Robert Geller
247 reviews

PHYS6BPHYS6C . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Professor Geller is awesome. The man is a genius and is a fantastic instructor. He is very reasonable when it comes to expectations of students, but he also loves to push them.

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PHYS6BAND6C . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

I thoroughly enjoyed Geller as a professor. I think he was one of my favorite professors at UCSB. There were some very challenging concepts, but Geller had a way of making them seem simple enough for me to understand for the test. He was very generous to us this quarter regarding the events that occurred. Also, homework and iClicker help a lot.

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PHYS6BC . Geller R M 10 Years Ago

Professor Geller is great! He's a very kind person and makes lectures interesting by focusing on more interesting topics and frequently using demonstrations. Super fortunate to have him for Physics.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

Geller is a good professor but you will have to study for his tests. He provides plenty of demos to reinforce the general concepts of physics and as long as you can understand these principles, you should do well. The tests are difficult, but are manageable if you study both the book examples and the homework assignments, you should be fine.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

There is no way to prepare for his midterm and final. The only reason why you need to go to lecture is for the iClicker because the rest of it is full of pointless demos. Do the mastering physics and understand it, and hopefully make some good guesses on the test and you will be okay. Just don't expect an A.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

Geller is a nice person not a good teacher.I felt like I exhausted all my options with this class & still did not pass.I attended clas,did the homework & studied for the exams.The midterm and the final were very difficult,no way he prepares us for the exams.He does some cool demos but I mean I don't think I could've done anything else to do better.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

He wastes his time on demos that don't even work. Class is useless, the textbook is useless because he gets the questions from the test out of NO WHERE. He expects you to just know everything, when he is inept at teaching crap. Don't take him unless you absolutely must. or if campagnari is your only other choice.LOL

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 12 Years Ago

Really interesting lectures but his tests are SUPER DIFFICULT. Homework is much more challenging than the lecture material and the tests are completely impossible. His advice is to do the book problems before the test so I would do everything and I still ended up with a bad grade. The class isn't really curved, there's just a grade bump to help..

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PHYS6BC . Geller R M 13 Years Ago

Geller is the man. He does a great job teaching the physics series for bio majors - there is a good balance between conceptual and quantitative analysis. Finals are generally harder than midterms, but still very fair - if you know the material you will do well.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 14 Years Ago

Geller is awesome! You should definitely go to class if you want to do well in the class and you should make sure you understand the homework problems for the tests. I didn't do too well on the midterm but did well on the final to get an A. The curve is really helpful!

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 14 Years Ago

Even if you understand the homework, tests can still be difficult. He throws random problems that you've never seen before and assumes you can just figure them out based on what you've learned. Class is useless because the things he teaches really don't appear on the exams. I had better physics teachers in high school.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 15 Years Ago

amazing teacher. learns from other people's questions and incorporates them into his next years lecture. Patient.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 16 Years Ago

Physics 6B is a much harder class that 6A. Material is simply more difficult to grasp and apply. Geller is a good teacher and makes the class much easier than it could be. He cuts out a lot of material that he knows most of us bio majors won't ever use. Definitely take this class. Not stressful at all

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 17 Years Ago

Geller is a really cool guy..i went to all his lectures because they ARE really entertaining and you will definitely stay awake.he COULD improve on his teaching but its cool to see a professor that is passionate about teaching.He's not there to hold your hand so dont be a wuss,and just read.oh,and homework SUCKS but its the same for all professors.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 17 Years Ago

geller makes it easy to pay attention in lecture since he loves teaching. he does a lot of demos. however his tests are a lot harder than the homework and the example problems that he does in class.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 17 Years Ago

whoa he does a lot of demos! so what?!! they are useless. he is useless. he does not teach a thing. he is the worst professor i have had. it's ridiculous when he tries to explain things bc he can't if his life depended on it. his book sucks too. why? bc he wrote it!!

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 17 Years Ago

After his ridicluous midterm, I realized that I do not like Geller. Yeah, the class is entertaining, but he doesn't teach anything and you either have to learn it all from CLAS or from the book. His tests don't test you on anything he actually taught, so be careful

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 17 Years Ago

He hasn't been writing as much on the board and is doing more demos since he received his teacher evaluations. Class is like watching an unrehearsed version of Bill Nye the Science Guy where some of the demos don't work.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 17 Years Ago

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 18 Years Ago

great professor, fair exams, kept his physics class as interesting as one could hope to find an introductory level physics course

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6A6B . Geller R M 18 Years Ago

the f-ing ****. demos are great but you will not get an A probibly a B+/A-

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 19 Years Ago

Geller is an awesome teacher. The tests were really straight forward. Some multiple choice and a few write out probs. Usually 1 prob. to weed ppl out. makes lectures interesting & aplicable. the only complaint is that he does very few actual examples probs. in class, & more conceptual stuff. Would recommend.

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6A . Geller R M 4 Days Ago

Geller's 6A class is quite challenging, but with diligence and the right resources, you can succeed. The homework can be time-consuming, but using tools like unstuckstudy ai alongside the free textbook can really help. Attend lectures and stay engaged - the tests are difficult but manageable if you put in the work.

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6A . Geller R M 3 Months Ago

Exams are harder than they should be.

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