Nathan would often go into tangents and not really teach concepts in a way that leaves you feeling like you learned any material. His canvas/class structure/ just everything had a disorganization to it. Possibly an easy to pass class, however, if you want to learn material to supplement your future classes, find another professor
He was an awful teacher. Sure he's a nice guy, but absolutely terrible at teaching. Had I known ChatGPT and Youtube videos would teach me more than the professor himself I would have avoided taking his course. If you want a good teacher don't take this course. The tests are reasonable and you get a note card.
nathan is one of the worse profs i've ever had. fails to explain concepts well and just goes in circles. there's extra credit but that's not really helpful when you're left to self study by yourself. having a good ta helps
Lots of homework but extra credit on it. Quizzes every section and often have content on it taught that same day in lecture. Lectures were confusing and he was bad at answering questions from students. The TA was more helpful than the professor. Self-study is needed
Schley was a professor I was initially worried to take but as the course went on I found him to be a good prof, not the best but he did care and does challenge you to develop crucial math skills. The homework is a lot but the last two weeks have none. Lectures can be hit or miss but when they're good they can be full of useful techniques.
Schely is simply not good at teaching math.
it was okay could be better to be honest.
- A LOT of WebWork homework. (2~3 per week) - Extra HW Credit if you complete 3 days in advance (basically self study) - Lecture: 3/5. Slides: 4/5. As the others said, he likes to teach "different approaches" to problems. I love it and this is the exact reason I chose his class in the first place, but you might not.
Lectures are hard to follow. He talks about his preferred way to approach problems which are actually useful sometimes even if they seem like they won't be. His tests are super easy.
Overcomplicates concepts because he finds the different version of solving something "cool." You can get extra credit on every HW if you turn it in early, aka before he teaches it. So, you have to teach yourself/cheat to get that EC. Tests are fair, but you won't learn what you need from class. Use CLAS if you have him.
Terrible lecture, no idea what he was talking about. He seemed to be teaching only the few people in front of him. Self-study is required.
He seriously cared a lot, and was genuinely happy that we did well. I've never seen a professor put in so much effort into his notes, albeit kinda messy. He did not lecture from the textbook, or use it at all tbh. Was willing to cover topics that were supposed to be but weren't taught in 4A. Lots of extra credit w/ homework, midterms were fair.
Don't take this professor. you will need to teach yourself all of the material. Jit claims he spends 7 hours on notes but notes have mistake in every lecture. He doesn't post the completed solutions to the notes online so you have to go to lecture but you wont learn anything. Exams arent too crazy but I taught the entire course material to myself.
I think I did well in this class simply because I already had a pretty good foundation of calc prior to taking this class, not necessarily because of his teaching. Lectures were sometimes confusing and students often had to correct him on several problems.
You could replace him with a bar of soap and learn more. Sign up for CLAS before signing up for him as a professor. You'll get away more from the tutors than the Pillsbury dough boy who runs that classroom. This is the 3rd time I am posting my comment after this dude requested to remove people's honest reviews twice, no shame!
Wow. Worst teacher i've ever had. A very nice man I'm sure, but utterly and wholly incompetent. I had him for 34a and 34b, and just wait to take this class with another professor. Simply not worth it at all. Lectures are completely useless and hard to follow, couldn't even do his own problems in class. He's so disorganized and just.. don't.
He seems like he genuinely cares about his students. However, he's a pretty bad teacher and it seems like he doesn't really know what he's talking about. He makes a lot of mistakes during his lectures and honestly I'm more confused after attending his lectures. Take him as a professor only if you're good at self-studying.
If you ask me what I've learned for the past 7 weeks from this man literally nothing comes to mind. I review all his lecture slides and materials and still don't understand how I'm learning anything. he worst part is that although he doesn't make sense the TA Christine Alar is also unhelpful as well. He also rarely posts answers to his study guides
Lecture is a complete waste of time. Prof rarely does example problems with the class which is unfortunate considering how many he assigns. Spends most of lecture reading off slides he's forgotten. Material+tests are pretty simple and all it takes is a competent CLAS tutor to do well Easily the most useless prof/lecture I've had here (4th yr)
I'm sure he's a great person but this man cannot teach. My friend and I decided to teach ourselves the material instead of actually going to lecture. We've noticed we can get more done and actually understand it that way. 0/10 would not recommend. If you have the choice choose Peter Garfield as your math34b professor.
Seems like a lovely person who wants his students to succeed but he does not know how to teach. We went over his quiz question and even he was doing it wrong
Nathan is a very nice and caring Professor but should not be a teacher. Although he does want his students to do well, he is not a strong/clear lecturer. I ended up having to teach most of the material to myself. Exams include abstract concepts/rules that he expects you to know just because he knows them.
Schley is a great person. He's kind, nice, and really wants his students to succeed. However, he is not a good teacher. He is horrible at lecturing. He tests his students on topics that he never really taught before. Most of the time, I would have to teach myself all the topics.
One of the worst professors I've ever had. He covers basic topics during lectures and then tests us on extremely abstract, conceptual concepts that we never learned. No practice midterms, pretty much need to teach all of the the material to yourself in order to do well. Would not recommend!