This interdisciplinary course highlights the importance of the humanities to questions of law and justice, law and culture, and law and empire, as well as the implications of each of these pairings for our understanding of rights, protections, exclusions, violence, and oppression. The course pays particular attention to the ways in which marginalized individuals and groups have wielded law to promote justice and transform culture. Students interrogate the humanities from the perspective of law, as well as the intellectual and cultural contexts through which the law has become a complex practice and knowledge.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
I've only been in her class 3 weeks and it has been the worst 3 weeks. Be ready to not know what is going on during lectures, she seems pretty nice, engages with the students during lecture, etc. but the reading is too heavy and most of the time you don't know whats going on. Would never take again and do not recommend. Dropping this class.
I took her for 103LL. I failed the midterm which was the worst test ever written. Memorizing 34 page readings and having to spell the speakers name correctly out of the numerous, extensive readings is helpful how? I decided to take the class for no credit which made my life 100x better. Completely unnecessarily hard, not worth the headache.
Horrible professor, does not care about her students and is extremely condescending. Class is super reading heavy, midterm and final were about super specific things so if you don't do the readings, goodluck. Laughs at you for making dumb questions and will also call you out for checking your phone, so beware. Don't take this class.
ENGL37 is a new class so grading was super easy, readings in retrospect weren't necessary bc they covered the important stuff in lecture. VERY boring though, lectures were hr +15 but felt like 2 hrs. TA Kelsey Cooper was amazing!!! midterm and final were easy, a couple essay questions and several IDs with a bank
103LL, DO NOT TAKE! The midterm and final are very reading-heavy and extremely specific. If you can memorize, then you will do okay. The essay requires substantial analytical thought. Do not take for GE. Discussion posts require knowledge of course concepts that reflect her lecture points. Class is manageable but it is more so her. Cat lady grumpy
She will treat you like an english major. So do the readings, contribute to discussions, and start those papers EARLY. Her feedback is great, but you have to earn the grade. Tests are either shockingly easy if you memorize the right things (done in 10 mins), or IMPOSSIBLE if you don't. Very, very difficult class, but you can learn a lot from her.