ECON 290
Peter Rupert
95 reviews

ECON2 . Rupert P 13 Years Ago

Rupert's class was pretty boring. Most of the material came from the book and people were forced to go to class because of the iclicker questions since its part of your grade. The midterms and final are multiple choice and basically you studied the book and somewhat study lecture and then you hope you remember the huge amount of material.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

Overall this class was much more difficult than the average class. Homework was fair, section attendance is not mandatory, but the 2 midterms and final were extremely difficult and very book heavy. Iclicker questions were irrelevant and weighted too heavily. Do not take this class unless you have to. Only class I did not get an A in.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

Great Professor. Extremely helpful if you go to office hours. applia homeworks are EASY points. iclicker questions are hard and trivial. this class is more straight forward than econ 1 with sonstellie.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

He is a boring lecturer since I happened to fall asleep every class. The only thing I did not like about his lectures were his iclicker questions which required you to use your phone or laptop for the answer. But his midterms and finals are standard no trick questions. Just review the power points and you'll do fine.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

class was interesting, 2 midterms and final were difficult. i recommend doing the hw with a buddy; it will save you a ton of points.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

Rupert is a true economist. Knows his stuff but horrible teacher. Moves so quick. Horrible homework system. First midterm was ridiculous and tricky. Second was more straightforward but still hard. Irrelevant and heavily weighted clicker questions. Forced to take tutoring to understand material. Be ready to stress when taking his class.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

The HW is easy points but the system is tedious and filled with glitches. The professor is a nice, straight-forward guy and the material is easy to comprehend and apply. Test are practical, very book heavy, but his Iclicker ?'s at times are completely irrelevant. Do the HW, read the book you'll get at least a B- or higher.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

I'm truly shocked at the response to Rupert's teaching; he knows his stuff and does a wonderful job imparting his wisdom to his student. Aplia is a great study resource that helped me ace both midterms &final. 1 criticism is that he shows partiality when it comes to discussing policy (i.e. the Bailout), but mature students can recognize an opinion.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

Uses the horrid Aplia homework system; waste of $80 and make WebAssign look like heaven

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ECON2 . Rupert P 14 Years Ago

I liked this class, even though I never listened to his lectures. Instead, I just read the textbook until I understood everything thoroughly and got an A. The tests were a lot easier than I expected. Rupert's pretty genial also.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

Good teacher. Tricky tests and homework though

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

I actually looked forward to this class. He was really funny and I thought it was the best class I've taken so far. The HW sucked though.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

Rupert has been a great teacher! The homework isn't too bad. The iclicker can really kill you, so make sure you go to class. The tests aren't too hard. He knows what he's talking about and he presents it in a way that's easy to learn. I recommend him highly.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

Rupert is a really good teacher. Unlike a lot of econ professors he has had tons of real life experience including working for the federal reserve, which gives him the ability to apply concepts to real life situations. The class material isn't easy but if you have to take this class take it with Rupert, you won't find a better econ professor.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

Taught fairly interesting material. He knows what he is talking about and can answer any question you may have. Grading system is horrible. I know people who got an 81 percent but ended up with C+'s. The iclicker hurts your grade a lot and homework is fairly difficult but very beneficial. The tests are fair, not easy but not impossible.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

Rupert was a fine teacher and had reletively easy tests but the homework was definitely more difficult than tests. He does talk fast and is reletively entertaining.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

Talks way too fast, and does not explain very clearly. Tests are reasonable, if you study, you'll do well, if not, then no. Homework is really hard, especially that McGraw Hill program, it was horrible. Hard Class.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

He is very cocky and thinks highly of himself, but really couldn't care less about the students. The curve sucked, I had a higher percent then my letter grade. Some people like what do I know. I just thought he was too caught up in himself

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ECON2 . Rupert P 15 Years Ago

Macroeconomics, good guy.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 16 Years Ago

i did not like this course. i thought the tests, like the iclicker questions, were full of random questions. I did all of the reading and went to all the sections, lectures, and review sessions, and still thought a good portion of questions were out of thin air. Seems like his style worked for others though...

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ECON2 . Rupert P 16 Years Ago

Rupert was an awesome teacher. The tests were very fair and the homework was reasonable. I didn't go to section the entire year. The only downer is the class is pre-econ so they force a curve to defer people from becoming econ majors. This class was one of my favorite at UCSB so far tho.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 16 Years Ago

Extremely usefull class and the teacher is great. Peter worked for the FED and really knows all the staff. He is not teaching just sole theory but real life staff. Very enthusiastic. He always wants to help students in whatever they demand.Great job Peter.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 16 Years Ago

Rupert is awesome! During lecture he is informative (he worked for the Fed so he actually knows his stuff) and really funny. His tests are very fair, you will do well if you go to lecture and spend enough time studying. He's also very helpful if you approach him about concepts you don't understand. Get Jennifer Milosch as your TA, she's the best!

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