Elie Abdo

14 reviews
Caring Amazing lectures Hilarious Clear grading criteria Inspirational Gives good feedback EXTRA CREDIT Respected Test heavy Accessible outside class
Past quarters


MATH 8 Abdo E Spring 2024 Total: 36
MATH 117 Abdo E Spring 2024 Total: 72
MATH 118B Abdo E Winter 2024 Total: 30
MATH 6B Abdo E Fall 2023 Total: 144
See All
math6b . Abdo E 19 Days Ago

I think ill never have a better teacher again no joke. Completely accesible from outside of class, made it easy to learn and understand a hard topic.

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math6b . Abdo E A Month Ago

The best math professor I have ever had at UCSB. His lectures are very easy to follow and understand although the second unit was a lot more difficult than the first. Attendance was not mandatory for both section and lecture. There was only two tests: a midterm and a final, which was on week 10 instead of finals week. Weekly homework was good.

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math118b . Abdo E A Month Ago

Good teaching style, go to the office hour will help learning a lot.

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math6b . Abdo E 2 Months Ago

This class being "easy" isnt just a meaning that nobody is learning, it means that he does it well. The best professor I have had at UCSB. Breath of fresh air.

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Math117 . Abdo E 6 Months Ago

Goat goat goat Amazing Amazing Fun Fun Fun Amazing Amazing Goat goat goat Best Best Best

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Math117 . Abdo E 7 Months Ago

He was simply amazing.

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Math117 . Abdo E 7 Months Ago

Elie Abdo is one of the best professors I have ever had. Elie's lectures are clear and enjoyable. The homework is extremely fair and graded on completion, and going to office hours makes homework a breeze. Tests are exactly as in the study guide, and Elie ensures you know the material. Lecture notes are posted online.

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math8 . Abdo E 7 Months Ago

there is nothing to complain about this guy. he is just a really really nice and sweet guy who wants his students to feel comfortable and learn math. he doesn't assign his students a lot of homework, and his grading distribution is fair. will definitely take his class again.

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math118b . Abdo E 8 Months Ago

Goat! The absolute best prof I've encountered so far. He really cares about your learning and gives super engaging lectures. He also spends a massive chunk of lecture time individually helping people with practice problems, walking around, getting to know people. That said, his class is so easy you may not learn quite as much as other sections.

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math118b . Abdo E 9 Months Ago

Not only did he make a historically difficult class very understandable, but he did so in a very hands-on and fun way thay kept the entire class engaged with what he was saying. Fantastic teacher.

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math118b . Abdo E 9 Months Ago

he's really nice and the class is made in a way that you are going to get a good grade if you put effort in. elie really cares about his students too

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math6b . Abdo E 11 Months Ago

Nice guy. His exams are very similar to the practice exam. Lectures are not the best but he tries his best to explain things.

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