Peter Garfield
191 reviews

MATH34A . Garfield P M 7 Months Ago

Professor Garfield is a good professor and his practice midterms were always really similar to the actual exams and helped a lot. His lectures are fine and he explains things well. Homework was a massive pain though and can take a lot of time, problems on hw are significantly harder than anything you will see on the exam.

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34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Garfield is one of the best professors I've ever encountered. Took him for F21, his class consisted of weekly quizzes, Iclicker, two midterms and a final. He posted practice exams for midterms and final which were pretty similar (which is something that I am grateful for). He also posted recorded lectures after lecture if anyone missed anything.

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34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

As a teacher overall, he was super caring and nice. However, his lectures don't make sense and can get confusing. His practice exams are exactly like the actual exams and for the final as well so it made it easy to pass the exams. There was homework due before class every day and weekly quizzes in the section.

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34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I LOVE PETER!! Coming into this class I had never taken calculus, but the lectures and homework were super helpful and clear. The midterms/finals are JUST like the ones he posts online, I never got below a 93% on a test and the grading is very lenient if you show work. Can't recommend Peter enough, if you're nervous about his class don't be!

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Midterms and final are WAY easier than the homework, but if you sit down and really try the homework is not that difficult either. I got 100% on all 3 midterms and 95% on the final... the midterms and final are exactly like the ones he posts online, so don't bother going over homework questions. Garfield is super funny and accessible outside class

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34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I didnt go to his lectures but I did well only because I took ap calculus in high school. His explanations were confusing so I used my notes from AP. He has 3 midterms but if you want the best grade go to classes because not going brought my grade down. I also suggest taking CLAS if you take this class.

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34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I LOVE THIS PROFESSOR! He is super funny and cares, This class is more algebra than actual calculus. Past exams are given to us as practice and tests look exactly like the practice ones. Lectures are way too fast paced though (for me), so I 1000000% recommend using CLAS as a resource. Lots of homework (after every lecture), but doable.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

he doesn't break down the materials very well, he just gives you problems to solve on his board or whatever and he will give the answer in the end but hardly breaks it down on how he got that answer and if you haven't taken calc in hs, then you are going to struggle so bad

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34A . Garfield P M 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Peter, ur the most beautiful math34a professor I've ever encountered. I never understood what love meant until I walked into class. You really eat up the lectures. Gosh, you're so funny... and smart... and handsome. If I could have one professor for the rest of my life... I would choose you, peter. Math wouldn't exist without u

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Garfield is definitely very caring for his students and very helpful to them, but I think some of his explanations in his classes are definitely harder than they need to be.

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MATH34AB . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Had him for both 34A and B and he's a really genuine professor. He truly loves the subject and cares for his students. His tests are just like the practice exams, he makes it very easy to get a good grade if you study for it. Webwork problems are very hard but use nectir and resources!

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

I had Prof. Garfield for Math 34a and overall he was great. I'm not the best at math but if you do the homework, attend section, and do the midterm review papers, you're pretty much guaranteed an A or B. Homework can be challenging at times, but if you form study groups, you will succeed.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Lectures are very easy to follow along too, where he gets you is the homework. Often times there will be problems that weren't (and never will be!) covered in the lecture. You will sink hours of your time fearing they will be on the exam. This becomes worse in 34B. He has good intentions but is far from a competent professor.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Relies on slides too heavily. Most of the time the homework questions he assigns are confusing because he doesn't really know what he assigns. Went to all of his office hours. He seemed like he cared about being friends with students but didn't really care about teaching. It's an easy class if you go to CLAS.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Professor Garfield is not a good Professor. He did not respond to my messages at all and did not respond or help when I needed to improve my grade by half a letter in order to not have to take the class again. His lectures are not helpful and confusing.

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34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

If you take this class and go to the CLAS tutoring, do the homework (like actually try and solve them not just search them up), and do practice tests you'll get an A. I rarely used to get an A in math but by putting in the work I got a A+. Plus he has a thing where if you put in the effort by doing all the ass you automatically get a B.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Easy A if you sign up for CLAS and do practice exams, they are exactly like the tests. Theres hw after every lecture but it is easy and you can get a 95% with it being 2 weeks late. Post on nectar if you didnt go to class and you will still get an A in participation! hes a great professor as long as you try to put in a little effort!

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MATH34AB . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Peter is a real stand up guy. Honestly, my fav proff @UCSB so far. He was so accessible outside of class and really cared about each individual student. He honestly made me feel like I meant something at UCSB and wasn't just a statistic. Definitely go to CLAS and office hours. PRACTICE EXAMS ARE KEY TO DOING WELL!!

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

This class is fairly easy if you put in some effort. He lets you use an index card on each exam. However, I did not like his lecture style he seemed pretty condescending at times.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Very lenient on homework due dates; gives you 95% even if its a week late, lets you use a cheat sheet on exams, makes jokes during class, and truly tries to get to know his students who also try to get to know him, the textbook is rarely used but did offer a pdf version of it.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Would 100% recommend for a 34A professor. His lectures aren't too boring, and he is always available to answer any questions. There are multiple versions of practice midterms/finals, and studying those promises you a good grade as long as you have been paying attention to the material. Yet; The homework can be way harder than the tests/class q's.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Hilarious professor and overall great guy. Pay attention in class, do the homework, and it's an easy A. iclicker counts for participation but you can do it from bed. Great class for people who haven't taken a calc class before but can sometimes be confusing for those who have(take MATH 3A instead).

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

Makes it so easy to pass the class. Practice midterms and practice finals are nearly identical to the real thing. Professor is very approachable and understanding allowing for makeup midterms and finals.

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MATH34A . Garfield P M 2 Years Ago

As long as you understand basic mathematical concepts and work a little every day, this class is a breeze

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