C LIT 101
Catherine Nesci
27 reviews

CLIT101 . Nesci C 3 Years Ago

Seriously the sweetest professor I had this quarter and she had a really pretty french accent HAHA. I especially loved all the movies she made us watch. It was her first time teaching C LIT 101 but was so knowledgeable about the course material that I couldn't even tell.

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CLIT50B . Nesci C 5 Months Ago

There are a lot of readings every week, plus prerecorded lectures in addition to the in person lectures. The weekly weren't too bad, I never watched any of the lectures or did the readings and I managed to get decent scores. The lectures are boring and she mainly just reads off her slides. Wouldn't recommend for an easy GE.

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CLIT50B . Nesci C 6 Months Ago

I took this class hoping it'd be an easy but interesting GED but it turned out to take a lot of my time than I had thought. She gives a few readings and a quiz every week. I never read the material but watching her lectures was very helpful and informational and enough to get you past the quizzes. Amazing professor but the content can be heavy.

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CLIT50B . Nesci C 2 Years Ago

I took this class P/NP because I didn't want to stress too much over the final, but I estimate I would have finished with a B. The professor is kind of hard to understand because of her accent, but she was good about putting captioning on the recordings to fix this issue and talking slower in lecture. Class is okay just lots of reading.

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FR50BX . Nesci C 2 Years Ago

If you're taking this class as an A-G, don't do it, I mean u could but, its hellaaaaaaaaa boring and you need to do like 3 papers, and also for the quizzes, when u see "select all that apply" select all options and you'll get full credit for the question, thank me later, aight later bro.

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CLIT198H . Nesci C 2 Years Ago

Absolutely delightful class and person. Professor Nesci was very generous with extensions and assignments so long as students' needs were clearly communicated. She was far more interested in our learning and well-being than any of the assignments. I forgot about several assignments for mental health reasons and got extensions, no questions asked.

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CLIT197 . Nesci C 2 Years Ago

Prof. Nesci is an interesting lecturer and is very kind to her students. The grading criteria and due dates are a little unclear, but she's very lenient so it doesn't really matter. Lots of reading and discussion but it makes sense for a senior thesis course. Recommend!

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FR50BX . Nesci C 4 Years Ago

Sweetest professor with the cutest accent. really cares about her students, class is interesting and easy. def lots of reading but its interesting and not bad

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FR50BX . Nesci C 4 Years Ago

Disorganized professor, but really easy class

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FR155C . Nesci C 8 Years Ago

Professor Nesci makes class fun as long as you participate. The topics that we covered for this class was definitely eye-catching, and going to office hours, she is willing to talk to students. She also cares about your well-being, and allows students to write creatively and is open to new ideas!

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FR26 . Nesci C 12 Years Ago

One of the very best profs at UCSB. Very passionate, very interesting, very helpful. Class is a bit stressful -- all in French and she calls on people randomly -- but totally worth it. A nontrivial amount of work, but an easy grader. Highly highly recommended.

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FR155C . Nesci C 13 Years Ago

She was very enthusiastic about what she was teaching, but because it was a summer class she shoved everything she could into 3 weeks. It was intense, but an interesting class with easy books to read. Go to every lecture and speak up. By doing that I got an A+.

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FR50BX . Nesci C 14 Years Ago

She is very passionate about what she teaches but the class wasn't very good. Boring, mandatory, and the grading was way too hard despite what others say. I wouldn't recommend.

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FR50BX . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

i thought this prof sucked...her lectures were boring (and mandatory) even though the material was really easy. She never really covered anything new and she made the same points over and over again; there was a definite possibility for making this subject interensting and she destroyed it.

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FRENCH50BX . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

I never went to class or section and i was taking the class pass/no pass and it was really easy and even without trying at all, I kept getting a-'s and b+'s so i assume if you try it is very esy to get an a if you read. Nice lady, cute accent :)

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FRENCH50BX . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

Very passionate and knowledgeable, makes an effort to get to know you - she always remembered my name! Mandatory attendance, but you'll be glad you came. Not a tough grader, but she knows what she's looking for. Great class and professor!

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FRENCH50BX . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

She's so sweet! She always makes an effort to get to know her students! I would HIGHLY recommend this class,she grades easily, just keep up on the reading if you want an A!

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FRENCHLIT . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

Mme. Nesci is a great lady. She's passionate and helfpul but a toughie. Be sure to read and discuss the material with her. She helped me go abroad to France for a year. She is truely fantastic. Go on EAP. She will probably help you and will encourage you and love you more when you return!

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FRENCH50BX . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

Great Professor. The class was very interesting, and she has a great sense of humor. Take something with her.

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FR50BX . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

crazy passionate teacher, her lectures are kinda disorganized and her points are random at times. interesting readings and easy tests/papers/projects

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FR50BX . Nesci C 19 Years Ago

Extremely easy! The papers were SO easy. I got A's on all of them and I think most of the class did as well. It's nice to get papers like that back when you have to deal with such difficult grading ususally. Pretty interesting too. Oh, and the final was a group oral presentation!!

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FR50BX . Nesci C 20 Years Ago

Possibly one of the best teachers and classes offered at UCSB. Nesci is an AMAZING teacher.

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FRLIT . Nesci C 20 Years Ago

Very passionate teacher, very creative but VERY disorganized and overwhelming! And everything seems to be about feminism!

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FR50BX . Nesci C 20 Years Ago

Very passionate woman but still the lectures came out really boring...I felt like it was all way too abstract and didn't actually teach us much of anything. Interesting reading materials, though...and I agree that shes a Nazi for attendance.

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