C LIT 101
Catherine Nesci
27 reviews

FR50BX . Nesci C 20 Years Ago

She wants everyone to get something out of her class. I appreciate that. But she's anal about attendance. To pass around a sign-in sheet in a 100+ person lecture is just ridiculous. She should accept that its our perrogative to get what we want out it.

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FR50BX . Nesci C 20 Years Ago

a total control freak, she's very anal about the most mundane things. she takes it as a personal attack if you don't attend class or leave early.. be warned. her analysis of texts is good, though

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FR50BX . Nesci C 20 Years Ago

Control freak who cares and knows far too much about romance in literature. If you really love French literature she's you woman, but if not steer clear.

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