Leslie Wilson
12 reviews
Dennis Clegg
35 reviews
Stuart Feinstein
60 reviews
Alice Nguyen
70 reviews

MCDB1A . 14 Years Ago

he's a pretty good professor. his material was definitely easier to understand than the other 2 professors. plus he puts videos of every lecture online so if you miss class you can just watch them. his test was easier than the other too. seems like a nice guy

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MCDB1A . 14 Years Ago

Dr. Feinstein is an awesome professor! He really loves what he teaches and it shows. At the beginning of every class he played a song off of youtube, and he spent the first 5-10 minutes of lecture doing a quick review. I really enjoyed his 3 weeks of MCDB 1A.

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MCDB1A . 14 Years Ago

He is the best teacher of the three that teach this class. He has awesome slides so lecture is unnecessary and all you need to do is study the slides to get an A. After you have him the other 2 profs are terrible.

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MCDB1A . 16 Years Ago

Hes pretty cool

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MCDB1A . 16 Years Ago

Not only is Feinstein an amazing teacher but he loves the SF Giants. He heads the Research Dept. of Neuroscience at UCSB which speaks volumes about his expertise, however his articulation of concepts is equal in quality. For how easy/monotonous gen bio can be, he makes it worth going to class. Midterm was cake.

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MCDB1A . 16 Years Ago

very good teacher. gave review session before midterm....tests are very straight forward

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MCDB1A . 17 Years Ago

i thought he was alright, his lectures weren't that interesting but if you study all the slides then you'll do fine... pretty much study the slides for the whole gen bio series and you'll pass... only problem is that its ALOT of info

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MCDB1A . 17 Years Ago

he wasn't that bad, really boring though. his voice is so soft that it puts u to sleep. although i never went to office hours, he seems like a nice guy. his tests were ok, much easier than the other 2.

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MCDB1A . 18 Years Ago

He drove me crazy! He kept correcting himself and ran over in time. His test was much harder than it needed to be.

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MCDB1A . 18 Years Ago

I thought he was the best of the three. He's really nice and I think the material he covered was the easiest to understand. His lectures were pretty boring, but just study the powerpoints and you'll be fine.

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MCDB1A . 18 Years Ago

He's got to be the worst professor I've ever had at UCSB. Avoid at all costs.

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MCDB1A . 19 Years Ago

He's a super smart guy who really cares about sharing his knowledge.

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MCDB1A . 19 Years Ago

By far the best of the 3. Way nice, plays kool music before class, and just is all around a likeable guy. I actually felt like he wanted us to do well also which was a first

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MCDB1A . 19 Years Ago

he's WAY better than who i had before

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MCDB1A . 20 Years Ago

straight forward and interesting

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MCDB1A . 21 Years Ago

No Comments

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EEMB3 . Nguyen A T 3 Months Ago

Alice is literally so terrible and mean. She wants all the bio students to suffer and I truly feel like she wants to weed out as many people as she possibly can. I feel really sorry for you if you have to suffer through one of her classes. She has made me absolutely hate my major. So thanks for that!

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 3 Months Ago

She don't provide what student need: I have no idea how to do the programmins for statistic analysis, but I can't find any guide for this. If you get sick and miss a lab, drag your tired body to get the doctor note. Since without it you will lose whole credit for the lab, and there is no compensate lab or lowest one drop, so say bye to your A!

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 4 Months Ago

The definition of "this is just a job". She's not even a real professor, just a coordinator. Unfortunately, that means a lot of the planning for these intro level mcdb/eemb classes get handed to her, bureaucrat-style. Terrible communication, if you reach out to her either in-person or by email, good luck getting a response back.

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 4 Months Ago

Literally the meanest professor/coordinator ever. Every single class I have taken run by her had something go drastically wrong (like having 800+ students take a final 3 times). She also has 0 empathy for students, almost didn't excuse my friend from a lab because she couldn't send her a LITERAL OBITUARY fast enough.

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 4 Months Ago

Literally the WORST HUMAN to ever grace ucsb campus. is the least understanding person and hardly responds to emails on top of how HORRIBLY she coordinates classes. My house literally flooded and she said It wasn't fair to other students for me to submit my assignment late. (bro my house flooded). awful courses for an awful coordinator

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EEMB3 . Nguyen A T 5 Months Ago

Absolute joke of a coordinator. She split a single course into 3 different professors, already confusing students, and 1 of the professors is teaching ENTIRELY on zoom. 0 accessibility, 0 transparency, 0 accommodations, and honestly the worst professor in all of UCSB. You cannot avoid her classes, but hopefully she loses her job one day.

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EEMB2LL . Nguyen A T 5 Months Ago

Honestly so so so unbelievably unfortunate that Alice heads a lot of the prerequisite classes for Pre-Biology majors because she is just so unaccommodating. I'm not sure why she makes everything so difficult and gives me the impression she does not care for the students taking her class to succeed. All of these reviews about her are 100% justified.

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MCDB1LL . Nguyen A T 6 Months Ago

I have never had the misfortune of dealing with such a terrible person until I had to take a class the Alice Nguyen was in charge of. She is the most unaccommodating person if you have to miss any classes and she doesn't allow you to make up any grades if you do. Avoid any classes with her name attached at all costs.

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