Darren Long
85 reviews
Elie Abdo
10 reviews

MATH3B . 3 Years Ago

Prof. Long is mathematically brilliant, is a captivating lecturer, and tells amazing jokes. One highlight: "Life philosophy: It's never too late to beef up your obituary". However, he refuses to answer questions, obfuscates his office hour times, and limits Webwork attempts to three per question, disincentivizing learning. Smart man. Bad teacher.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Not an easy A. I got a 5 on the AP Calc AB exam and had to work for a B+. 1st half of the quarter is review of AB so I did really well but seriously struggled with new material because lecture is more confusing than helpful some times. Only section is mandatory and used to answer HW questions. Utilizing TAs and CLAS is really important!

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

I realy liked this guy. Gave old school lectures on a chalkboard. They went by quickly but the notes were great. Tests very fair, TAs helpful. Tells a joke most classes which helps.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Sensational professor. Makes tough material accessible and his lectures are funny and engaging. But he expects you to work.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Also, what bothered me the most was that he literally ended our hour and 15 minute lecture 15-20 minutes early every time by jokingly saying he's exhausted. This is one of the main reasons why we didn't cover some of the most important concepts such as improper integrals and Taylor series. When you add up the lost time, huge waste of tuition money.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Made students feel stupid after asking a question. Remember how teachers always said, "There's no such thing as a stupid question?", well he made it seem like the opposite, and that every student's question was stupid. Some of these students really wanted to learn. There were most times where he didn't know how to solve a problem. Not passionate.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

I took Long for Math 3b and had a fine experience. The communication between him and his TAs was not great it seemed, as a lot of the things on the exams were not on my TA's review sheets. He told a joke at the midway point of every lecture, which gave something to look forward to. Only reason I got a B+ was because I failed the 2nd midterm lol.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

terrible teacher. wouldnt wear a microphone and was so quiet. he was so sassy whenever asked a question and did problems way too hard and confusing on the board that we werent tested on

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

The concepts covered in Professor Long's class are conceptually difficult, but I think he did a great job of providing us with the materials to succeed. This class is not an easy A. You will have to spend time on the homework and put in a lot of effort to master concepts Long presents. His office hours help! I'd take him again.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

The lecture is so boring and useless. The assignments and tests are really difficult than examples in class. Its really terrible.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Quiet speaker and criticizes students that ask questions. No office hours. He is knowledgeable but does not explain crucial steps in the concepts hes teaching. Im a math major, but he made me hate the subject for a brief period. The exams have the most difficult versions of the problems on it and you dont have enough time to finish the midterm.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Long is definitely not the worst math professor you could have, but certainly no where near the best. The thing with Long is he is such a brilliant man that he assumes all of his students know everything that he does, and consistently skips crucial steps and explanations. He would end class early basically every day, good luck with Darren.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Hes a super nice guy, but not the greatest lecturer. His exam problems mostly come from lectures and the homework, although he seems to pick the most difficult ones. By far not the worst professor, but there may be better ones.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Long D is not the best professor when it comes to learning everything you need to know in class. He is pretty hard to hear since he speaks so quietly and he isn't exactly eager to answer a lot of the questions we have to ask him during class. His jokes aren't bad tbh but he kinda stops them a few weeks into the quarter.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Professor Long is a very condescending man who doesn't care to answer questions he doesn't deem worthy. He doesn't wear a mic in a class of 150 students and his accent makes it even harder to hear him if you don't sit close enough to the front. Sections are mandatory and lectures aren't, but the midterms/final are based on in-class work.

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MATH108A . 5 Years Ago

He is a tough grader, and he does not seem to like teaching. His office hours are not useful, but he is an amazing lecturer. I believe that in this class I actually learned how to think like a mathematician, which is still helping me now. His grading scheme for each problem is this: "perfectly right", "right but lacks clarity", "wrong (no credit)".

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MATH117 . 9 Years Ago

Prof. Long is really good at teaching math, very knowledgable, especially felt this after taking a relatively small class MATH 117. But his homeworks are hard, and his final exam is beyond expectations. He is a hard grader. Doesn't use Gauchospace tracking your grade, and the final grade would be confusing. Can't find him after the end of the class

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

His sections are mandatory which is really annoying since I found them to be unhelpful. His lectures are dry, he often skims over material that is important later on in higher levels of math. One decent thing though was that he stopped class every lecture to tell a joke.

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MATH8 . 11 Years Ago

Prof. Long is the best math professor I've had at UCSB. His class was appropriately challenging, and the homework was a perfect preparation for the midterm and final. His lectures were entertaining and engaging. I want to have him again for upper div courses.

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

I loved math until this class came along. His accent made it difficult for me to understand, and he assumes that students know everything as he's writing on the overhead

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

An excellent professor and a sweet guy. He really cares about the students and what you learn. You don't need to read the book that much, unless it is to clarify something in lecture, though these are pretty clear. He is very passionate about this material! If you go to his office hours and talk to him he can clarify anything.

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

Hands down the worst professor I have ever had to try to learn from. I went in expecting to learn calculus and he just assumed we already knew it. He did not respond to emails whatsoever and was rude during office hours. Unhelpful and overall a terrible professor. I would never willingly take his class.

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

Excellent professor. Attend lecture and take good notes, do the homework and you will be fine. Very clear and writes great transparencies, which he posts on the web. OVerall couldn't be better.

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MATH3A . 11 Years Ago

It took me a few classes to become used to the professor's lecturing style, but then I quickly fell in love with the material. Some of the homework isn't easy, but his exams are fair. He really wants you to think and learn from the homework. If you put in the time, you will learn a ton from this class.

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