Giuliana Perrone
45 reviews

17B . Perrone G 18 Days Ago

Great class to take over the summer. Only graded on one paper (4-6 pages), weekly forum posts, section participation, and the final. Really engaging lectures for an online class.

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17B . Perrone G 24 Days Ago

I took the online summer session for this course and was amazed at how engaging the lectures were despite being recorded! I can imagine her in person classes are even better.

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HIST142AL . Perrone G 4 Months Ago

I will take any class she teaches. She is probably the best lecturer I have had, and her perspective as a legal historian is very interesting. However, every class she teaches is only essays, so you do have to learn how to write for her/her TAs' grading style. You should go to the lectures to write relevant and informed essays.

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HIST142AL . Perrone G 6 Months Ago

Great class, she was a super engaging professor. Lectures were very fun and interesting, she loves when you ask questions. Only graded on 4 papers the entire quarter, so if you like writing then it's an easy class. I sadly am not the best writer, so it was a bit of a struggle but I did find the topics super interesting.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 7 Months Ago

Such an easy class. No midterm or final. Your grade is made up of 3 papers and section participation. You do not have to attend lectures but some of them were interesting and provided good ideas for what to write about in your papers.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 7 Months Ago

She is such a great professor, I learned so much from her lectures. By week 9 the lecture hall was almost empty. The grade is 3 papers and section participation. The lecture was there to give inspiration for papers and section discussion so if you know enough about the topics, lecture is optional. A lot of weekly reading articles though.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 7 Months Ago

Such a great class! Lecture attendance optional, but section attendance is mandatory. Would recommend and wish I could take again :)

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HIST5 . Perrone G 8 Months Ago

Prof Perrone is extremely kind and reasonable. Your grade consists of 3 Op-Ed papers. They have no prompt which can be difficult, but there is an optional rewrite in place of a final. Lots of reading, but not required to do well in the course. Great class if you have background History knowledge and are good at writing.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 8 Months Ago

Professor Perrone is amazing! Such an engaging lecturer and even tho attendance isn't mandatory I suggest going anyways. Always opinionated and passionate about what she teaches. Grading is based on 3 op-eds of your choice + section grade. LOTS of readings every week, but they are pretty much optional (though sometimes discussed during section).

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HIST5 . Perrone G 9 Months Ago

Amazing lectures and really interesting content. Attendance optional but I would suggest going because the lectures are just that good. Graded off of 3 papers and optional rewrite to replace lowest score. Sections based off readings that week and had very engaging discussions. Definitely will take another class of Perrone's again.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 9 Months Ago

Professor Perrone was funny in class. She talks about current issues around the world and its history. Lectures are not mandatory, but the section is. The section is 25% of grade and 3 op-eds are also worth 25% each. The final is optional where you rewrite your lowest essay.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 9 Months Ago

If you get a good TA, this class with be easy and fun. My TA was annoying and was not helpful, but I was still able to get an A. The professor is great though, she is good at lecturing and lectures are easy to pay attention to. I always did the reading right before the section, so never put in that much work besides the essays. Would recommend fs.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 9 Months Ago

Great lectures, but hardly count towards your grade. Easy A if you can write 3 quality essays. Readings are almost nearly optional, but I usually skim to complete the reading questions (usually only about 250 words per week). Overall, easy class, interesting content, and no mandatory attendance.

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HIST17B . Perrone G 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Prof Perrone is an incredible lecturer. I looked forward to her class weekly. I enjoyed it so much that I am taking another one of her classes. If you are a good/competent writer and are willing to do the assigned reading (even if you just skim) you will do well in this class. I think everyone should take this course.

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HIST164C . Perrone G 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Professor Perrone is an amazing lecturer. She is highly organized and clearly very knowledgable and passionate about the subject matter. She was accommodating and gave great feedback as well. Readings could be lengthy but were always interesting and relevant. I took HIST 17B with her too, and cannot recommend her courses enough.

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HIST17B . Perrone G 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Loved her!

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17B . Perrone G 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

best history course I've taken as a history major! Lectures are detailed, information dense but everything is useful towards midterms & final. 2 midterm papers and the final was another 2 papers. She gives you enough time to complete them and she is really understanding if you come to her with a concern/issue. Going to lecture is KEY to passing.

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17B . Perrone G 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

She is the best history professor at UCSB in my experience. Her lectures are easy to follow and she explains everything with such great detail. I used to think history was boring until I took her course.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

First time teaching the class but she did an AMAZING job. I'm honestly kind of bummed it was cut short because of the strike. Lectures were informative with some guest lecturers. Assigned articles were interesting and supplemented lecture well. Course was graded w/ 3 op-eds w/ chance to rewrite for higher grade. Sections were discussion based.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

such an easy GE. attendance is optional and lectures are very interesting. no final, graded by TA on 3 op-eds with one makeup optional. section is mandatory for points but very easy and fun.

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17B . Perrone G 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Perrone is the best. also if you can, take this class with Janna Haider!! she's literally the best.

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HIST5 . Perrone G 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

this was her first year teaching HIST5, but I thought she did a good job. She is very passionate about her beliefs but did not push them on any of the students, but instead allowed each of us to create our own interpretations. The big assignments were three papers, op-eds, that you get to choose the topic of.

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HIST17B . Perrone G 2 Years Ago

took this course for my major, overall great/enthusiastic professor. alot of reading, but honestly i didn't do it all-- just read the more important pieces. grades are mostly based on papers and they aren't too hard, easy to do well even if you procrastinate. take her class! honestly pretty entertaining and you can tell she knows what she's doing

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HIST17B . Perrone G 2 Years Ago

i absolutely loved Prof. Perrone! her lectures were super engaging and easy to understand and she really cares about the course material as well as her students. midterm and final were both take home essays and she was very accommodating. i didn't have the best experience with my TA but still really enjoyed the class.

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