Robert Geller
247 reviews

6C . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Geller. Hmm. What should I say besides that he's an amazing human being? I got a 64% on my first midterm. Worked hard, got 100% on the final and barely met the range for a B+. He BOOSTED me to an A! Geller believes in hard work, and he rewards his students accordingly. Take over any other physics professor!

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PHYS6A . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Geller really is a great great great professor even though I did not get an A. I realized that when I'm taking Lubin's 6B. Geller gives you the definition, a lot of exercises and examples during lecture. They really helps.

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PHYS6C . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Geller's a downright awful lecturer, but at least he shows enthusiasm for it. He focuses too much on applications and not enough on the theoretical aspects of physics. That being said, do the book problems and use lecture as a test to make sure you're on track, not very useful otherwise. Could've had potential, but interesting topics nonetheless

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ASTRO1 . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Geller is eager to answer questions during lecture, and although there is assigned reading, the lectures cover most of the material so the textbook is only necessary for some terms or concept that you don't understand, and the homework. The class was pretty interesting

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PHYS6C . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Just as Professor Geller said from day one, this class had a good ratio of easy and interesting. Super cool class, great professor! Highly recommend.

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ASTRONOMY1 . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Robert Geller is a solid teacher. His lectures are not too boring and he encourages questions. If you pay attention and take notes you can do well. I felt like I really learned the material in the class.

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6C . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Geller's like your cool traditional Isla Vista teacher from the 90's. He teaches you the basic 6C concepts using compelling demos that will stimulate the Gaucho mind (e.g. the hallucinogenic appearance of soap) albeit still using overhead projectors. He's funny, his teaching emanates passion in his teaching, but watch out, his tests can get you!

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6C . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

He is an interested and goo-natured professor. He is supportive of all students and he will reassure students that are struggling. I really appreciated that because I am not the best at physics. He had iClicker a few times and his tests were very similar to the Sapling assignments.

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PHYS6A . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Just an average physics class. If you took physics in high school, you'll be okay with just doing the homework and practice problems. I didn't buy the textbook and I got by just fine. Geller has really interesting in-class demonstrations. He's a funny guy, but his teaching lacks clarity. He makes lots of mistakes in lecture too. (iClicker needed)

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PHYS6C . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Professor Geller is great! He conducts his lectures at a steady pace, and he loves answering student questions. Attending lectures was necessary for comprehension, and CLAS helped a lot too, but overall class was fair. No surprises on tests.

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PHYS . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Professor a fraud and un trustworthy beware

1 helpful 26 unhelpful
PHYSICS6C . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

Geller has my respect above most professors. He is very understanding. He cares about his students truly wants them to do well. However, that does not mean his class is easy it is sometimes not that interesting either I am not a fan of physics, nor am I very good at it.. But he made it so worth it and this was by far my favorite physics class.

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ASTRO1 . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

Though the material is not that hard, Prof. Geller makes the class annoyingly more difficult. He grades homework based on accuracy, which is somewhat annoying. The lectures are pretty helpful, and he doesn't assign insane amounts of homework, but the fact that he grades homework and uses iClicker means attendance is pretty much mandatory.

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PHY6C . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

Super helpful and understanding professor. He makes the lectures interesting. Homework and exams are fair. You can tell he cares about his students a lot.

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PHYS6ABC . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

Awesome professor and you only spend about 2 hours a week on the class.

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PHYS6C . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

Geller is one of the best professors I've had at ucsb. I hate physics but he makes it as clear as possible and his exams are fair.

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ASTRO1 . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

DONT LET THE NAME FOOL YOU. Its a really hard class and the Geller is just a horrible teacher. He speeds throughout the lecture and expects us to already understand the concepts without him really explaining them. He shows no interest in having his students succeed and his midterm was ridiculous. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS! NOT FUN!!!

2 helpful 3 unhelpful
ASTRO1 . Geller R M 11 Years Ago

Professor Geller is a great professor. He is so willing to answer questions that he would often stop lecture just so we could ask questions. For the midterm and final, really understand the CONCEPTS he teaches in class, and keep an ongoing list of equations, you get to use a cheat sheet for both tests. By far my favorite professor

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PHYS6A . Geller R M 11 Years Ago

Cool professor that really tries to do his best to engage his students in the material. If you pay attention and do the homework you'll do fine

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PHYBPHYS . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

while he may be a good physics lecturer he makes his tests extremely difficult. you can do all the homework and problems in the book but he throws a curve ball at you on the tests presenting you with problems that are 10 times more difficult than the ones in the book/hw.

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ASTRO1 . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

Geller's lectures are very interesting and he is extremely good at clarifying difficult concepts. The course will be extremely easy if you are math oriented, but not impossible if you aren't. Weekly homework from the textbook, i-Clicker during lecture. 90% of test material is from lecture. I got an A without doing much textbook reading.

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ASTRO1 . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

Geller's great! His lectures are clear, and he keeps astronomy pretty interesting/fun. The class isn't that difficult if you start the homework early and if you have some interest in science/space. Make sure you understand basic concepts before tests. I never went to section and still got an A-. Still wish he curved though!

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ASTRO1 . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

Seemed like a nice guy and performed some interesting demos in class, but other than that his class was extremely boring. Class was also very hard. there were weekly hw assignments that took a long time to do. i assumed all this work would prepare me for the midterm and final but those were still extremely hard. DONT TAKE THIS CLASS!!!

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ASTRO1 . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

BEWARE: Geller is a nice guy and is very helpful. However, if you're thinking about taking Astro for a GE, don't. The class is VERY challenging. Attendance is mandatory (for clarity on complex concepts and iclicker). He gives weekly HW assignments and CLAS is absolutely neccesary. Class average for midterm was a D-/C- and he didnt curve.

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