Anderson R W
Bob Anderson
214 reviews

ECON3A . Anderson R W 12 Years Ago

Great Professor and an overall good guy. Appreciated his willingness to help students and is clear. Also a pretty funny guy. Made me more interested in pursuing an Accounting career.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 12 Years Ago

I rather enjoyed the class. He makes the topic pretty interesting and is clear in his lectures. The old exams for the two midterms are extremely helpful, so make sure you study those. Final is pretty tough though.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 12 Years Ago

Nice and fun professor. Study the past exams, but there will be some new multiple choice questions that are not so obvious. TAs are undergrads and often not that helpful. The class really is not that hard, but beware of the department curve. I hate that. I'm an English major but still managed an A-. I recommend reading the textbook.

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ECON136A . Anderson R W 12 Years Ago

Just like 3A, study the practice midterms and you will def get at least a B. Tip: Study his slides too; he'll put something random from there on the midterm. Also, the final had 40+ journal entries. Be sure to study those in depth. They go back to things covered in 3a so refresh the OLD material. This class wasn't too hard. Study and you'll do fine

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

I think I'm the only one who doesn't like him. I didn't even bother going to lectures.I didn't try because I'm not interested in Accounting but still got a B+ for the class because lecture slides, CLAS & past exams are really helpful.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Bob is one of my favourite professors at UCSB so far. He's incredibly interesting and makes accounting practical and entertaining. One great thing he does (that all other professors should do) is poll the class on whether they understood a new concept or if he should rephrase it. Past exams are VERY useful. Use them. Midterms/Final extremely fair.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Very good teacher. Funny and entertaning. Online quizzes and assignments are doable you just need the book. Midterm and Final were fair, but you have to study. Very cool guy, makes things interesting.

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ECON132A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Cllear warning. Do not take his auditing class. The competition is strong, and this teacher makes it cut-throat. He's always talking/lieing about his boring life/family. His grading is brutal, and he is convinced somehow it is fair. The teacher thinks he is something,yet doesn't even have a master's degree. STAY AWAY Take loster or don't take class

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A132 . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Purposely didn't teach 50% of material tested just to get a nice distribution of grades. Students in UCSB don't understand what a good accounting professor is because they have never seen a good one. There isn't a good one in UCSB. This teadcher is a student's enemy. Very stubborn and will not help even if you are one inch of graduation.

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ECON136A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

One of the best professors at UCSB. He really cares about his students and will do anything to make sure u understand the material, all u gotta do is ask! Practice on his previous exams and u will do fine. Textbook is pointless to read so dont bother. If u want an A in this class just show up to his lectures, take notes and practice!!!

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ECON136A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Good professor, friendly and interesting to listen too. Provides great examples and makes sure that the most important information you need to know is given to you. Do practice exams and you will be fine.

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ECON132 . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

You can get your accounting units from many classes. But DON'T take Bob's Audit class. Even if you liked him in 3A and 136A... Just trust me on this one, it's a terrible class.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 13 Years Ago

Bob Anderson is the best!! Listen to him during lectures and do the practice exams and you will get a good grade. One of my favorite professors!

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

Bob is a great teacher. He makes a typically "boring" subject interesting. If you read the book and review his lectures, plus do the practice tests, which are nearly identical to the test, you'll do fine. The grade curve that the econ department sets is a bit of a burn but I really loved his class and wish he taught 3B too.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

He is funny and entertaining in class. The thing that helped me the best was doing the practice midterms. Know everything from past midterms he posts and you will do find on the actual one. The one time I went to office hours he was not that nice or helpful, but the TAs are more than willing to help. CLAS also helped a lot with this class.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

Great teacher that explains everything clearly. Not the easiest class but if you do the work and pay attention you're fine

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ECON132 . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

Even if you liked him in 3A and 136A, don't bother with his auditing class. You'll regret it, trust me. Get your accounting units elsewhere.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

he is a really bad teacher. the tests all seem easy, only to get a c. his lectures are absolutely useless

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

I like Bob as a person but I hated him as a teacher. He was tangental, didn't provide students with notes that were that beneficial. I would study for his midterms and feel confident only to get Cs on all of my tests. I took the class Pass Fail so it worked out fine but his teaching style just wasn't for me.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

Bob's lectures are somewhat interesting. Most of the material from the midterms and test are from the hw online. Just study the book and study the examples Bob gives you and you will do fine in this class.

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ECON3B . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

He's an awesome professor - good at relating things to the real world. He is engaging and funny. BUT!!!! DO NOT go to office hours. He was just really mean and not helpful at all!!!!!! He will just embarrass you, and you will feel stupid. In class: GREAT! - in person: NOT

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ECON136A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

Bob sucks at lecturing he goes off on tangents and you never know what will be on the test from his lectures. He has a million practice tests on the his website, though. Just use those to study with and you'll have no problems.

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ECON132 . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

Bob is a great guy and a really good teacher. He tends to relate the boring world of accounting to real world examples and makes it interesting. Make sure to take his auditing class.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 14 Years Ago

he seems like a good guy when he's lecturing--funny, down to earth, nice--but when you meet him in person or when he emails you back, he seems like a complete ****. office hours dont really help since he looks at you like you're stupid.

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