MATH 501
Peter Garfield
191 reviews

MATH6A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Took him for Math 4A and 6A. He really does care about his students and the class is very organized. Gauchospace is very easy to navigate and there are 3 homeworks a week with lectures accordingly. Only downside he takes a while to grade weekly quizzes. The homework/quiz questions are a lot harder than in lecture so go to office hours or mathlab!

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MATH6B . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Took this class with him and Katy Craig as dual professors. He's a nice guy and very accessible outside of class but the discrepancy between the topics taught in class and what you are tested on is huge. The tests are just way harder than any examples done in class, the only reason most people in the class manage to pass is bc hw 40% of the grade.

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MATH4AB6A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Garfield teaches math in a very succinct and efficient manner. Him and his TA's have been great for all my courses, and I recommend him for everyone. He is very flexible with homework, and the grading is very generous. Take him for all your classes!

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MATH6A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

He's a really friendly and understanding guy. He pushes back HW for the class when asked and it's weekly quizzes and a final so you can mess up and not ruin your grade. The quizzes/HW are a lot harder than his lectures prepare you for though, so make sure you get help if you need it.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Garfield's lectures are very thorough and he uses good examples. He's very lenient with online, he drops your lowest homework score. Midterm and final were as difficult as expected with the content. He also provided us with a Nectir group where we could get help, he also gives participation points which you can get by asking questions so it's easy.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Peter is a really kind professor. Three lectures, three Webwork homework, and one weekly Gradescope quiz each week. Your will be graded on Nectir participation for every three/four weeks. Peter will automatically drop lots of lowest grades for homework, quizzes, and even participation points. You will have plenty opportunities to ensure A or A+.

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4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Thou you def. get an A after taking with Peter, he extends almost every HW. Quizzes and Final are very similar to what you've got on HW. BUT, you won't learn anything from this class. Lectures are very confusing, just read your book, go to MATHLAB, go to CLAS.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Prof. Garfield is a very nice professor. He extends homework for students regularly, and his homework and quizzes are not very hard. Participation points are easy to get. He sometimes doesn't reply to email, and he only appear on nectir a few times. His lectures are fun to watch but sometimes a little unclear, and he sometimes post them late.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Mr. Garfield was incredibly supportive during COVID; he is such a nice man and was active in the big nectir groupchat with questions. While the amount of homework assignments makes the class appear super difficult, he gave an extension on every single one, so don't be too fearful. He is on your side and wants all of his students to be successful.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Peters Math 4A is an easy A. His lectures are a little bit hard to understand, but quizzes and exams only consist 40% of overall grade. He is also very nice and helpful.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Very Good Professor. Easy A. And you don't need to worry about the deadlines because there will always be some students emailing him to push off the due dates.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Prof. Garfield is super nice & understanding in terms of giving grade extensions. He has a very lenient grading policy since homework counts for the majority of the grade! I found that the lectures were sometimes confusing because some of the steps weren't explained but the TAs are super helpful in clarifying concepts. Overall, he's a solid prof.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

This was my first quarter at UCSB since I transferred over from OCC and Peter was amazing with the transition to online learning. He accommodated to every student and made sure we could succeed in the class with minimal stress. Very lenient with due dates as he always extended hw due dates. No midterm, just weekly quizzes and a final.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Garfield is really caring and lenient. He dropped our lowest participation score, a few homework grades, and three of our lowest weekly quiz scores. He offered extensions on pretty much every homework assignments. That being said, he started posting lectures really late in the day near the end of the quarter, and he's not that great at explaining.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Professor Garfield was a really good instructor. His lectures were easy to understand, and the weekly quizzes were not as stressful as a midterm format. He was very lenient and extended homeworks often. He also made sure to clear up any questions students had on Nectir, and I appreciate him for that.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Of all my professors, Prof. Garfield did the best job adapting to remote learning. The lectures are engaging, the quizzes are fair, and he extends homework all the time. Instead of midterms, there is a weekly quiz, which I found to be a lot less stressful. 50% of the grade is homework, and there are three quiz drops, so this should be an easy A.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

garfield is great! had lectures on mon, wed, fri, and hw for each lecture, everything async. he gave extensions for the whole class for every single hw. 1 quiz a week, and a final worth 4 quizzes. dropped the 3 lowest hws and quizzes, and also 1/3 of our participation grade. super accommodating and understanding professor, honestly 10/10

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

I loved him so much. He actually cares about his students' mental health which is really rare, and he makes sure to keep lectures under 35-40 mins. Yes he sometimes posts lectures late, but he always compensates by extending homework assignments. I also really liked how he didn't penalize students for having bad wifi.

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MATH31344 . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

I loved him so much. He actually cares about his students' mental health which is really rare, and he makes sure to keep his lectures under 35-40 mins!!! Yes he does post lectures late sometimes, but he always compensates by extending homework assignments. I also love how he doesn't penalize students for having bad wifi.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Garfield was a great prof, and he adapted to virtual learning very nicely. 3 lectures a week with 3 hw assignments relating to them. Short weekly quizzes and no midterm. Constantly extends hw deadlines because he understands how stressful this quarter is. His lectures always made me laugh, and I'm excited to take him again. Take him if you can!

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

His lectures do not help, and although he seems like a good person, at the end of the day, I don't think I ever learned anything from him. After watching his lecture once, I immediately stopped and only started reading from the textbook. I also lived in math lab, which is taught by TA's.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

Peter has been accommodating to every circumstance - from the pressure the pandemic puts on us to other classes' workloads. His lectures are punctual, always accessible, and not super confusing. The material is hard- no doubt- but if you understand early concepts you will be fine. The grading system is such that if you do the work you can get an A.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

100/10 AMAZING prof. loves his students, and loves teaching! He is so understanding but professional! gets straight to the point and you can never get bored watching his recorded lectures. amazing interaction with the class and the material itself is very doable if you watch lectures with him! 10/10 recommended.

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MATH4A . Garfield P M 3 Years Ago

understands his students and pushes back homework a lot

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