Amit Shilo
41 reviews

CLASS40 . Shilo A 5 Years Ago

Lots of quizzes, so you have to do the readings, and attendance is mandatory. The class material isn't hard but passing the class is tedious

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 5 Years Ago

The class itself is a breeze. Got caught with two iclickers ONCE though and he made us write a 10 page final paper, rather than the 5 page final as punishment. Our quizzes and attendance were replaced with whatever we got on the final. Shilo claims to care about his students, but I genuinely beg to differ. He's a pretentious jerk.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 5 Years Ago

Hated going to lecture for iclicker points because reading and lecture notes are almost pointless. We don't apply any of the readings in a way that is meaningful and all you need to do is skim the material for the written responses, 2 papers, and some easy quizzes. In the largest lecture hall, barely anyone had respect for Shilo and his teaching.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 5 Years Ago

The lectures are pointless and many only go for clicker credit (4 clickers throughout the entire class period). Prof Shilo's lectures just goes over the same reading that is due. There is a quiz on the reading due before every class. TA's are super tough graders, not worth taking because of this reason.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 6 Years Ago

Took this pass/no pass so I could focus on other classes but it wasn't even necessary. He already doesn't make you do all of the assignments! Didn't read at all I just used spark notes for important chapters and somehow that was good enough for a B+ paper. Dozed off during lectures literally every day. Do the bare minimum and youll get at least a B

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 6 Years Ago

It was clear that he was really interested in what he taught and that he cared for his students. There was a lot of reading accompanied by weekly quizzes and short responses that weren't too bad. TA was a big help to getting an A.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 6 Years Ago

Lectures were extremely boring because he just repeats the reading, but they are mandatory bc he uses clicker questions and has them throughout the class to make sure you show up on time and stay until the end. Grades were based off of quizzes taken before every lecture/section. Sections were all res/ graded differently depending on the TA.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 6 Years Ago

Funny guy who loves what he does. While the amount of reading is large, you only need to pass 10 out of 30 quizzes and 3 out of 10 free responses which are doable and gives you time to focus on other classes. Lectures aren't super helpful to papers but mandatory because of clickers. No tests is also always a huge plus, and papers aren't that bad.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 6 Years Ago

SUPER PASSIONATE guy- you can clearly tell he loves the stuff he teaches. lectures sometimes seem vague but he's still entertaining. clicker questions always get a good laugh. not my favorite class but thats just a personal thing- if you're into greek myth I'm sure he would be a great inspiration. graded by a lot of things so easy to get good grade

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 6 Years Ago

Not as easy as people claim, the TA's grade really hard for midterm and final. Lecture is so useless and if there wasn't iClicker you bet I would never show up.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 6 Years Ago

He was okay, the class consists of passing 10 quizzes out of 26, 3 short-answer response questions based on the readings, a 2 page essay midterm (harshly graded by the TAs) and a 5 page final essay. His lectures are useless and he tends to make them about nothing to do with what we need for the assignments. Hes enthusiastic, but not worth it.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 7 Years Ago

Pretty awesome professor! He is a very funny guy and his lectures were pretty interesting. I honestly barely read, I did mostly at the beginning of the quarter but still got an A. His tests were easy and overall it was a fun class.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 7 Years Ago

We read so much stuff. I took this class for an easy GE -- it was straightforward but a lot of work. I think we read most of the Iliad, Odyssey, a bunch of Homeric hymns, some Plato, Antigone, and the Oresteia. In ten weeks. The final was cumulative. Relatively straightforward, but you had to know a lot of stuff. He's an enthusiastic lecturer!

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 8 Years Ago

Shilo really cares about his students and does his best to make the material interesting. He does his best to engage his students by the way he presents his lectures and the IClicker questions which usually have funny answer choices. He really wants his students to engage in the material and is overall an awesome prof. TAs are also very helpful.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 8 Years Ago

The class itself isn't boring, but it's not interesting. Professor Shilo tries to make lectures more entertaining (he's got memes sometimes) and for the most part he does. A lot of reading, but it's not the type of reading that you can just look on Sparknotes and pass, you actually have to read.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 8 Years Ago

Very nice, and does care about the students; however, lecture is only mandatory because of iclicker. The information in lecture is irrelevant and he even says that nothing in lecture will be tested on, purely based on the readings which there is a ton of. Grading for midterm depends on TA and how they grade, short answer and essay.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 8 Years Ago

He always likes to keep students entertained and engaged, so his lectures are always worth going to. There is a lot of reading though, but he goes over the majority of the important points in class, it is very helpful to have already read it though.

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