great teacher loved the class
I loved this class sm. Very easy weekly readings with a short writing. All exams are online. Lectures were fun and engaging and I laughed at least once per class. Katie is very chill and an amazing prof.
One of my favorite classes I've taken at UCSB. Her lectures are very video clip heavy, which helped in understanding the concepts being discussed. It also made class enjoyable as a lot of the clips were from some popular movies and tv shows. Her exams were online and open-note, which helped with taking some of the pressure off the class.
COMM188 was one of the most memorable classes I've taken at UCSB. Professor Lane and TA were very accessible if you ever needed help. Take the class, you will not regret it!
The best Communication professor at UCSB by a landslide. Will take his classes over and over again.
Wow. All I can say is that Prof. Elder was my favorite professor. She got her point across and made the content very easy to learn and understand. Please please if you have the opportunity to take a class with her DO IT!!! She is just the best and I wish I could take every class with her as my Professor.
I had this professor for both COMM 1 and COMM 87 and I LOVED her classes. She is super engaging and makes little jokes in her lectures and connects them to little things about herself like her true crime obsession and her cats. She is very transparent about what is going to be on exams and fully prepares you for them. Honestly my fav professor.
one of the best professors at ucsb. super engaging lectures and made me look forward to attending class despite it being at 9:30 am. she connects a lot of the content to current media which makes it easier to remember. not a homework-heavy class at all and consisted of one writing assignment a week. midterm and final were both online at home.
She's amazing. Her personality and teaching style made learning stats enjoyable (like fr), and I would definitely take any other classes she's teaching.
His class was so much fun and genuinely interesting! His lectures were never boring because he's super engaging and makes us do fun topic exercises. He makes us do a lot of group discussion with our table which keeps the energy up. His midterm was a bit difficult but there are a lot more opportunities to get a good grade (extra credit offered)!
She was very straightforward with the requirements, understanding of people's issues, and lectures were fun because of her personality and embedded videos.
love that guy
Dr. Lane is very well-spoken and has put a lot of time and effort into this course. I took it as a summer course and while it was accelerated, I learned so much valuable information in this class. With interesting topics and straightforward video lectures, this class and professor are A+ quality.
The format of this course is a little weird (feels like you are doing busywork for Weeks 1-8, then things get really intense at the end), but it ends up being pretty balanced and informative. Lane manages the group project really well and make sure to hold group members accountable. Expect weekly homework assignments + four question quizzes.
Professor Lane's class was extremely interesting and he cares a lot about his students! This is a group project class though so be prepared for that, but he gives you ample of class time to work on everything. Would highly recommend.
Greatest Comm professor I've had so far. TAs were great and easily accessible. Reverse classroom structure, attendance mandatory but allowed to miss a lot with no penalty. Easy quizzes and accessible for help with final paper. Would take again!
Amazing professor!! Great and engaging lectures, posts all important lectures in online videos, and has extreme passion for students. Best COMM 89 prof!!
prof lane is one of the best at ucsb. you can tell he's genuinely passionate about the concepts he teaches and he makes a genuine effort to connect with and cater to his students. his lectures are hilarious and interactive, and he makes what would otherwise be rather heavy and difficult concepts digestable. beware of pop quizzes in-lecture though!
Seriously loved this class because of Prof. Lane. His lectures are really clear and interesting, he uses a lot of pop-culture references and makes it really engaging. Besides one big final paper, this class was not a lot of work and as long as you keep up with lectures and at least try you'll most likely do well.
Dr. Lane is one of the best profs I've had so far at UCSB. Super kind person, interesting & engaging lectures, and makes the material fun to learn. He relates the material to our generation which I liked. Manageable weekly assignments & readings and only have in-person lecture 1x/wk (he posts other lectures as well). Plan on taking him again! 10/10
Really good guy. The lectures were informative and learned a lot about COMM theories. I enjoyed his style and thought his voice was quite soothing. Not a huge fan of TAs but had a good one which is crucial when taking a class like this. Take Lane for COMM89!
I took it Winter 2022 - there was a group paper, but for the most part, the course was pretty relaxed. Professor Lane's lectures are engaging and interesting. The course content can create for some tough conversations, but Professor Lane handles it really well! The lectures also go by fast because there's always a fun activity to do.
Honestly one of the best professors I've encountered in UCSB. You can tell he genuinely wants his students to understand the material.
i love this man. and his class is an easy dub.