Jeannine Delombard
19 reviews

ENGL37 . Delombard J M 3 Months Ago

I took her for 103LL. I failed the midterm which was the worst test ever written. Memorizing 34 page readings and having to spell the speakers name correctly out of the numerous, extensive readings is helpful how? I decided to take the class for no credit which made my life 100x better. Completely unnecessarily hard, not worth the headache.

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ENGL37 . Delombard J M 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Horrible professor, does not care about her students and is extremely condescending. Class is super reading heavy, midterm and final were about super specific things so if you don't do the readings, goodluck. Laughs at you for making dumb questions and will also call you out for checking your phone, so beware. Don't take this class.

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ENGL37 . Delombard J M 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

ENGL37 is a new class so grading was super easy, readings in retrospect weren't necessary bc they covered the important stuff in lecture. VERY boring though, lectures were hr +15 but felt like 2 hrs. TA Kelsey Cooper was amazing!!! midterm and final were easy, a couple essay questions and several IDs with a bank

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ENG136 . Delombard J M 2 Months Ago

Easily the worst class I have taken at my time at UCSB. The tests were unnecessarily hard and based on books that we were supposed to memorize. This class was absolutely not worth the time or effort and there was no support from the teacher. Do not take her classes.

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 7 Months Ago

Being graded on knowing authors based off a few giving lines from a poem or text is going to help me how?

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 1 Year, 9 Days Ago

This was an extremely difficult class for me. That said, her feedback on essays is top-tier. When you mess up, she explains exactly why, and by the end, you know precisely how to improve. Amazing and brilliant, but very intimidating. Make sure to have your TA's look at your writing before you turn it in!!

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Worst English class I've ever taken! The instructions and grading criteria for both the writing assignments and quizzes were extremely unclear and subjective, and I honestly think I came out of the class a worse writer than I went in. I also felt that the teaching staff was disorganized and condescending when I asked for help.

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

This class was one of the hardest English classes I've ever taken. She gave little to no examples of what she wanted from students in their writing and yet graded very harshly. Literally the entire class failed the first writing assignment and yet there was no help. Do NOT take this prof if you can avoid it. Very nice but an extremely hard grader.

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I found her lectures to be really scattered/not cohesive. Her expectations for papers and close readings are super unrealistic and I feel that she makes the TA's grade students papers too harshly.

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

I am an English major and this class was unnecessarily difficult... unrealistic expectations when it comes to writing. Prof is condescending to students and I dreaded going to class and asking for help. Her whole thing was wanting students to become better writers, I am not a better writer, just a more insecure one. DON'T TAKE THIS PROF!

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 2 Years Ago

I enjoyed the material covered in this class, but the professor had ridiculously high standards for students and graded extremely harshly. I went to her for help with every single step of my final paper and she approved everything, and then I got a low grade on the paper. She can be a bit condescending and seems to forget students are people too.

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 2 Years Ago

I respect her passion for the topics and appreciate the discussions we have in lecture but the class is just insanely difficult. Im a STEM major but I know English majors in the class saying its too difficult. Just obscenely high standards for writing.

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ENGL122SN . Delombard J M 2 Years Ago

I never dreaded going to a class more than hers. Tough grader, unhelpful and unnecessarily rude.

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ENGL122SN . Delombard J M 5 Years Ago

If you dont have to take one of her classes, then avoid this professor at all costs. One of the hardest graders Ive ever had. I went to her office hours, and writing center for a paper, where both claimed my paper was good. Yet, she still graded in a harsh, unrealistic manner. Plus, on countless accounts she makes you feel inadequate.

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ENG128SN . Delombard J M 6 Years Ago

This class was interesting if your into lit about slavery. She stresses participation during discussion so you have to have read the material beforehand & be comfortable enough to speak. I went into her class knowing she was a tough grader but her grading made me such a better writer, totally worth the effort & she's super helpful outside of class

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ENGL132MD . Delombard J M 6 Years Ago

Forget Sparknotes. There's no way around putting lots of time into this class, but Prof DeLombard is the professor I respect the most by a long shot. Honestly such a privilege to attend this class. If you are showing up with a sincere willingness to engage with the subject you'll absolutely leave a better reader, writer, thinker, debater, etc.

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ENGL103A . Delombard J M 7 Years Ago

Prof DeLombard really gave me great insight as to how to be a better writer. However, YIKES. Her class was the most difficult I've ever experienced. She's an incredibly harsh grader. I underestimated that. She's brutal. But her lectures are more class discussions, and its fun to see what your classmates have to say. 2/10 would not recommend.

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ENGL133MV . Delombard J M 8 Years Ago

Bright side was that participating is extra credit. She gives a lot of feedback -- if you have an aversion to bright red marks on your paper, I'd avoid this class. It's constructive for the most part, but at times seems very overwhelming. The reading is fun, but grading is hard. Take it pass/no pass if you must. Nice but a bit distant.

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ENGL133MV . Delombard J M 8 Years Ago

Very difficult grader on essays but also very helpful to make you a better writer. I would not recommend taking it for a grade but she does do her best to improve your writing. Even helped correct another one of my essays showing she cares about her students. Enjoyed the small class setting but the essays grades were pretty tough.

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