SOC 108C
Elena Raymond
49 reviews

SOC108ST . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

Don't take this class. I took it because her rating was average but its not worth it. Lots of group work, a giant research paper. Very frustrating trying to ask her questions. Guidelines for topics and articles for research don't make sense. She just links a bunch of reading and doesn't contribute anything new to her lectures, TA does all the work.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

Do not take this class with this professor! You will definitely regret it later on! The fact that there are mean people in my group, though which I told my prof about this and she said that I would have to drop her class if I cant work with a group. The prof is crazy and does not teach us anything of anything at all!! Didnt learn anything from her!

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SOC164 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

Do not take this class. Be prepared for a lot of group work. Her group workshops are horrible and she does not let me work independently. Tough grader and hard to switch groups and to work independently. She tells me working independently is not a option. Believe me! It is a option! She does not address us clearly and doesnt help me at all!

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SOC185G . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

Prof is mediocre, mand. attendance but she just reads off of PowerPoint, for a class talking about gender inequalities she's very one-sided on issues and dismisses students who bring up a different pov. Weekly forums, 3 min quizzes 2 qs each, and group workshops. Also 3 ec opportunities. class isn't hard but I'm disappointed on the one-sidedness

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SOC108ST . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

I really enjoyed her class! Her layout is easy to follow, she's very understanding, and her TA's are super helpful! You work in a group for the entire quarter and help each other out in your research project and paper. Definitely will take her again!

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SOC145 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

I have taken her for multiple classes at UCSB. She does a hybrid method so mandatory class is only once a week and she gives you the other day to work on assignments/catch up on the readings. She does assign quite a bit of articles to read but they aren't horrible. There are also weekly group activities and final paper.

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SOC145 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

This is my second time taking her and I would take her again if I can. She had us do weekly group projects and a final and participation fro the grades. The group projects were not that bad and quite fun. Great class and great professor that is willing to accommodate to her students.

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SOC145 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

She's a very nice woman and a good teacher. She is very accommodating and the workload is reasonable. I liked taking her class. As long as you follow the material it should be an easy A

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SOC185G . Raymond E 3 Years Ago

We had 400 words to write each week on the subject - 2 academic articles to read and respond to and a gender exercise. Easy, interesting, and understandable material. One group project where we got to pick any gender inequality that we'd covered. No confusion with her expectations. It felt more like an asynchronous class. Met with the TA weekly.

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SOC108ST . Raymond E 4 Years Ago

I dont understand why she gets bad ratings. Sure, theres pop quizzes and it can be a lot of work but it teaches you a lot about sociology. Shes super approachable, accommodating and fair. I highly recommend her!

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SOC108ST . Raymond E 4 Years Ago

This woman is AMAZING whether you take her for culture, methods, or cultural theory. She usually has a take home midterm and final essay. Pop quizzes that are not hard if you skim reading. PARTICIPATE SHE WILL REMEMBER YOU! Her lectures might seem long, but she really just wants you to learn. There isn't a reason you shouldn't take this class.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 4 Years Ago

Attendance is about 30% of grade. Also pop quizzes very often so if you don't show up often I gurantee you will not pass. Show up and have done the reading for the day of and you will be solid. 1 midterm 5pg. paper and 1 5pg. final. Super easy. She just reads off lecture slides and goes super fast so hard to take good notes.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 5 Years Ago

She just reads off of the PowerPoint slides, so I went to class about three times total but if you do the readings and write good essays, its a very easy A. I wish she would have a better method of teaching because this class had the potential to be super interesting but was just dull and boring.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 5 Years Ago

Professor Raymond is really sweet. Although unorganized, she offers extra credit to those who ask and gave EC to students who attended class regularly. Pop quizzes were super easy just skim the reading before the lecture. No textbook, 2 papers and a group project. GP was an easy A you just had to present on an issue in education.

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SOC145 . Raymond E 5 Years Ago

One of the sweetest people I have ever met! She went out of her way to help me pass this class in a quarter where I was struggling mightily with mental health! Yeah her lectures can be a tad dry at times, but the material is interesting, the class is straight forward, and she is more than willing to work with students and help them when in need!

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SOC145 . Raymond E 5 Years Ago

I don't know why she has bad ratings! She's really helpful and tried to make the class easier by adjusting how she gives her pop quizzes so that we can do better and offers really easy extra credit. Just two short 5-page essays on our volunteering, pop quizzes and 5 (one page) reports. Lecture isnt that necessary, I just do other work in her class

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SOC145 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

I honestly have no idea why she has such bad ratings! This class was the easiest and most straight-forward upper div course I've taken, and she's so sweet. A midterm paper and a final paper about our volunteerism, with no note-taking required. Do the readings because she does sprinkle in pop quizzes but they are very simple and easy.

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SOC122 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

Raymond is overall nice, but her expectations are often confusing. She seems to improvise lesson plans a lot and just reads off of powerpoint slides that she then posts online. She has pop quizzes which makes attendance and reading mandatory. She assigned a group project that was poorly planned out and resulted in way more work than necessary.

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SOC122 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

Do not take this professor. She shows up to class and just reads from her boring slides. She doesn't prepare for class at all and it seems like she hasn't read her own slides in years. The material isn't challenging but she grades ridiculously hard. She is so unorganized and unclear about guidelines... avoid at all costs

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SOC122 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

took this class to satisfy my upper div elective credits and it was the worst mistake of my academic career. This teacher is so unorganized and the structure of the class is a sick joke. 2 papers, a group project, and a pop quiz on the readings every week that make up a majority of your grade. Graded group projects when she wasn't even there to see

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SOC164 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

One word: bad. I regret taking this class so much and its only week 3.. I'm sure she knows the content, but she just can't teach at all.. She reads off her slides really quickly then clicks past them so if you don't type 300 wpm, drop out. When it gets to the last 15 min of class, she looks at the time and says "ugh.. 8 more minutes ok ok.."

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SOC164 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

This professor his highly unorganized and breezes through powerpoint slides without giving you a chance to even read the slides. She puts way too much emphasis on group activities rather than actually teaching. There are pop quizzes so you have to keep up with the readings. Two papers and a group presentation.

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SOC122 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

the professor had room for improvement. the material could have been interesting but her class was a bore. I just wish she would have a lecture prepared instead of throwing us into groups. i read every chapter but the pop quizzes were tricky. it was not a hard class but i didnt look forward to going.

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SOC145 . Raymond E 7 Years Ago

Do all the readings & you're good (wish I did). She has us do volunteer/activism work for 2 hours for 5 weeks. if you can look past this you're fine & honestly it isn't so bad. 1 pop quiz per week at the beginning of class based on reading so feel free to leave right after and she won't say a thing; lectures dont matter at all. no tests, 2 papers.

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