Matt Porter
277 reviews

MATH3A . Porter M J 4 Years Ago

Porter is straightforward and he answers questions during lecture. He does mumble though so it's best if you sit towards the front. It's Calculus and he isn't the most ecstatic professor but he teaches what you need to know and you can go to his office hours for more clarification. His midterms are relatively easy but the final was harder.

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MATH3A . Porter M J 4 Years Ago

Professor Porter gives you all the study material you need. You can easily pass this class if you just do the work. It's calculus so hearing it once in lecture isn't going to solidify it in your memory. He posts the completed lecture slides after each class and assigns webwork to help study. Review guides for each test.

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MATH3A . Porter M J 4 Years Ago

Professor Porter is the worst professor Ive ever had. He just stands up there and mumbles things incoherently while teaching calculus in the most abstract, difficult way to understand it. His handwriting is illegible which is how he does his lectures. Dont take him, youll learn nothing.

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MATH3A . Porter M J 4 Years Ago

If you want to spend 50 minutes every lecture listening to a low, incomprehensible mumble tangentially regarding some things about calculus while watching some dude run his red marker over an electronic worksheet, then spend two hours doing 90 homework problems, then take a test with problems that werent covered by either, then take 3A with Porter

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MATH3A . Porter M J 5 Years Ago

Professor Porter is honestly one of the most robotic and uninteresting professors I have ever had. Sitting through his lectures is like watching paint dry with the sound of static in the background. He lectures as if we are watching him do his homework and he occasionally speaks to himself. He ignores questions and takes no time to explain concepts

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MATH107 . Porter M J 8 Years Ago

He gives you many chances to improve your grade. He's really monotone which can be boring but hes quite nice and makes awkward cheesy jokes. Overall, pretty good teacher. i'm not the best in math and did well.

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MATH107 . Porter M J 8 Years Ago

I have never been a math wizard but Matt is absolutely amazing at making any student a math student! He gives you printed hand outs to follow along with in class and gives numerous examples to help you understand the material. He is always willing to help you with any questions and will casually slide in some funny math puns during class.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 9 Years Ago

Class was super easy. For his lectures he would hand-write prepared notes on a projector, so when taking notes you could just copy what he was writing and get by fine. I asked him for a bunch of favors, like extending homework and changing the day of my final, and he was super chill about it.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 9 Years Ago

Great professor. Really clear. Tests were just like practice test HW. Class was also 25% HW, which is a lot. And the HW had unlimited tries. Matt is a really nice guy who actually cares about teaching instead of being obsessed with getting published as often as possible. 4B with Matt has been my fav class at UCSB thus far.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 9 Years Ago

If you're looking for a theatrical performance, you won't find it here. He is booming and monotonous, however he teaches the relevant material and gives examples that are very similar to that of the homework and exams. His exam problems can be tough, but if you know the material easy to solve. Clear and to the point lecturer.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 9 Years Ago

I can't be too harsh on him since he was chosen as our professor last minute, but even with that, he was a decent professor. He lectured reasonably clearly, but the homework was a bit much -- about 15 problems due every week. His exams were not too far from what was on the study guide, so you don't need to be too wary about surprises.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Matt is awesome. He is really clear and always answers any questions in a way at helps you understand. He is a chill guy I actually miss attending his lectures. I wish he would be the professor for all my math classes. He also does offer extra credit sometimes, which is awesome. If you go to class and do the homework, you will be fine.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Matt is good at explaining math concepts. He makes it as clear as possible without skipping steps. I was not confident at the beginning of the course because I took calculus 1 a while ago; but I learned a lot from this class and got a good grade. You will do fine if you do homework and attend class.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Great math teacher. Made me really understand the concepts and the reason for the math I was doing, which interested me greatly. Went above and beyond the course explaining applications past the scope of the course, settling my nerves for later math classes. If you can ever have him as a teacher, don't hesitate.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Matt is good. He makes it fun by adding in random jokes and facts in between, which is pretty cool. He explains it well, and will explain it further if there are still things that are not understood. Very helpful, too.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Lectures are easy to follow along and he makes it fun by throwing in ransoms math jokes and facts. I learned more from asking him questions than from reading the book. Even more helpful are office hours. He's also good at responding to emails right away, and is considerate when it comes to grading or absences.

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MATH6A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Possibly the best professor I've had at ucsb! I would highly recommend! He's very clear and gives reasonable tests. Definitely go to lecture to write down all his notes, because you don't need the book to study.

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MATH4A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Great TA. One of the only TAs I have had for a big lecture class like this that holds review sessions before each midterm and the final. He is very nice and always willing to help. He is also very accessible in office hours and math lab.

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MATH4A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

I took Math 4a and Matt was my TA. He knew his stuff very well and was always willing to clarify things for a second time if anyone was confused. Matt is a very nice, helpful, and all around great guy and I'm stoked to have had him.

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MATH4A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

One of the best/most helpful TA I've ever had. He's currently working on his PHD in math so he definitely knows his stuffs. Plus he's really clear and good at explaining the materials. If you attend and pay attention to all of his sections you should easily get a decent grade in this class. I highly recommend him and I will take his sections again.

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MATH4A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Great TA with a lot of knowledge on the subject. Very approachable and very helpful! He would always be available for you to help out with any trouble you are having! Along with my professor, he made the class very enjoyable.

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MATH4A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Matt is the most helpful T.A. I've had at UCSB. On top of office hours he hosts reviews for every test and you're best chance at getting an A

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MATH4A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Very helpful.

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MATH4A . Porter M J 10 Years Ago

Really helpful teacher and great guy.

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