She is so cool! Really cares about her students. Although I never went to office hours, her wonderful personality shined during lecture. She's fun, interesting,entertaining, &hilarious! The material for the test wasn't too bad,she wasn't tricky or anything. even though its at the end of the quarter,you should go to class,you'll like it bc of her.
Because of Carlson, I might actually go into microbiology... a field I never even considered before him. He made it really interesting. The only bad thing was that it was sooo much material. You need to be able to remember A LOT of stuff, most of which were the foreign names of bacteria. It also sucks that the final is cumulative
Loved her. By far the best intro biology teacher. I was sad when i couldn't make it to class. Great teacher, and extremely energetic about the subject she taught. A great way to end the lower division bio classes.
He was very nice but extremely boring. Of the three bio teachers i had that spring quarter i went to his class the least and hated it the most. Which might have been due to the fact that Carlson taught bacteria. His tests are hard but fair. Study the lecture notes more than the book.
She is funny, tells great stories, and she loves sushi. She lectures on stage barefoot and is overall very fun.
loved her, best teacher of the intro biology series in my opinion, cant wait to take her other classes!
This professor is really great. she is super nice and her lectures and tests are straightfoward.
She is hilarious, one of the best teachers I've had. She had me crying laughing one time. She makes class really interesting, I love inverts!!!
One of the most georgeous men I have ever seen. I want him to whisk me away and have brilliant little scientist babies with me. Soooooo bummed he's married with kids, God I hope my husband looks like that. Needs a new haircut though. Oh yeah the teaching- he actually made me like bacteria.
great teachers, tell exactly what's on the test, notes are very clear, simple.
Cool Guy, straigt forward lectures
* this is actually for EEMB 92; I loved this course and prof. Hofmann is a gem! The class was more of a workshop on careers in enviro. sci, and was designed to help us consider different career paths. The guest speakers she brought in were so interesting, and she is supportive and passionate about her work- I would love to take more of her classes!
Love Professor Hofmann. 155CC was composed of 4 quizzes instead of a traditional midterm and final. Attendance in section was mandatory. The class was overall very chill and I highly recommend it.
EEMB 165 was a very cool class. you should take it. Hofmann is the nicest, coolest professor I've had in my three years at UCSB.
Prof Carlson is fantastic. He taught marine microbio with Prof. Santoro and they were a great duo. Carlson is great at explaining everything & teaches at an excellent pace. Both professors really care, the final lecture was dedicated to reviewing lecture material. If you put in the effort you will definitely do well! Take this class!
Shay is the sweetest. She was always available to talk and help (even gives put her phone number and offers to FaceTime students). She gives good and thorough feedback on papers. She really cares about her students and even let us out early once because everyone was dead from midterms. Also a fair grader. Not hard to please, just put in effort.
Nice teacher, hard grader.
My favorite class at UCSB so far, I'm still a first year though. Shay is so sweet and helpful, loved her class!
She was great for Writing 2 during summer session B, super easy class and less projects because there was less time than a normal quarter. She is the sweetest person ever and super great. She dresses cute and makes class fun.
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Wow, Prof. Carlson is really HOT! And what a nice guy...Really helpful, interesting lectures, good sense of humor. Definitely take a class with him!