Darren Long

85 reviews
Graded by few things Amazing lectures Test heavy Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Participation matters Hilarious Beware of pop quizzes Accessible outside class Tests are tough Clear grading criteria Inspirational Lecture heavy
Past quarters
46 / 65 Enrolled
Linear Algebra
Darren Long 3.5
08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
32.6% A
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Math111A . 1 Year, 29 Days Ago

(Fall 2023) He explained group theory decently well, although he went really fast; we finished the core material by Week 6, and spent the remaining time doing representation theory (grad level math to unprepared undergrads). Really funny guy though, and his tests were brute memorization so easy to game (not fun studying for though).

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Math111A . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Best professor *ever*. Makes you think about how you should be thinking about the material and how you should be thinking about mathematics. Excellent in office hours.

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MATH117 . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Amazing professor. He lectures slowly and clearly and is very interactive. He always asks students for the next step of proof and guides students to complete the proof. Homework is a bit heavy and not easy, but it is manageable if you attend lectures. You can tell he has a lot of mathematical wisdom by the way he teaches. You will never walk alone.

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Math111A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Worst Professor I've ever had period. Doesn't care about students. Was able to find YouTube videos that explained concepts in a quarter of the time with infinitely more clarity than he had in lecture. Tests are extremely difficult. Grading scheme leaves no room for partial credit, you either get full credit or no credit.

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Math111A . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Astounding in his immediate responses to say he can do nothing to help a student in need, or completely ignore the emails when it is not reasonable for him to say that. Does not care at all if his students learn anything, just shows up, lectures, and leaves. No communication, posts nothing online, he simply does not care. Actual lectures are fine.

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Math111A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

If you take this class with Long, expect to learn nothing, feel super stressed, waste a lot of time, and get bad grades.

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Math118C . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Absolutely excellent. The math is not easy, but it's upper division and his lectures were clear and well presented. Test were fair and based upon homework and classwork.

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Math118C . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Teaches graduate level math with no curve. Tests are rote memorization with no thinking involved, just have to hope you got lucky and memorized the exact random proof that he talked about once. Is of little to no help in office hours, just acts like your question was nonsense and just moves on. Changed textbooks 3 times without telling class or TA

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Math118C . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Run. Teaching differential topology in undergraduate math analysis class and the final exam is like a nightmare. It is literally the worst class I have ever taken, without exaggeration.

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108B . 4 Years Ago

An amazing teacher. His teaching style made so much sense to me and the way he constructs things in class made the class entertaining. He really loves and understands his subject. Very glad I took this class.

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MATH108B . 4 Years Ago

5-min quizzes are worth 60% and final is worth 40%. Quizzes are really nerve-wracking. It's unclear what grade you have in the class until the final is over since there is no numerical grade for quizzes. If you do the weekly hw and attend lectures, you will do well. Not a bad prof, just didn't like the grading scheme

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MATH108B . 4 Years Ago

Dr. Long helped me understand linear algebra instead of just regurgitating stuff for tests. Attend class(zoom!), do homework, do practice problems you'll be fine. He has a system of five minute quizzes which makes it hard to cheat so dont count on chegg. He tests you on concepts so understand what you are doing and why. Great professor!

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