Really easy, to the point tests. Pay attention in lecture and youll get a good grade on the exams. He can get really boring and writing down everything he says is unnecessary. Overall, hes really funny and what he teaches is very interesting.
Took this class to fulfill GE. His lectures were super interesting and often times funny as well. Linguistics as a subject didn't really resonate with me, but he made the class more interesting. Tests were pretty difficult if you didnt read and stay engaged in the material in class. Stay on top of it and you should be okay.
Professor Kennedy is a nice human being, but an awful professor. I took ling 15 assuming it would be an easy GE based on the course description; it was not. His lecture slides are incredibly unhelpful, and his explanations of them are usually not much better. Useless readings, unclear content, overall more difficult than necessary if taken for a GE
I loved this class and Kennedy! I don't really like linguistics but Kennedy was such a good lecturer that I really enjoyed the class. Kennedy is down to earth and really enthusiastic about what he teaches. Also the unit on digital media and the internet was really interesting, especially seeing him teaching us about memes.
Professor Kennedy was a great lecturer. If you want to do well listen and take notes on what he says versus what is on the screen. There was 5 homework assignments which counted for 50% of your grade. The TAs take long to grade though. The midterm and final are multiple choice, long-answer and short-answer but if you pay attention it is fine.
Lots of information is given during lecture. Do the homework and reading and you should be fine. Throws in some jokes to lighten up the mood at times. Unfortunately my learning style clashes with his teaching, but he's still a great professor and very helpful.
Ling 70 with Kennedy was the perfect GE to take. There's four super easy homework assignments and a group project that takes very little effort to complete. Don't buy the textbook--never cracked the book open and still got an A. The tests were really easy too. It wasn't the most exciting class but Kennedy's still a solid choice.
4 assignments throughout the quarter but not too bad. I realized pretty fast if you write more that might not be the top answer thats better than writing less and a better answer. Group project presented week before finals; however, super easy so dont sweat that. Just read slides he posts online and do study guide he gives out.
Prof. Kennedy is the definition of #woke. Although he tries to add in humor, his lectures are generally boring but I learned a lot. Ling70 was an easy A and a super easy class to fulfill the WRT GE. I attended all the lectures, did all my assignments on time, didn't do any of the readings and got an A.
I overall enjoyed taking LING 20. Prof. Kennedy is extremely knowledgeable... but sometimes fails to explain things in a way that a student (who has never taken a LING class) can understand. There are online tests every week. Section helps a lot, but this course is difficult. I studied and attended every lecture and ended with 86.7%.
Kennedy actually cares about what he's teaching and wants to be there. As long as you do the reading and do the homework you'll get an A, the final and midterm combined are only 40% of your grade which makes it easy to pass!
An amazing professor who really does care about his students. He's very knowledgeable about everything and anything linguistics-- if you are lucky enough to have him as a professor then you know he can make anything interesting. Not an easy A, but doable if you put forth the effort
Professor Kennedy is easily of the best overall professors here at UCSB. His class is laid-back and he is straight forward in his teaching. There are usually 2 homework quizzes a week that he assigns based on the textbook. He is well rounded, funny, and a very understanding professor if you communicate with him. Would easily take his class again.
I didn't really enjoy the class since it doesn't have much to do with my major. The professor, however, is funny, interesting, and straightforward with his lectures. There is a lot of memorization.
I loved Professor Kennedy! He's hilarious, his lectures are interesting, and the class wasn't too hard either. I had a great experience in the class.
Professor Kennedy is a nice man, but the class itself is disorganized and tedious. His lectures skip back and forth and is filled with jargon, making it unnecessarily difficult to comprehend simple concepts that could be explained in a second. Make sure you listen and take notes on his speaking, as the PowerPoints are often confusing and pointless.
Bob is one hell of a professor. His subtle comedic genius makes class entertaining and engaging. His wording makes the material very approachable & understandable and his Hawaiian shirts make everything that much better. 10/10 recommend, Bob is great!
Super easy material, most of it is about analyzing linguistic cultural norms that we see every day. Don't do the reading, it's only supplemental. Honestly you don't even have to take notes, as he posts the lecture slides online every week. I showed up and put in minimal effort and finished with a solid A.
Very disorganized and monotone. He seems like such a nice guy but the class is unbearable :( Jumps from one topic to another. Assigns too much reading.
Ridiculously easy class. The main concepts that he lectures about are relatively interesting. You really appreciate classes like these when you're simultaneously taking more demanding classes. Reading is unnecessary, except for Chapter 1 of Lippi-Green. That chapter sets you up well for the rest of the quarter!
The class was interesting and actually fun to go to. Kennedy's lectures really made you stop and think about society and the way we think about language. The class was super easy. Midterm and Final were simple. The only thing I didn't like was the group project only because my group was lazy and didn't prepare much. Good class though.
Dr. Kennedy is the best! He's very passionate about all things linguistic. I know a lot of people dislike his lIng20 class as the subject matter is what is difficult, but Ling 70 is absolutely amazing! Not only as a GE but it is a class that shapes the way you think about language. The TAs are very helpful and think highly of the professor. TAKE IT
His class was SO easy. Here is how to pass w/ an A, go to lecture and take CLEAR & COHERENT notes, aim to get 100% on every homework assignment, and study your notes for your exams (don't do readings!). If you have questions, ask him, professor Kennedy is SO, SO nice!
Most definitely want to take his classes again. An awesome guy. Tests arent too difficult, his contents are all really interesting. He makes trailers for his classes. Super passioante about his stuff.