Leslie Wilson
12 reviews
Dennis Clegg
35 reviews
Stuart Feinstein
60 reviews
Alice Nguyen
70 reviews

MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 6 Months Ago

I don't really know where to start... she is extremely power hungry and bureaucratic. I had an instance where a TA told me something regarding the course policies and I took it to be truth (as one does). Turns out that wasn't the case and when I did everything else right (turned in my assignment EARLY) she didn't listen during our meeting at all.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 6 Months Ago

WORST professor in the MCDB department. Has no sense of social skills whatsover, and is not lenient to different circumstances. Never met a "professor" like her before. DO NOT recommend! Would rather take this class at cc than here. Not a great coordinator, the worst by far at UCSB.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 6 Months Ago

if I could give 0 stars I would. probably the least empathetic person you'll ever meet in your life. and the lab manual, quizzes, and poster project are all very poorly written. on the good side, it's easy as long as you don't miss a deadline.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 6 Months Ago

Absolutely abysmal class. Only 1.5 units but the biggest hassle of a class. O chem lab is ten times easier and more fun. Least enjoyable class I have taken. Intro bio team is not helpful at all with turning in assignments late, getting excused absences, etc.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 6 Months Ago

This is a joke of a class. The department is very strict about turning in labs and every time we have gone in for a lab, it is a waste of time. She has students conduct experiments knowing the equipment does not work and then marks students off for being late or not turning in a lab with very strict and not lenient policies. VERY poor quality class

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MCDBIA . 9 Months Ago

Really good lecturer and made class interesting. His section of class (biochem) was by far the easiest and he explains all the concepts really well. The midterm was straightforward and super similar to the practice tests. Watching the CLAS videos really helps! Textbook isn't necessary but can help if you want an additional resource.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 30 Days Ago

Lame class that everyone has to take. Everything is very scuffed and you will be unsure of a lot of things. Post-lab and Pre-lab questions suck and are poorly written/wrong. Easy class if you listen to the TAs and follow their directions.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

A genuine just joke of a class. Don't take this class seriously or try to learn anything, even if you try it's so unbelievably managed that you won't, period. The only thing redeemable about this class is that everyone gets A's if you turn things on in time, which is a little sad. Hopefully one day UCSB intro bio can be free of Alice and the "team"

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2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Joke is the only good word. No organisation, no clear expectation, a huge mess. Nguyen is not accessible out side of class room, she's like a ghost who tries to haunt down every possible student who needs to unfortunately cross paths with her. Lazy is pretty nice in this case when it comes to exam in which every question was copy pasted.

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MCDB153 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Feinstein taught this class great, he clearly has passion and an incredible understanding of the material. The TAs werent the most helpful and couldn't answer questions clearly. Exams are 80% of the grade, quizzes are 20%. Exams are graded strictly but lowest gets dropped, understand the experiments inside and out. Curve was steep, OH is helpful.

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

She really took the challenge of making these weeder classes the most unenjoyable classes

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2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I have her for EEMB 2LL and EEMB 2. She seems like a nice lady at first but her classes have been the worst I've taken here at UCSB. Lab is tons of busy work with unclear instructions, absolute waste of time. Lecture has 3 classes' worth of info smashed into one with cumulative 125 question final. Absolutely drained any passion for learning.

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Literally learned nothing this entire course. Full of busy work with terrible organization. There were little to no guidelines on the one single project we were assigned for this class. A major headache of a class and the administration made it so much worse.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

She seems nice as a person but honestly it feels like her courses were designed to suck all the interest out of the students. Why do we have so much busy work? Why do we have to spend hours writing essays on a research project we didn't even do?

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Just spent three hours in a lab counting animals on a picture and then plugging the results into the same equation over and over... I don't know how she manages to absolutely ruin one of the most interesting/easy lab series

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

This class is so dumb. The entire class is busy work that no one explains. The final project is even dumber than the in class labs and no one has any idea what we are doing. Please send help.

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Soooo unclear about the directions for the research paper assignment + the whole class is just busy work. Don't even get me started on EEMB3, a class with fascinating content that she made terrible by giving a cumulative/in-person final that covers stuff we barely talked about--my quizlet for the class had more than in ochem and biochem combined!!

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I don't even know where to start. It's like she intentionally makes her classes, which are supposed to be easy intro bio topics, the most confusing/unclear courses possible. She throws sooooo many busy work assignments at you, including a research paper with the most confusing instructions I've ever seen.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

She cancelled 2 weeks of class because it rained for 1 day, so we didn't do an experiment or any science. Instead she gave us 10 year old videos from other professors to watch online as a substitute for teaching us anything/giving us hands-on experience. We spent our in-person "lab" time making an 8th grade science fair-caliber poster on Powerpoint

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I'm sure Prof Nguyen is a nice person, but she is probably the least empathetic and accomodating professor I have met at UCSB. MCDB 1LL was honestly not that bad or difficult, other than having to do a poster on a lab we never did.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

This class was extremely unorganized and it had us make a research poster on a lab that we never even got to do. The labs themselves are really easy, but the pre-lab assignments take like ten attempts to get full credit b/c of how difficult they are.

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MCDB1B . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Does not respond to emails. If you want to talk to her you have to somehow get her attention outside of class and even then, it's impossible to get a hold of her. I emailed Nguyen 4 times about the same subject at the beginning of the quarter and continued to get zero response. Eventually gave up and stopped asking questions- really disappointing.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

The most stupid thing about MCDB1LL is the poster. We didn't do this experiment at all, but instead, the poster, which relies entirely on the editing process, gets the biggest score. It's really stupid and disgusting.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I honestly have no words. To sum it up, I'll give you this: It was so confusing that my entire lab class was under the impression that we would eventually DO the worm lab at some point, and were not informed that we would never actually do it (and were supposed to work off the old data the WHOLE course) until week 8. WEEK. EIGHT.

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