SOC 142
John Baldwin
352 reviews

SOC152A . Baldwin J I 5 Years Ago

Professor Baldwin was wonderful. The topics discussed in class weren't always comfortable, but he always made sure to take the best possible approach. He was funny, while also being super informative and knowledgeable. I loved SOC152A, and I think everyone at UCSB should take this class. Theres 3 midterms and a final, and everything is curved.

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152A . Baldwin J I 5 Years Ago

everyone should take this class at UCSB !! Go to lecture, its fun and very informative. dont need to read, the study guide covers allll the reading needed for the midterms. 3 midterms and a cumulative final. u gotta study your ass off for all the midterms and know literally everything from lecture and the study guide , its an honest A and doable

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152A . Baldwin J I 5 Years Ago

Should take wether you're a sociology major or not. It's information everyone should be aware about and it's very interesting and useful. If you know the study guide by heart, go over the lecture notes, and read the *BOXES* in the textbook you should definitely be able to get the A. The Baldwins also make the lectures hilarious and relatable!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 5 Years Ago

A ton of reading, sometimes 70 pages a week and it's information heavy. 3 20% midterms (5 short answers, 6 multiple choice) and a 40% final (double midterm length). Attendance not mandatory but I strongly suggest it, correlates well with reading. Review sessions offered before every test that are super helpful. Great material though, worth taking!

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185P152A . Baldwin J I 6 Years Ago

Took both 185P and 152A, and loved them both! They were a lot of reading, but the material was always so interesting and you can tell that John and Janice are really passionate about what they do. 185P was honestly confusing at times because of the abstract concepts but the exams weren't bad at all as long as you really study. Excited for 152B!!!

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SOC185P . Baldwin J I 6 Years Ago

would not recommend if you have a radical perspective on globalization and capitalism. Baldwin's perspective is highly skewed and honestly ridiculous imo. He raves all quarter about capitalism and is completely naive to the exploitation of it. it's really frustrating to listen to his flawed/ignorant reasoning and have to agree with it for tests

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 6 Years Ago

MUST TAKE. this was one of my favorite classes I have taken at UCSB so far. I had 2 midterms (6 multiple choice, and 3 short answer essay questions) and a final though the Baldwins (John & Janis) usually would give three midterms but the quarter i took it was cut short. There's ALOT of reading, but I didnt . GO TO LECTURE & REVIEW SESSIONS!!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 6 Years Ago

I took this class thinking it was going to be easy but beware, it ended up being my hardest class of the quarter. From learning anatomy, disorders, STI's, contraception, it's a lot of reading and memorization. However, this class is something I would recommend EVERYONE to take, so much useful information. Just don't expect it to be super easy

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 6 Years Ago

This class is all based on memorization so if youre on top of memorizing everything, youll get an A. There is a ton of info you need to know though. There is 3 midterms and one final. It sounds like a lot but the material is interesting and the professors are engaging. The TAs dont grade that hard so thats a plus. U HAVE to read the book(its ALOT)

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 6 Years Ago

I took John and Janice's human sexuality class and It inspired me to change my major to Sociology. They are amazing! Their lectures are very entertaining and they make it very easy to succeed. Read the textbook and takes notes in lecture and you'll get an A.

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SOC152B . Baldwin J I 6 Years Ago

Had John and Janice for SOC152B, and loved the class. Felt that I learned a lot from reading the textbook and conversing with other students, and got helpful tips for my final paper. Sometimes John didn't know answers to specific questions, but he is still very knowledgeable and kind. Excited to be in SOC152C!

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SOC152AB . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

I loved John and Janice in both SOC 152 A & B. Very kind and funny. I never lost interest in the class and their grading is lenient. Kind of a lot of reading but it is all interesting and not too overbearing. Highly recommend these classes.

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152A . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

The most interesting class I have taken so far at UCSB! I recommend these professors so much. This is one of the only classes that I have read ALL the assigned readings for, which wasn't that bad because the material was engaging. Know the box materials, keep up with the readings, and know the study guide, and you'll do fine.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

Professor Baldwins were really nice funny and gave interesting lectures. You can tell that they genuinely loved each other and they were willing to share their experiences with their students and life skills, sexuality, world issues, STDs, psychology, biology, and sociology. Grade is 3 Mrs and 1 final, easy to study for/fun readings.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

Loved this class and couple dynamic. Class teaches relevant info that will be useful for the rest of your life. As long as you fill out the study guide and know that information well and read & know the boxes from the textbook you can get an A. 3 midterms and final. For the tests you write everything you know & don't get marked down for wrong info.

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152A . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

Very important class to take! Goes into way more than high school sex-ed and will give you a lot of practical real world knowledge. Class can get weird at times but overall a good class. Grade is 3 midterms and a final. Getting an A is do-able, just gotta work hard.

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SOC172 . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

I have had John in three of my classes now. He is honestly a profoundly intelligent professor. The courses he teaches with his wife are awesome especially if you get into the honor class you become really close with the rest of the students which I have never done before in a college class. His socialization course have three midterms and one test.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

Eh. The lectures are pretty boring, but they don't post the slides online and some of the material is on the exams so attendance is necessary. There's a lot of material to study and only bits and pieces are on the tests, so you're screwed if you don't study everything in anticipation of it being on the exam.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 7 Years Ago

This was one of my favorite classes I have taken so far. It was so interesting and one everyone should take before leaving UCSB. I got an A but you gotta read and go to all lectures if you want that. Lots of tests too. But overall, a very worthwhile class and the Baldwins are the best.

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185P . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

3rd class with John. Again, he's amazing. 2 MT, 1 final, short essay format. Reading for this class was life changing, highly recommend

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

SOC152A is an amazing class. I would not be upset if this class were made mandatory for everyone.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

Love this class, the Baldwins are always animated and entertaining. I do wish the Spring course didn't have Midterm 3 the day after Extravaganza, that was a huge bummer.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

The class is nothing out of reach if you do the readings and attend the lectures. However, the grading is dependent almost entirely on your exams and they are picky about what the answers should be. The section on LGBT people can be improved; they use narratives that are very specific to speak for a broad range of people's experiences.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

The Baldwins are amazing lecturers. Most people take this class for fun and expect it to be an easy A... which it is if you go to class and do the reading (which doesn't even take long). People do poorly because they blow it off -- but this class is amazing and worth every bit of effort. Just read and go to lecture and you'll be guaranteed an A.

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