RG ST 204
Mayfair Yang
25 reviews

EACS4B . Yang M 4 Months Ago

Tests were part online, part IDs on terms from the lectures and readings. Would take another class with Dr. Yang

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EACS4B . Yang M 2 Years Ago

Prof. Yang is really friendly and she cares for the students. Lectures are long and sometimes a bit boring but her slides are clear and easy to follow. She is willing to answer questions from students from an unbiased angle. Grading depends more on your TA, but the exams are pretty fair.

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EACS4B . Yang M 2 Years Ago

She's very knowledgeable in her area, so talking to her during her office hour can help students interested in cultural study (and ANTH, perhaps). The lecture is a bit boring but all information you need is on the PPT, which makes exams fairly easy. I will see her courses are very beneficial for people loving Asian culture.And her dress style slays

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CHIN32 . Yang M 6 Years Ago

Very easy class. did not do any reading cause the TA was very nice to conclude everyting from reading. Extra credit was watching a opera. She is a nice person but sometimes very stereotypical of how China is right now.

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CHIN32 . Yang M 6 Years Ago

This class is CHIN 32 or RGST 32. Same thing, just can enroll under either. She is a nice lady, her tests are mainly essays, but she gives study guides and adheres to them. Although attendance isn't done by iClickers, she sometimes gives pop quizzes but they're easy. Not hard to get a good grade if you study.

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CHIN183B . Yang M 7 Years Ago

People can have different opinions, and she listens very carefully about our questions and opinions. She has really been helpful and was in her office hour every time.

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RGST200D . Yang M 8 Years Ago

Encourages good discussions.

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EACS40 . Yang M 10 Years Ago

SO MUCH READING. But other than that it was a pretty easy class. The Mayfair is a pretty chill, funny lil lady. Showing up to class is mandatory but she posts lectures online anyway. Downside- midterm and final were mostly essay questions so my hand was hecka cramping by the end

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EACS40 . Yang M 10 Years Ago

So much reading is involved in this class. She is a bit technologically challenged which can get a bit old. You have to be on top of your stuff for the midterm and final! If you work hard you can pass without a doubt.

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EACS40 . Yang M 10 Years Ago

Lectures were boring, but available online. Reading is basically required in order to do well on midterm & final. LOTS OF READING. Wish we had gotten more preparation for final. Grade based on midterm, final, group project, & attendance. Class is hard because of so much reading and difficult midterm/final, but work hard and you'll probably pass.

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EACS40 . Yang M 11 Years Ago

Pretty chill class and attendance wasn't checked until the last few weeks or month of the quarter. Very boring lectures. Her slides were very useful study guides for the midterm and final.

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RGST183B . Yang M 11 Years Ago

She's a cute little lady willing to help if you ask. The lectures are boring and a bit unclear but read her lecture notes and you'll be fine and be sure to at least skim through the readings. Expect a history class not an anthropology class. She offers extra credit opportunities and a very generous curve. Try and you will pass with flying colours.

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EACS150 . Yang M 12 Years Ago

I incorrectly wrote EACS 125 in my last review - this is EACS 150. Anyways, after the midterm, I realized although she's boring as hell, her tests aren't bad. You MUST do all the readings and read her lecture notes if you want to do well though. I've gained more respect for her after learning of the work she's been involved in.

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EACS125 . Yang M 12 Years Ago

We're not even halfway into the course, and she's killing me. She goes on and on and on and has no main point to what she's saying. She's not funny either, and has zero fashion sense.

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CHIN183B . Yang M 14 Years Ago

SHE WAS AWFUL!!! never take this professor unless you absolutely have to-even then I would say DON'T. She drones on and on about what she wants- she is useless in office hours and only wants to hear what she WANTS to hear which is super hard to understand from lectures and readings anyways. I literally have never been so bored and frusterated.

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RGSTCHIN166C . Yang M 18 Years Ago

OMG!! I have never been in a class in which I ABSOLUTELY could not put up with such a monotone professor. She is highly into simply hearing herself talk aloud. Everytime I try to ask a question, she always answers it indirectly. Lectures are extremely boring; but the readings wern't bad.DO NOT take this professor if you don't need to; for your SAKE

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ANTH125 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

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ANTH125 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

She does not like to give A's. However, she is more than happy to give B+'s. Dr. Yang knows her stuff. But if you challange her, she is not not helpful or a nice person. I'd say don't take her classes unless you have to.

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ANTH125 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

The others are right. She loves to hear herself talk, and she can't figure out how to use a microphone. Focus on reading, group project, and online lecture notes. Go to class if you can stand it though because it helps with the exams. Get in good with the TA, makes a big difference.

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RGST104 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

UGH. What a total waste of a class. HORRIBLY boring, loves to hear herself talk. She gave us NO feedback about how we were doing during the quarter. Reading were okay, but the course had no clear flow. Really really awful, avoid this professor!!

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RGST104 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

Classes drone on... She knows her stuff in the realm of China, but if you step outside that, she can lose track of everything, and when the class is jazzed on a topic, she pulls it back "on topic" and kills the newfound enthusiasm. Readings are interesting, for the most part, but teaching is iffy.

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RGST104 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

Not a good teacher at all - should be in the anthro department. Very impressed with her own intelligence - not up for people who disagree. Also, not kind to students who have a harder time understanding. Biggest talent: the ability to make everything boring. Skip her at all costs, unless you like pa

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RGST125 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

a history teacher stuck teaching rg st class. the course should have been cross listed as a history of china class. lectures-and videos-are boring. grades fairly difficult. class lectures seemed relatively unorganized. side note:(knowing chinese does not improve your grade).

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ANTH125 . Yang M 19 Years Ago

Be prepared to sit through monotonous, slow paced lectures and wasted time spent trying to figure out simple technology. Needs more preparation for classes. Easy workload, however. My suggestion: skip class, focus on reading & group project.

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