Robert Geller
247 reviews

PHYS6B . Geller R M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Not too hard but you should go to lectures. Homework is a bit difficult but often harder than the tests.

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PHY6B . Geller R M 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Pros: I left his class knowing more about physics than I did with freund. HW is worth 40%, only one midterm and a final. Lots of in class demos Cons: Likely more effort than freund, and things you are expected to know for exams are less straightforward. More HW than freund, exams are a little harder, and less practice problems done in class.

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6A6B . Geller R M 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

This guy loves achieve, sometimes assignments almost every day of the week. Basically taught myself through the pre-lecture assignments.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 2 Years Ago

He was fair most of the time! Midterm was very easy and always tries to cut down on material in order to save time and make the students' lives easier. His final was very hard unfortunately but just study a lot and you'll get well above average. Do the practice problems he posts and go to office hours. I wouldn't take him again but he was alright.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 2 Years Ago

Unfair tester, totally screwed over the class with the final in 6B and 6C apparently. Just take Ernest Freund, he actually knows how to give a fair exam!

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 2 Years Ago

Great person, terrible professor. Just demos in his lecture, he even said that his "lectures are complimentary to the book". No amount of studying could prepare for the final, there were at least 8 questions on it that we've never seen before. It was purely to bring down the class average. Said there was going to be 30 questions but there were 38.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 2 Years Ago

Professor Geller is a really passionate professor and has a love for physics, but the final exam was really frustrating. He had a full practice exam with none of the same topics as the real exam and didn't provide practice problems for the topics on the test. I studied a lot for the final but ended up putting an emphasis on the wrong things.

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PHY6B . Geller R M 2 Years Ago

Prof Geller is a good professor. A bit disorganized but cares about students. Tests were not organized well and it wasn't super clear what was going to be on the test. CLAS definitely helped

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6A6B . Geller R M 2 Years Ago

Honestly, Geller has been one of my favorite teachers so far. Overall he is a super cool teacher and I don't find his physics series to be extremely difficult. As long as you stay on top of the achieve homework you will do well. Plus, his lectures have been pretty enjoyable, despite being at 8am.

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6B6C . Geller R M 4 Years Ago

Let me just say how extremely happy I took Geller after Freund. I had no choice since Freund didn't teach 6B in the Winter. &thank god he didn't, I love Geller! I admired Freund and heard how Geller can be "HARD". Not true! He is passionate and easy to listen too so you don't zone out too often in class. An amazing professor!

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

I dont know why he has a bad rep, he was such an amazing professor and really tried to apply physics to the science field. Geller is better than Freund in my opinion, barely scraped by in Freunds when I studied nonstop. For Geller I could study at least 3 days ahead of time and got an A-. I love how Geller teaches, really made physics interesting!

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

Lectures are mandatory because iClicker, but lectures are very pointless. If he is not ranting about something he is doing a demo. Little to no notes are taken during lecture. Exams are free game and formula sheet given is not helpful whatsoever. It is best to find your own resources and learn from the homework and CLAS

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

Geller does not teach his students at all. All he does is demos in class, and maybe covers 1 or 2 equations. He should stick to research and let someone who has a passion for teaching do the teaching. There's no clear level of expectations that he has. Be prepared to teach yourself everything, because he won't be the one to teach you.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

Geller's lectures were really fun to attend because of the fact that he does a lot of demos and talks about real life applications of the physics. We do a lot of problem solving on Sapling so it's helpful to see why. He uses iClickers but that helps boost your grade. A lot of people don't like his lectures but they're also the ones who don't go.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

Lecture is focused on concepts and demonstrations instead of problem solving which isnt for everyone. I personally think its better that way bc the math isnt hard but if you dont understand the concepts you wont know where to start. Read the textbook and do Vinces CLAS problems and its not too hard of a class.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

Geller's lectures are pretty interesting but they wont help you pass the tests. Reading the book is a necessity in order to pass. CLAS is also super helpful, as Geller does not do practice problems in class and the tutors help fill in a lot of information he skips over. No curve but his test averages were quite high (78 on mideterm and 72 on final)

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

To be honest, Geller's lecture is boring, he doesn't talk a lot about problem-solving strategies but a lot of experiments and other stuff. So then you have to really read the textbook and do all the questions from CLAS. he doesn't even have practice exams which would make you feel very nervous before exams. His exams are way easier than homework.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

Average was super high. Was hoping to get a B because the class has a historically nice curve but ended up with C+ because there was no curve in the course.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 5 Years Ago

Geller is a true gem. He really cares about his students and his passion shines through. Straightforward exams if you like physics.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 6 Years Ago

Final harder than the midterm. Lectures are mostly applications, but the few problems he does are helpful for the exams. CLAS is useful. Practice doing hard problems to be ready.

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PHY6B . Geller R M 6 Years Ago

He goes over more conceptual and application stuff in class, so some people didn't like that he doesn't really go over solving equations in class. The midterms and finals are based on the homework, so definitely study homework problem and you'll be fine. Also recommend going to CLAS.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 7 Years Ago

Geller is a great lecturer and person, but he also doesn't cover everything that you need to know in lecture. Reading the book, doing the homework, and going to CLAS will supplement his lectures in order to be prepared for tests. He only has two homework assignments a week. I really liked his class, but the set curve makes it difficult to get an A.

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 8 Years Ago

Took Geller for Phys6ABC because he's an amazing professor. Grading criteria is straightforward and almost everyone gets at least a B (75-89%) in the class. The tests will determine your grade in the class and there's only 2 or 3 so be well prepared. Vince Zacone's CLAS online material is your best friend. Geller is an awesome person, you willlearn

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PHYS6B . Geller R M 9 Years Ago

Prof Geller is a great teacher. He lectures on exactly whats going to be on the test. His tests are basically the Sapling assignments so be sure to go through them before each test. I got an A just by going to lecture and review notes and Sapling the day before the test.

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