Andrew Griffin
52 reviews

ENGL10 . 3 Months Ago

Prof. Griffin is amazing. He cares a lot about his work and understands that not everyone loves literature. He's very engaging during lecture. Most of the grade is based on two papers and a final, but this could fluctuate. This class is perfect if you're not a talented writer but still like literature. I regret not taking the honors section.

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ENG10 . 6 Months Ago

In ENG10, Professor Griffin was more focused on sharing his passion for literature than giving grades or assignments. For this reason, it's quite easy to get an A, depending slightly on your TA. Perfect for those who enjoy exploring literature but don't feel a natural talent for essay writing. Just go to lecture and section.

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ENG10 . 8 Months Ago

Prof. Griffin is very nice and super passionate. The lectures have so much material in them, which can be confusing. The final was not difficult at all and was just to show off what we learned. The class was graded on section attendance, final, and 2 papers, but overall the class is not time-consuming and there is no homework. I recommend!

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ENG10 . 9 Months Ago

Lectures were SUPER long, boring, & PACKED w/ tiny words, which was super confusing to comprehend. Get ready to read 3 long novels, a lot of Sonnets, poems, etc. The gradebook consisted of 2 essays (1 short 1 long) & a take-home final exam (~3 hrs). My TA Olivia Bievenue was nice but v late in grading & never covered any lecture & reading material.

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ENGL10 . 9 Months Ago

The expectations for our reading and writing were appropriate in difficulty, and our participation and work were evaluated fairly overall. However, with the two papers plus the take-home final exam, I think this class should fulfill writing requirements though it does not. My main critique is I found the dense lectures difficult to sit through.

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ENG10 . 9 Months Ago

He seems like a genuinely good, smart guy, but oh my god this class was WAY too much for introductory english. It's not even that it was hard, just SO intense and too much work. The final is literally the worst one I've taken in three years here (including ochem, biochem, etc.), basically made us write ~4 essays worth of content in 24 hours.

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ENG10 . 9 Months Ago

Professor is extremely unclear in the directions of the assignments and the structure/grading of the class. It does not matter if you go and type as fast as you can, you will not be able to get down the 500+ words per slide in 8 point font. The final was AWFUL and an extremely unnecessary amount of work. He changed this course, avoid the class.

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ENG10 . 9 Months Ago

this class was extremely unclear on what the actual content was and the lectures made no sense. there was 2 assignments that we quite doable. then the final was the hardest one ive had at UCSB. avoid this class if u can.

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ENG10 . 9 Months Ago

unenjoyable class

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ENG10 . 9 Months Ago

This class was so unclear. The professor is verbose and makes every assignment ten times more difficult than it should be with his explanations. While I cannot speak for them, it seemed as though the TAs were confused at times too. I would not recommend this class, as the final was horrible and did not even open on time.

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ENG10 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

English 10 is a very easy GE and I would definitely recommend taking this class. The papers are not long at all, maybe like 700ish words. Your grade on the papers mostly depends on the TA but they are pretty chill and do not grade super harshly. There was the TA strike when I took this class so we only had two papers and a mini final reflection.

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ENG10 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Prof. Griffin is super funny and a great lecturer. You can tell he really cares about the material and wants his students to succeed. Try to get Billy Collins as your TA if you can.

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ENGL10 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

ENGL10 gotta be one of the easiest classes with Andrew. He's very accommodating and a genuinely hilarious guy. The paper's aren't very long for an English class, and there are also very few. Ironically the assigned readings didn't affect you too much if you didn't read them, you just need a basic understanding.

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ENG10 . 2 Years Ago

Griffin is definitely one of my favorite professors Ive taken so far. He's so passionate during his lectures and wishes the best for his students. I did have some trouble in the class because of my TA, but the second I brought it up to him he did his best to fix that issue. He was so kind and accommodating and he's also really funny.

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ENG10 . 2 Years Ago

Griffin is really understanding and I found his lectures interesting. You only read 1 book all year with supplemental pieces alongside it so its light reading for an English class. If you pay attention in lecture you dont have to read all the extra poems and stuff. Engaging lecturer. Sit up front tho cuz his slideshows are in like 10 pt font.

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ENG10 . 2 Years Ago

Important: engl10 was changed: focus now on a blm poetry book, not literary classics. Went 2 first 4 lectures, they were slow, uninspiring, slides: convoluted. Citizen by C. Rankine is the only book read. Actually learned a lot about race in usa, and Andrew seems super chill+friendly. Gradebook was empty all quarter, so hard to gage grades.

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ENG10 . 2 Years Ago

Super nice prof, not that much work considering it is an English class. He is very passionate about what he teaches. He is also very accessible with office hours and will always meet to discuss anything. Overall, entertaining prof. Attendance definitely not mandatory as he posts everything.

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ENG10 . 3 Years Ago

Although the lectures could be a bit dull, the content was always clear. Griffin went into detail where necessary and provided a lot of his own analysis, which made taking the final super easy. Literally super easy A.

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ENG10 . 3 Years Ago

Professor Griffin was a great English professor. I received a lot of great feedback from my TA and I enjoyed the content. I would take a class with him again!

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ENGL10 . 3 Years Ago

Great person, solid instructor. He was kind, humorous, patient, flexible with COVID-19 accommodations. Explained concepts well. i did get the sense that he could be flaky about following up on things, however, & kinda vague with expectations, which I think affected some people's performance. Still a great class overall.

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ENGL10 . 3 Years Ago

I really liked Professor Griffin, and I feel that his adaptation from in person to virtual learning was extremely fair. He posted lectures twice a week, and provided great analysis of the required readings. If you follow the syllabus you'll know what his lectures will cover that week. His final is based completely on his lectures, so watch them!

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ENGL10 . 3 Years Ago

The material Griffin talks about is interesting, but he uploads his lectures way past the time he is supposed to most weeks. They are also pretty long. It was kind of difficult to understand what we were supposed to read by the time we watch each lecture as well.

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ENG10 . 5 Years Ago

His final was very straightforward and easy, papers were graded kinda harsh. My biggest qualm though was just how disorganized his lecture was and how hard it was to follow and pay attention. I taught myself everything at the end to do well on the final but it made up for not as great paper grades.

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ENGL10 . 5 Years Ago

The class itself is straightforward, however professor griffin is really unorganized with how he presents it. Is consistently late to class and usually has technical difficulties. In addition the material isnt always relevant to whats being tested or studied. This leads to him falling behind the syllabus and means more work for you to catch up.

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