The Mastering Physics homework is pretty useless and the midterms can be pretty tough but the final is much easier and the curve is generous. I will say he makes his lectures very interesting but you still need to spend some time outside of class studying yourself in order to understand everything.
Interesting lecturer, class will be pretty easy if you have taken physics before. The curve also bumped my grade up to an A.
If you have taken AP physics in high school, good for you, phys 1 is an easy A for you. But if you don't really know about physics, you better study hard. The class is so unfair since only 9% gets and A and one letter bump (ex: A- to A) depends on 1/3 of standard deviation from the mean. This is a tough class and he goes by the concepts so quickly.
The exam is not difficult, but he is not a good lecturer. I cannot learn anything from his class. But he is good at arousing students' attention. He is not a good professor for students who did not take physics class since you need to spend a lot of time learning physics after the class.
Homework is on mastering physics and not hard to finish. Very interesting person but failed to teach clearly. Bad at summary and cannot bring your own cheat sheet to the exams (and the cheat sheet he provided is lack of some formulas) No practice exam. Hard to predict the questions. You will save a lot of time for other class by not taking this.
Very Hard and Confusing. It's his first time to teach PHYS4. DO NOT TAKE UNLESS YOU BLOW YOUR MIND.
https://imgur .com/a/U0AqOYZ I have no idea why his rating is so high. In general, I have found that Freunds lectures were more confusing than helpful. Hes certainly not the worst professor, but I would say hes mediocre at best.
From my experience with just the Physics 1 class: He has entertaining experiments and explains concepts in very much detail. However it is fast-paced even in the lecture. The Mastering Physics online homework is tedious, and may not help you study for tests. Find the practice tests, read the questions thoroughly and fast, and crunch numbers faster.
Once, there were many (by many I mean many) people that talked to him about their bad midterm score. Want to know his response? He said they should have gone to a community college. Good luck.
Freund is a great professor. Physics is not my strong suit, but his comedic character and clear lectures made it much more enjoyable. He may jump around topics sometimes, but covers all the material fairly well. WORK ON the practice tests. He truly cares for all of his students and if you put in the effort, hell go it of his way to help you.
Freund is AMAZING!! Best out of all the physics 6 series professors. Make sure to understand the practice test and finals and you will do well!
Amazing professor! He not only keep the subject interesting but he cares about his students, which is VERY hard to find at UCSB. Tests are difficult but do-able if you go to office hours. I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tries pretty hard to appeal to his "younger" audience, so get ready for his totally relatable jokes. Fair grader, multiple choice exams that are straightforward. Pushed HW deadlines back consistently throughout the quarter (don't know if he planned to do this but it was nice). Cool demos, good prof to ease you into the Physics series.
Hilarious, e(a)rnest, and caring professor. Pay close attention to his lectures and really understand the practice midterms to do well on his tough exams. I found his lectures to be a bit confusing and boring at times, but he shares interesting and entertaining stories. He's very approachable!
- Great professor to listen to, can jump around on concepts though - I find it helpful to read thru the textbook, most people don't - Tough exams - Highly recommend taking him for 6c during the summer
Very cool, fun professor, but too chill. Scattered, unorganized teaching, but when he does teach he does it really well. Wished he goes over the exam problems more often. His exams are way more difficult than what he covers in lecture, section, and homework. Reading the book doesn't help much. AP Physics helped me for the most part of this class.
He's approachable, smart and funny. A bit scattered. Be prepared to do a lot of self-directed learning if you want to do well in this class. His tests are insanely (unfairly?) hard and take concepts he goes over briefly in class to the next level. Outdated lecture / test notes. Worst grade I've ever gotten in a class and I studied really hard.
Freund is a great professor, teaches well especially for such a conceptual subject. Pay attention in class and you'll do well, iClickers count towards your grade anyways. He's always willing to help, I try to take him for every physics class.
Probably the best option for any lower division physics courses at UCSB. That being said, he is not as great as people say he is. He has messy lectures that puts people to sleep. He uses MasteringPhysics, which is honestly the worst website for homework and for learning the material. He also reuses old material from a different class (6A).
Prof. Freund is a great guy and his lectures are really easy to follow. The only negative thing I find about him is he is somewhat unorganized in his powerpoints. So it's difficult to get notes if you miss class. But, if you do attend class, he is great at explaining concepts
I like Prof. Freund's class. Professor Freund knows how to explain concepts to his students. I never had a hard time understanding him. However, his lectures sometimes put me to sleep.
Freund's class is an absolute joy to experience. He knows his stuff and is good at expressing it to the students. He fields even the worst questions with ease. He's extremely funny and cares about students as individuals. Very clear about what we should know and when things are due. Flexible to students' requests. Way better than the other options.
His lectures lack some depth. He's also a bit scatterbrained. But he is good at breaking down difficult problems and explaining them part by part. He's always in a good mood and easy to approach with confidence.