ANTH 147
Casey Walsh
163 reviews

ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Lecture very useless. Don't need to go. He goes in circles over same ideas. If you are looking for easy A, you gota be good at writing. If you are looking for a B, this is the class for you as you are basically guaranteed if you are in any way decent at writing. For midtermfinal, you are given 5 questions in which he picks 2-3 for you.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Interesting lectures, uses powerpoint very well which is important for visual learners. Tells funny stories from his own anthro experiences to help you remember the course material, very approachable, tons of TA's ready to assist. Uses textbook, notes, a few writings. midterm final are essay Q's you have a week to prep for. Be thorough!

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

I loved Prof. Walsh , but the class itself was SO boring :( boring slides too. Probably would've gotten an A if I read the textbook. Grade is based on section, midtermfinal and paper. Midterm and final weren't multiple choice unfortunately, but timed essays. Overall okay class, but gets a GE out of the way. Walsh was helpful during office hours

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

I took this class because I thought it would be an easy, interesting GE. I was wrong about the interesting part. It was pretty boring but the professor is nice. Sections are not helpful but attendance is for points. Final and midterms are easy. You have to write a paper where you have to interview people. Overall quite boring and wish I didn't take

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Took this class because I had no other option. I never read the textbook, nor did I ever pay much attention in class. It was boring, but the professor was very passionate about the subject. I probably would not take this class again just because it I am not interested. I would say the class is pretty easy, and you can easily get an A if you read.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Amazing lectures, super interesting, lectures are a little long but he is a very clear speaker and the content is interesting so it makes up for the long-ness. A must take!! Reading the text helps and its also really interesting but I found that it doesn't help all that much since the majority of the concepts will be in the lectures.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

The class was the most boring class that I have ever taken. I have never fallen asleep in a high school class, but nearly the entire class felt drowsy from listening to his lectures. However, you must go to class to get the information on the PPTs needed for his midterms. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS CLASS! YOU MUST ARGUE EVERYTHING FOR YOUR GRADE!

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Nice professor, but extremely boring class unless for some reason you like Anthropology, and even then it is still probably boring. Easy class but would only take it unless you legitimately are interested in the subject because it is so boring.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Smart guy, very passionate about anthropology. Very easy class, super light workload. Reading is not at all necessary as long as you attend lecture and take awesome notes. The content is boring at times, but it's better to go to lecture than read the book. The midterm and final (non-cumulative) are given to you beforehand to prepare the essays.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Walsh, seems very enthusiastic about the subject and if I hadn't actually zoned out in lecture I probably would've gotten something out of it. It's a good class and the concepts are easy to learn, I just wish he focused more on the actual subject than his own personal studies.

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2 . 9 Years Ago

Didn't really attend the lectures, didn't do the reading, only went to the sections because it is part of your grade. He gives you the tests a week before and who have time to quickly research those questions. Paper was easy, did it all the night before and got a B. If you need an easy Class for Area D, this is the one for you.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

I personally found his lectures interesting! Most people did not, however.. I enjoyed the subject matter, even though a lot of it was pretty straight-forward. If you attend lectures, and do the readings you will get an A! Understand the key terms.

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ANTH2 . 9 Years Ago

I took this course my first quarter and it wasn''t too hard. I did the reading the first week and didn''t touch my book again until midterms and finals came around. He''s really easy-going but his lectures tend to be on the dry side. I''d have fallen asleep if I didn''t sit in the front but he was helpful when I went to office hours.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

The class was really boring to me but the teacher was super kind and helpful. I had Weston McCool as a TA and he was one of the best TAs I've ever had. I never really did any of the reading, so that was probably my downfall. But I still got a B anyway. So if you just go to class and do the reading there should be no problem getting an A. :)

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

The class was a little boring and vague, but it was easy. Walsh was into the subject and made everything easy to follow. The midterms were simple and the paper was graded nicely, making this professor and class great for a GE

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Super boring class. Only copied down the slides. Paper was pointless but graded easy. (Don't get writing credit...) My friend slept most of the lectures & got an A. We never touched the books except to look up words on the study guide. STUDY THE KEYTERMS & READ OVER THE LECTURE.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Easy A, but the lectures were honestly sooooo boring. My friend and I both spent most of the quarter fooling around on our phones. And the textbook was super hard for me to understand; it was really frustrating. Paper was easy. I'm sure Walsh is a cool dude, but I honestly hope that I never have to take another class by him.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

He's a really nice guy and does explain himself well, but the lectures drone on for sure. Definitely an easy class though, good GPA bump.

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ANTH2A . 10 Years Ago

Very easy A. Knowing key terms and paying attention to lecture will guarantee a good score on the midterm/final. I though Walsh was interesting and passionate about his research.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Walsh was a great professor! I'm not sure why everyone keeps rating him as boring - I thought the lectures were extremely interesting and found him to be a very intelligent guy. The class is fairly easy: half of the test is based on reading, half of the test is based on lecture. Take this class! It has been my favorite class yet.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Walsh is pleasant to listen to during lecture, although I found the material boring. The midterm and final are easy and straight forward IF you read the book Small Places Large Issues. Questions come directly from the book. If you put the effort in, this class is an easy A.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Easy class. Attend lecture and take notes on the ppt b/c his tests are probably 99% based off of that. One paper which was easy (class median 91%) an online ethics project which is P/NP pretty much and the final. Section is what you make it so it can be a joke or super helpful. The text was confusing but you can read it for further understanding.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Professor Walsh and his TA's are really nice but their tests have a few questions on it that don't even come from the book or the lectures. A lot of questions were subjective. Boring material. my TA Diana was really nice, but she was not the most efficient. The paper is easy, take advantage of its points. USE THE KEYTERMS FOR THE TESTS.

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ANTHRO2 . 10 Years Ago

Great class and very interesting. If you study the text, attend lecture and section and take good notes, then you will do great (as if you follow this procedure in any other class). I highly recommend it. There is a big paper due at one point in the quarter, it is really simple if you follow the rubric, I got an A it by doing so

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