ANTH 174
Jeffrey Hoelle
72 reviews

ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 8 Years Ago

This class is an easy A and an even easier B. No midterm and the final is optional, he gives out four "quarterly" exams instead. There are 2 papers which are fair. iClicker is used for participation points during lecture and do NOT let him catch you on your phone or you can say bye to 20% of your grade. He made lectures funny and enjoyable.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 8 Years Ago

Funny, engaging lecture. Interesting material about humans as a whole. There is a paper/project to do that you should not procrastinate on because you need interviews & stuff. I wish I went to office hours because he's funny. Don't use your phone! you will watch "what does the fox say" in class.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 8 Years Ago

Take this class. You can tell that he loves the topic that he is teaching and he tries to make the class as enjoyable as possible. He's kind of awkward funny, which makes it even more funny. If you just read and go to lectures, you'll be fine. There's a research paper and 4 20 questions exams but its pretty easy.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 8 Years Ago

Class worth taking! Hoelle is invested and interesting and keeps lectures interactive and easy going. Come to class, pay attention, do the reading, you'll pass!

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 8 Years Ago

I loved his teaching style. He made class very interesting and worth attending. I didn't read much and I got a B. Just pay attention in class. Warning- strict phone policy.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 8 Years Ago

I was taking this class for a GE and didn't expect much out of the class, but by the end of the class, I was very much interested in anthropology. Though it isn't my major, I would love to learn more about it, and it gives people a sense of awareness of other cultures around the world.

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112 . Hoelle J A 9 Years Ago

Great professor, he clearly cares for his students and is willing to go above and beyond for them if they show interest! His lectures are very entertaining it is not to difficult to pay attention because the subjects are very interesting!

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ANTHRO2 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

I really liked Hoelle--he has a super dry sense of humor, and he tries to make his lessons and PPTs funnier. He's really into the subject, and brings a lot of his own experiences with the Peace Corps to the lessons. Honestly, you don't need the text book, but you should definitely do the online readings.

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ANTHRO2 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

Professor Hoelle made lectures very interesting by relating to us, as students, and the culture of Isla Vista. One thing I would definitely recommend is to do all the readings, it'll make the tests way easier.. I didn't do any and received a B in the class. Also, don't be on your phone while lecture, there's a strict cell phone policy.

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ANTHRO2 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

This is one of the best GE classes you can take! It was super interesting and he related most topics back to IV, so they were easy to remember. The class isn't hard and the tests are easy if you do the readings (which are pretty manageable). He makes the class really fun and is an amazing and hilarious lecturer!

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ANTHRO2 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

It's a good class. I thought lecture was pointless because he read off the slides, but just go until you get credit for 8 iclicker days. The midterms and projects he has you do, which are 40 percent of your grade, are super interesting. He is a nice guy and super chill as long as you don't text in class. You do that, bye bye 15 percent of grade.

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ANTHRO2 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

Interesting Class, attendance is somewhat mandatory because of iclicker points. Most of the quizzes are taken online except for the final. He can also be awkward at times when he tries to be funny, but it makes the class a lot more enjoyable.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

Really interesting class (I'm a Globl major). He's passionate and knowledgeable about the material. The text is pretty easy reading. Fun research project about halfway through the quarter. Need an iclicker for attendance. He can be funny in an awkward kind of way. A couple easy online quizzes and an at-home midterm(2 write-ups). Mult choice final.

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ANTH115 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

Great professor, take a class with him you wont regret it!

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

This has been my favorite class since I've been at UCSB. He's strict about cell phone use and sleeping, but makes the class so interesting. Everything is related to IV/UCSB lifestyle. I definitely recommend this class!

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ANTH115 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

Amazing Professor!! So Helpful! There is a lot of small work every week, however, as long as you check gaucho every week and stay on top of it, it is easy and very interesting. You have a finally project but can do whatever you want with it, fun! He made this class so interesting and really tried relating to his students!!

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00158 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

TERRIBLE professor. Spent all of class obsessing over people using their phones and laptops instead of listening. He would kick people out all the time for not paying attention or sleeping. Attendance was mandatory because of iclicker questions. If I'd actually studied I could have easily gotten an A.

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ANTH197 . Hoelle J A 10 Years Ago

It's not that hard to stay off your phone in class. I took this class because I couldn't get anything else, and it ended up being my favorite class that quarter because he was so good. He's really helpful, and he has you write interesting papers. I wish I could take another with him, but I have to take classes in my major now =(

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 11 Years Ago

Belongs in a high school. Acts childish and treats students like children. Shamelessly wastes time complaining about class conduct or reminiscing about (totally irrelevant) personal experience in the field. Lectures are excruciatingly slow, dull, unclear, and imprecise to the point of meaninglessness: 80% of sentences end with "to some extent".

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 11 Years Ago

Has a strict cell phone policy- so be warned. However he is very passionate about what he does and wants to be a mentor for students who want to get into the field. Tests were fair and included almost all of the readings. iClickers were used for participation and attendance. He has a good sense of humor and is also very good looking.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 11 Years Ago

Slides are clear & easy. He is very passionate and has had some really cool life experiences in the Peace Corps, but he bullies students. DON'T USE YOUR CELL PHONE IN THIS CLASS or he'll tell you to get lost. Don't have to read book really but HAVE to read articles for the tests.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 11 Years Ago

I can tell that anthropology is Hoelle's passion. It was kind of annoying of him to interrupt class/lose temper repeatedly over cell-phone use during the quarter (& his constant use of "bro.") But class content was interesting. 2 exams, 1 paper (+iclicker q's.) He provides helpful study guides for exams. Hoelle just needs to learn to chill out.

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ANTH2 . Hoelle J A 11 Years Ago

said he didn't want to be remembered as the 'phone guy' but thats exactly how i'll remember him. he's incredibly disrespectful to students. he has a zero tolerance policy for cell phone use because he thinks its disruptive, but whats more disruptive is him repeatedly stopping lecture to humiliate students and tell them to 'get lost'

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ANTH102 . Hoelle J A 11 Years Ago

Professor is rude and sometimes disrespectful to students. Although these students sometimes deserve to e made fun of publicly it, it is not very professional. Course work and material aside, he is very short tempered

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