminar on alien studies! Unfortunately he was kind of a mess, which made due dates, slideshows, and discussions confusing and chaotic. It seemed like he had a course objective in mind and conversations got derailed, but either way it was a cool class!

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COMPLIT30B . Larue R J 4 Years Ago

prof larue seems fine until any student reaches out for help or accessibility of materials. his emails are condescending and passive aggressive. he barely acknowledges that there is an issue and instead blames the student when its his job to make the materials known and accessible. hope to god you dont need help outside of class with this guy :)

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See all 18 reviews
FR 99
0 / 5 Enrolled
Independent Study
FR 100
14 / 25 Enrolled
Advanced Composition
Marion Labatut 5.0
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
58.6% A
FR 104F
16 / 25 Enrolled
Business French 2
Phillips M E
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
83.9% A
FR 147C
8 / 20 Enrolled
French and Francophone Prose Fiction
Cynthia Skenazi 3.9
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
76.5% A
FR 154G
65 / 65 Full
Post-Colonial Cultures
Eric Prieto 4.1
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
40.3% A
FR 154F
70 / 70 Full
Time Off in Paris!
Jean Schultz 3.6
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
63.9% A