LING 117
Robert (Bob) Kennedy
159 reviews

LING70 . Kennedy R A 8 Years Ago

I loved Dr. Kennedy! I did the readings and went to lecture but hardly studied and got a 100 on the midterm. The homework is easy and is graded easily if you just put in a decent effort. Term projects aren't hard. I also got a writing credit for this and you don't have to write a paper so thats cool. Finals harder than midterm but both are easy.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 8 Years Ago

Lectures are very dull but tests are very easy. The section was the best part, I had an awesome TA and our group project was really fun. Somehow scored a writing credit for this class and the extent of the writing was a couple short answers on the final.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 8 Years Ago

I put a lot of work into this class, but didn't mind because it is so interesting. Even the homework I found fun. You really have to do the reading, or you are done for. The tests were really tough and are 20 multiple choice questions and a written section where you apply the linguistic strategies the book teaches you. Only 20 multiple choice.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 8 Years Ago

I passed the class, but I barely did the online homework so if I had put in more effort to do the homework and study, I would have gotten a better grade. It was an interesting subject/class.

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LING40 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Very interesting and made me think of language in society differently. There are weekly homework assignments online that are writing but its very easy and not graded harshly. Midterm and final were straight-forward and easy if you take good notes during lecture. Sometimes lecture feels repetitive. There is a group project but its easy.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Nicest professor. Good lecture slides. You don't really need to listen in class, just write down everything on the slides. Barely any homework, readings are not at all necessary. Midterm and final were simple. There is a small group project at the end of the quarter but it's not bad

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Kennedy might not be an actual professor, but he knows his linguistics. Section attendance is graded, but isn't super essential to passing. The tests are mostly book based, which doesn't provide a whole lot of practice problems so that's where lecture comes in. On a side note, he does have good taste in Hawaiian shirts. Great class!

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Loved this class and Dr. kennedy, he is the sweetest and most awesome guy. He makes the class really interesting and fun to learn about. Some lectures get dry, but then he'll show some funny memes and make it better. Go to class, go to section, you'll probably get an A. There are online readings, but they're super unnecessary.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Dr. Kennedy was GREAT. He was an entertaining lecturer and was easy to listen to. I loved his class, it inspired me to follow a Ling minor. I would recommend this class to everyone. AN amazing professor.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Amusing and very knowledgeable. Read and go to lecture and take notes if you want to pass. Kennedy talks slowly but sometimes moves through slides a bit too fast. Be careful with the TAs; mine was competent but my friends in other sections didn't have such an easy time. Midterm and final aren't easy, but put in effort and you will do okay.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Knows what he's doing, can actually teach, not boring, tries to keep things interesting and sometimes humorous.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 10 Years Ago

Took this fall quarter, and realized that Kennedy is a really chill guy and has a weird but funny sense of humor! I enjoyed his class even when he got a little monotonous sometimes. Class wasn't necessarily mandatory but it helped so much, if someone was just trying to read the online text, they may not have understood the material. Cool class!

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 10 Years Ago

Easy Midterm, Hard Final, and Easy Group project. NO TEXTBOOK, just articles but dont read those because they are useless. All you need to know for the exams & project are in his clear lecture slides. They're clear but kind of out of order but its no biggie. Take him!! His cheesy jokes are ADORABLE

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 10 Years Ago

I loved Professor Kennedy. He could be a little monotone but he had his spontaneous funny moments. I would recommend taking this class, I thought it was an easy A.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 10 Years Ago

Kennedy was an alright teacher. I felt part of the lecture was interesting but they tended to get boring at times. The class was interesting for the most part. Make sure you do the readings though. NO TEXTBOOK!! The assignments are a big part of your grade so don't bs them. They are important. Joseph is a pretty good TA as well.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

Kennedy has a monotone voice which makes it hard to concentrate in lecture, but he also has random spurts of funniness. The class is basically memorization of every slide, and he elaborates on key terms enough for you to understand core concepts. Somewhat boring, but very straight forward if you enjoy logical approaches to language.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

I took this class to fulfill my Area D req and ended up getting a B. Going to every lecture is a must if you want to do well on the midterm and final and make sure you understand the main arguments! The stuff we learned in class was really interesting to me and changed my perspective on things. Also, Heather the TA is awesome.

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LING116 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

Sports Language - super easy, actually pretty interesting, and NO TEXTBOOK. Just do the study guide for the midterm/final and you'll be fine.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

This class isn't too bad. I always felt obligated to go to lecture, but I always ended up playing minesweeper. I put in as little effort as possible and ended up with a B-. Kennedy is a cool professor. The only challenging part of this course was satisfying your TA. Mine took points off for ridiculous reasons and had a fat stick up her anus.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

this class is NOT as easy as it seems. they grade very hard!!!!

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LING101 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

This is a great and pretty easy class that will prepare you for any other linguistics class, or put you in a situation to practice everything you've learned about structure. Take it no matter what before you graduate, as he teaches it well and there is minimal work. Take-home final, easy assignments, and everything is based on class materials only.

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LING107 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

This class was tough and sometimes boring. The lectures were scattered at times. The homework should be very easy. The midterm was brutal, but then the final was scaled way back. Take advantage of office hours and READ THE BOOK even if it doesn't seem as though you need to. He's a great teacher but this class wasn't my favorite of his. Still, good.

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LING116 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

This class was super easy. If you go to class and at least pay attention somewhat you will do fine. He gives study guides which basically have the same questions as the midterm and final. He tells you the information that you need to know from the readings

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LING116 . Kennedy R A 11 Years Ago

He gives you study guides to the exams with the exact essay questions. Go to every class and he'll go over everything you need to learn, including the readings. The content can be boring sometimes, but he's a funny guy with cheesy jokes and a great attitude. I'd recommend this class for anyone if they want something interesting and easy. GREAT.

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