PSY 111
Vanessa Woods
102 reviews

PSY133 . Woods V E 6 Years Ago

Learn your receptors! Going to class and paying attention will only get you so far. Redraw the diagrams and make sure you have a good system for remembering the different drugs covered. Tests were extremely fair and not meant to trick you at all. Grade is made of a midterm, one paper and the final. Both tests multiple choice.

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PSY120L . Woods V E 6 Years Ago

Woods is such a great prof! She is super clear with requirements, what to expect, and how you will be graded. This class is A LOT of work but definitely worth it, if you put the time in and do exactly what she says, you will have no problem getting an A in this class - going to class will be your best friend!

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PSY10A . Woods V E 6 Years Ago

Professor Woods was great. She was very enthusiastic and hands on during lecture, she even made cookies to give us an example of an experiment. It is definitely possible to get an A in this class if you put in the work. Do the readings and you will be fine (the book isnt as boring as you might think). Go to office hours for help on the proposal.

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PSY10A . Woods V E 6 Years Ago

very tough grader, i found her quite rude to students and she just read off the powerpoints, she is not a fair grader and her tests are so much harder than the material she covers.

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PSY120L . Woods V E 7 Years Ago

I was honestly intimidated by this class at first because everyone that took it said it was really hard to get an A. Dr. Woods was always available during office hours and she made sure to answer all your questions. She really wants her students to succeed and you can see how much she cares during her office hours. I highly recommend taking her.

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PSY10A . Woods V E 7 Years Ago

Great teacher - she is very organized and lecture heavy. Pay attention in class and take notes, ask questions during her accessible office hours (if needed). Tests were hard and you should probably read the book to prepare (she goes fast during lectures, and covers a lot of material). She is extremely approachable, so don't be afraid to ask ?s!

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PSY120L . Woods V E 7 Years Ago

Woods is infamous for being extremely structured and organized, which she definitely is. However, she's also insightful, helpful, and gives information in a clear format. I appreciated her fast no-nonsense lecturing style, but this just means you really have to pay attention. The class was super challenging, but she made it rewarding!

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Her tests were hard, but as long as you understand the concepts well you should be fine. She goes really fast during lecture, but try to get as much down as you can. Make sure to read the book to clear anything up. The first midterm is okay, the second one gets harder, and the final is ridiculous. Try to save your grade by doing well on midterms.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Pretty tough class. She goes through lectures very quickly so be sure to study them in advance to have a good understanding. Reading the book was helpful in the beginning but towards the end it became a waste of time. I would advise just focusing on lectures. She helps sometimes but other times is not really willing to help.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Incredible professor. Clear, concise, organized, and interesting. She goes quite fast so be prepared and print out lecture slides beforehand. The tests are crazy hard and completely lecture based - prepare to have to know the tiniest, most minute details on them! Only use the textbook if you have trouble understanding her lectures.

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PSYC3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

This class is definitely tough, and so are her tests, but study hard and you will do well! Know concepts rather than memorizing, and the curve actually ends up benefiting you in the end. She posts her slides, so take notes on what she has to say and the diagrams she draws on the board, often times test question concepts are taken from there!

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Most amazing psych professor. May seem scary at first, but go to lecture, even though she posts slides online, and pay attention. Know concepts and all parts of the brain. Really cares for students and is tough for a reason. Recycles midterm questions on the final. Overall an amazing professor if you work for it.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

I really enjoyed her class and lectures were interesting for me. The first midterm was easy, doing the hw and reading the book gets you a high score. But then her second midterm and final were more difficult and less related to the hw so expect to put in more effort towards the latter half of class.

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PSYCH3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Incredibly knowledgeable in her field, which allowed for easy understanding of the material. I did most of the readings and did not pay attention in lecture (was a P/NP for me) and ended up with a B in the class. Her exams are pretty easy if you do the readings. If you review the material the day before the exam, you can get an A.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Though she definitely has knowledge on the topic, this is a "teach yourself" class. Her lectures consist of her reading off of her powerpoint slides in which are exhausting and long. When it comes to her tests, she provides no study guide or any guidance. The final exam was cumulative with again, no study guide.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

This class, although interesting, is TOUGH. Dr. Woods definitely knows her stuff and is a great lecturer, but the nature of the class makes it very difficult. There are many topics to cover in a short amount of time. She also moves VERY fast in lecture, but luckily she posts the slides online. Prepare to study like crazy if you want a decent grade.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

I really don't understand all the negative reviews on Professor Woods! She is so much fun to listen to in lecture and makes a very conscious effort to make material sound interesting, even when she's discussing neuroanatomy. She's clearly very knowledgeable about her subject matter, but not in an unreachable, detached way. Go to lecture & listen!!

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors at ucsb. If you study and take notes from the book, do the hw, and study off the lecture slides/notes you'll get an A. I learned a lot from this class.

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PSY120L . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Clearly a very smart professor, but gives off a vibe that she hates teaching. If you do as you're told, you should not have a problem getting an easy A in this class. Study hard and there's nothing to worry about. Very enjoyable.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

This class is tough. You really have to study a lot and I recommend taking easy classes along with this class so that you can really focus on this class. Material is difficult and she goes pretty fast; classes are dense with material. Dont have to go to class but you should bc understanding concepts on your own is not easy. DO NOT CRAM.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

This was the hardest class I have ever taken. The material is hard and the professor goes way too fast. She really needs to explain things more. All class material will be on slides but will be explained more thoroughly in the book. Study your ass off. Memorize & understand all pathways and how everything works. If you don't study hard, forget it!

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Tests are fair. Review lecture slides and di the hw quizes and youll do good

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Woods is an awesome professor. Really tried to clarify concepts and if you attend lecture and read it's quite easy to pass. Lectures are a must to attend and if you don't read you can still get a B on tests. The book really clarifies concepts. Overall a great class and a great teacher who really wants her students to pass.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 8 Years Ago

Professor Woods will make you think that you understood the material but it is mostly confusing. She will go over one topic for three lectures and test you on it only 5% and not go over something and test you 85% on it. Long story short, she does not know how to make a fair test.

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