Amit Shilo

41 reviews
Get ready to read Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Lots of homework Hilarious Participation matters Amazing lectures Caring Tough grader Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Group projects Beware of pop quizzes Inspirational So many papers Respected Graded by few things Accessible outside class
Past quarters
0 / 15 Enrolled
Intermediate Greek
Amit Shilo 3.1
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
60.6% A
0 / 75 Enrolled
Understanding Greek Tragedy
Amit Shilo 3.1
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
56.4% A
See All
CLASS 40 Shilo A Winter 2024 Total: 673
GREEK 1 Shilo A Fall 2023 Total: 10
CLASS 185 Shilo A Spring 2023 Total: 4
CLASS 101 Shilo A Spring 2023 Total: 30
See All
CLASS40 . Shilo A 7 Months Ago

Very passionate about mythology, and gave fairly interesting lectures. Attendance wasn't mandatory, but lectures are helpful for papers/pop quizzes. Quite a bit of reading but none were difficult to understand. *Gave significant grading responsibilities to TAs without accounting for grading differences. Class performance is dependent on your TA.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 10 Months Ago

Professor Shilo was very nice and reasonable. Lectures were a bit boring, but they were not mandatory. Friday lectures were asynchronous which was great. There was an option to either write a paper or take an exam for each midterm and final. Overall, a chill class and I learned a bit more about Greek Mythology, which was cool.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 11 Months Ago

I found that Professor Shilo rambled incessantly during lectures, but ran a fairly easy class. The TAs, on the other, hand were on a power trip and added much more work than necessary. Prof. Shilo lets them take too much control, and there are discrepancies between the TAs workloads. Overall would not recommend this class, or at least not my TA.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 2 Years Ago

Lectures were entirely online. No homework besides the weekly reading. TA is important for this class, adds more assignments and quizzes to course. Sections were in person and attendance was important.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

Mediocre teaching style. knows what he's talking about. but he can't state a fact without throwing several "content warnings" and "trigger disclaimers" at your face. But I guess we can't blame him because this is how higher education works now.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

He knows what hes talking about regarding ancient mythology. But hes intent on teaching us his own, specific understanding of the texts. This discourages our own exploration of the textual meaning. Worse, hes too afraid to say something that may trigger someone, even if its the truth. Frankly, its embarrassing.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

prof shilo is very passionate about mythology, making his lectures super interesting and engaging. however, i felt like some of the questions on his quizzes were very specific, especially since they were close note.

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CLASS101 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

A really caring and passionate professor. Supportive and dedicated to helping students grow, really funny at times too! Skilled at transitioning between seriously treating a text and making a light hearted comment (:

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

Too many lectures and questions about lectures on quizzes and tests. Was less about the Myths and more about his lectures.

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CLASSICS40 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

Very enthusiastic. The professor and TA's do not want to make it difficult on the students and want you to have fun with the course and learn something. Not too demanding.

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CLASS40 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

Wow, was blown away by how much I actually learned in the class. Really enjoyed the professor's lectures, never felt like I was watching a 30-minute lecture, went by so fast. While the class does depend on you doing most of the readings and watching the lectures, it was worth my while. Very much enjoyed the sections with my TA as well!

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GREEK1 . Shilo A 3 Years Ago

Professor Shilo was a very considerate and caring professor. The class itself was super challenging and the lectures were always very short. When I was doing poorly on quizzes, Shilo took extra time outside of class to schedule a zoom meeting with me to get me back on track. Overall, I'd take Shilo as a professor again, but NOT this class.

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