Gretchen Hofmann

20 reviews
Inspirational Hilarious Caring Respected Amazing lectures Lecture heavy Test heavy Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback
Past quarters
601 / 860 Enrolled
Introductory Biology III
Gretchen Hofmann 4.8 Craig Carlson 4.1 Shay Hopkins 4.6
08:00 AM - 08:50 AM
26.5% A
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EEMB 90A Hofmann G E Winter 2024 Total: 17
EEMB 165 Hofmann G E Winter 2023 Total: 17
EEMB 92 Hofmann G E Winter 2023 Total: 22
EEMB 92 Hofmann G E Winter 2022 Total: 20
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EEMB3 . Hofmann G E 9 Months Ago

Professor Hofmann was awesome!! She is obviously passionate about her work and her section of EEMB 3 was super engaging and interesting. It is also the most difficult section of the class, and while it is a lot of memorization, she teaches it in a way that is very easy to understand. She is also very accessible and approachable.

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EEMB3 . Hofmann G E 9 Months Ago

Professor Hofmann is by far the best professor of the intro bio series (and I'd assume upper divs too if she teaches those). She makes lectures very engaging with her silly personality and real-world examples, and does an excellent job of communicating information in a way that is very easy to understand. Definitely take her!

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155CC . Hofmann G E 3 Years Ago

* this is actually for EEMB 92; I loved this course and prof. Hofmann is a gem! The class was more of a workshop on careers in enviro. sci, and was designed to help us consider different career paths. The guest speakers she brought in were so interesting, and she is supportive and passionate about her work- I would love to take more of her classes!

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155CC . Hofmann G E 3 Years Ago

Love Professor Hofmann. 155CC was composed of 4 quizzes instead of a traditional midterm and final. Attendance in section was mandatory. The class was overall very chill and I highly recommend it.

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EEMB165 . Hofmann G E 4 Years Ago

EEMB 165 was a very cool class. you should take it. Hofmann is the nicest, coolest professor I've had in my three years at UCSB.

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EEMB3 . Hofmann G E 5 Years Ago

Great professor. She ties in what we learn about what's happening in the world ecosystems and it's really interesting. Most people seemed to respond well to her lectures, but there's still quite a bit of info to get through. The lab was kinda cool, but there were dissections in it. Lots to know and it's best to stay on top of it for lecture & lab.

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EEMB3 . Hofmann G E 5 Years Ago

Awesome Professor. The lecture slides are very helpful, lecture is enjoyable, and she is very clear on the format of the test. She even gives some example questions that pretty accurate in depicting the test. Lectures are recorded, slides are online, and she provides a study guide at the end. Best Professor of the EEMB3 series.

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EEMB3 . Hofmann G E 5 Years Ago

Dr. Hofmann was a funny and obviously passionate lecturer, though her lectures often felt like she was reading off her slides -- no iClickers, recorded lectures, and 50% of the final was her questions. She shared her experience working in Sacramento pushing public policy reform issues, presence at World Oceans Day, and advice to students in EEMB.

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EEMB3 . Hofmann G E 5 Years Ago

Taught animal section for EEMB3. Super funny. Perfect combo of enthusiastic about animals but also includes the necessary information on her slides, unlike the plant prof. Gave students life advice during the last lecture. All lectures had a part that taught us applications to modern biology/modern science.

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EEMB143 . Hofmann G E 11 Years Ago

If you are an EEMB student and have never had a class with Dr. Hofmann, you are missing out. One of the greatest professors I have ever had. Super funny, helpful, and knowledgeable.

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EEMB3 . Hofmann G E 11 Years Ago

Best bio professor I've had at UCSB! She makes lectures so fun and interesting and she is just hilarious. Even though class was at 8am, she made me look forward to going every time. Definitely take her courses!

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EEMB143 . Hofmann G E 12 Years Ago

Hofmann is very clear during lectures and as long as you attend you will do well. She is very understanding if you talk to her and are making an effort to learn. You can tell she loves what she does and is trying to make a difference in the world.

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