Campo is a very nice man, but not the best teacher. He knows a lot but is a pretty terrible lecturer. I dreaded going to class... he grades hard... I spent hours writing the papers and got B-. THe final paper is ridiculous. boring class although I did learn! Tons of reading! The material is interesting just not the best teacher!
if you don't do the work then you can't expect to pass his class. but he really cares about his students, not just the religious studies majors. he does assign more work than is possible, but most teachers do. if you go to class and do some of the reading then you should be fine.
The number of assignments he assigns is ridiculously overwhelming. He notices students who don't come to class and takes their absences into account when grading. Avoid if possible.
Unclear requirements...
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He's a very serious professor with no focus in his class. Doesn't know much about Islam and he's teaching it, LOL. His thing is India and Hinduism. I got nothing out of his class, boring, lectures don't make sense.
One of the best lecturers on campus... I had him for second time and really learned a great deal... He makes the subject really interesting... Take him!
The quality of lectures was very good... However, the way he calculates final grades seems illogical to me... I earned mostly As, I did all my work during the coursee, and I was well-prepared for the finals... However, to my surprise, the final grade I received was B. I suspect he reserves As for his favorite (usually RG ST) students...
Excellent Professor! He taught the class well, and we learned a lot. I really wanted him to focus on the political and religious aspects of present-day Islam (like he said he would in the beginning) rather than over focusing on the history. Take the class its not too hard as long as you try.
really fun class, more work than you expect. you really learn a lot of relevant stuff... i recommend taking it if you want a easy, fun class and have time for busy work.
I think he over-did Islam. I would have liked a "fairer" course, maybe one that didn't talk about how bad Chistianity is and how great Islam is, balence! He definatly had interesting points, and I personally was interested in the material, even though it was more then any college student can handle.
lectures all over the place. 80b is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous. him and his liberal TAs failed me because they are so stubborn on their views. biased grading... and if you don't go to TA office hours they will find reason not to give you a good grade
Cannot write tests, you will want to throw out all the questions because they are worthless! Everything is Islam...forget Judaism and Christianity...did not want to be gotten a hold of for office hours...even email he would prefer you ask TAs
That class was lame, it was pretty much an upper division class on Islam, that flimsily supported unlikely theses and expected you to accept and regurgitate it.
Dr. Campo is simply fun to watch. He enjoys his teaching and respects students and engages everyone with equal interest. Knows more about Islamic religion than anyone I will ever meet, and loves religion itself as deeply as he does his teaching. A fine, fine professor
AWESOME, really knows what he's talking about
extremely knowledgeable, clear and articulate.
This class was terrible. It was SO boring. I took 80A and loved it, but I really didn't like this class. Lectures were not clear. I was also unclear about the testable material. Boooo.
He is very nice and i would recommend him highly. Classes are interesting and no tests for upper division classes
awesome teacher (with Professor Hecht), very clear, makes the class interesting, definately a recommened class and professor