John Lee
103 reviews

HISTORY4A . Lee J W 20 Years Ago

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HIST4A . Lee J W 20 Years Ago

he's thorough and good at powerpoint. the topic leaves something to be desired.

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HIST4A . Lee J W 20 Years Ago

great lecturer. uses power point presentations very well and is well spoken. extremely helpful and approachable. gives good paper topics, and tests are fair but need preparation.

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HIS2A . Lee J W 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

I am a really slow reader, so I struggled a lot in Lee's class, but I learned so much in his class. If you like to read especially about history, then you will enjoy his class a lot. If you just want to satisfy your GE requirement, take some easier class.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

Honestly he seems like a really nice guy, he's super passionate about Greek history and that is clearly his passion, but don't take history 2a with him. The lectures are all over the place and aren't organized. He rambles about random stuff that has nothing to do with the papers/assignments. If you get a good TA, they will be helpful tho

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HIST111T . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

Professor Lee was very nice for allowing me to be a remote student for his in-person class. He spends most of the class lecturing to the students, so you need to pay attention. He assigns a bunch of reading from Xenophon's book. Luckily, there is only one book to purchase for this course. All and all, I really enjoyed Prof Lee and his course!

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HIST2A . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

Yeaaaa this class was easy. Professor is a cool dude but the lectures were boring. Read the textbook, you'll be chilling. Don't read, man ya facked! Scored an A on the final without doing a lick for studying. Cool guy. Probably would be more interesting in an upper div.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

Lectures were pretty interesting, make sure to take notes because theyre important for the final! Essays had fairly easy prompts and my TA provided lots of feedback and graded fine. Allowed 2 pages of notes for the final. This class isnt hard if you put in a little effort.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

I loved this class and I love Prof. Lee. His lectures are engaging, expand on topics from the textbook. Not especially necessary to attend, I went cuz I enjoyed. Nice man, replies to emails quickly and kindly. InQuizitives were fun and interactive. Lots of reading. Final was slightly different than how I thought it would be, challenging.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

Literally the most horrible and annoying professor i've ever had. The lectures are horrible and boring, and are on random things that do not even correspond to the readings. His final is super hard and based in memorization. Also, your grade depends on how difficult a TA grades 2 essays. Take a different GE

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HIST2A . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

Lectures were tangential but passively interesting, show up and take notes because the lecture material will be important for the final. If you have a good TA, the class is a breeze. If your TA is a tough grader, good luck.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 2 Years Ago

easily the worst class ive ever taken. lee truly expects you to treat his class like your only class. the grade largely depends on two papers (which can be graded harshly by tas) and the final, in which he expects you to have memorized every source from the textbook and lectures (which are scattered and not helpful). PLEASE take any other ge

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HIST2A . Lee J W 3 Years Ago

Professor Lee seems to be way too busy to brother answering your emails, and if you do ever get a hold of him or its to ask a favor or accommodation his ego will write the email for him. In his mind, despite any internet issues or external circumstances students can all find ways to do his essays, so he wont help you out. Also bad lecturer.

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111F . Lee J W 3 Years Ago

I took this course during the pandemic so your experience may vary. But Prof. Lee lectures were uploaded from what seems to be a previous TV special that he did, but they were very well done. The course was difficult in the sense that there was a lot of writing and not much to be graded on meaning reading was necessary. Good course overall.

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HIS2A . Lee J W 5 Years Ago

lectures are super confusing, moves super fast and doesn't have anything written on the powerpoint. lectures are super boring and he assigns lots of readings.

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111F . Lee J W 5 Years Ago

Super interesting course, and Lee is a really nice, caring person. It requires a TON of reading, but overall the material is interesting and its a great class for majors to take.

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HIS2A . Lee J W 5 Years Ago

Scattered and random lectures. Just throws random names, places, and events at you. He's super passionate so most of the time I couldn't get mad at him because he was so cute fawning over Greece. Otherwise this class was the bane of my existence and the textbook we used was terrible. If you take it you'll survive but you'll be bored.

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HIS2A . Lee J W 5 Years Ago

Lectures did not correlate with the long and uninteresting readings assigned every week. Section helped tremendously, although that depends on your TA. DO NOT SLACK! I suggest making a study group with a few people to ease the workload, especially when studying for the final. Overall, he seems like a passionate dude but not the best teacher.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 5 Years Ago

HIs lecture is confusing but you can skip if you keep up to date with the readings because you will hate yourself so so much otherwise! I never read a page of the Haywood and performed poorly on the multiple choice midterm. However, I knew the reader extremely well and ended up with an A in the class and on the short answer style final.

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HIST2A . Lee J W 5 Years Ago

He assigns obscenely long readings each week while giving lectures that are dry and tangentially related to those readings. His lectures are disorganized so it's super difficult to know what's important. MC midterm wasn't too bad but the final requires 2 blue books so be prepared to memorize a lot. Seems like a nice guy but not a great professor

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HIS2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

Professor Lee had some of the most itrevelant lectures to the class. Slides and lectures were very scattered and the sections did not help to address what was discussed in class. READ! You cant fall behind on the readings or else you wont pass. He does a poor job discussing the readings in lecture and their relation to what hes teaching

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HIST2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

Super nice guy but his class is tough and a little disorganized. There's not a lot of correlation between weekly readings and lecture, and section didn't help clarify things a whole lot either. The tests are hard too, so it's important to try and get as many points as you can elsewhere.

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HIS2A . Lee J W 6 Years Ago

No structure between lecture and section. Lectures are boring and include random information. Midterm was hard, had very specific and random multiple choice questions. Average for the class was a D. I would not recommend this class. He seems nice but he is not a good lecturer.

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111F . Lee J W 8 Years Ago

Professor Lee is awesome, definitely my favorite professor I have had. He cares so much about his students and is an awesome guy. Very fair grader, do the work and you will do well in his class. Usually lets you have either a sheet of notes for tests, or changes things up to make it more student-friendly.

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