ECON 290
Peter Rupert
95 reviews

ECON2 . Rupert P 6 Years Ago

You do get a sense of some relevant and current topics in macroeconomics. Still, very frustrating course, lectures, sections, readings and tests not aligned. Would not recommend taking, interesting course but very badly organized course. If you have to take it: practice with past exams will help to pass.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 6 Years Ago

The most disappointing professor/teacher I've ever had in my life. No organization in grading policy... don't know what I have in the class a few days away from the final. Lectures are close to pointless as exam content is out of the blue. Doesn't even have office hours and makes no effort whatsoever to help students. Why's he still teaching?

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ECON2 . Rupert P 6 Years Ago

Taking his class is wasting your time, you will never get any solid understanding of macroeconomics from his lectures, I don't understand why he still has the job. The best you can do is not taking his class, but if you have to take his classes for some reasons, like fulfilling the major requirements, go to CLAS, they will help you pass the exams.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 6 Years Ago

Lectures were a joke and not applicable to the material he was testing us on. His lectures are riddled with newspaper article links that he just reads the headline for, essentially just wasting our time. CLAS helped me immensely, but I still did rather poorly despite putting in a lot of effort. If you take his class, expect to work very hard.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 6 Years Ago

The lecture is dry, a lot of things in exams are not even mentioned in lectures. Buy the book even he says the book is not necessary. I don't understand why is not fired yet. Don't take his Econ 2 if you have any other optional classes.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 7 Years Ago

Rupert is a cool guy. I enjoyed his lectures on the history of monetary policy and The Wizard of Oz

2 helpful 5 unhelpful
ECON2 . Rupert P 7 Years Ago

Rupert's strategy for teaching Econ 2 is very poor. Most of his lectures he rambles on about pointless columns of statistics that will never have any relevance to the course. His tests contain problems on topics we had never covered. GET THE TEXTBOOK. Even though he says it's optional, it will give you a heavy advantage over those who don't get it.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 7 Years Ago

Professor Rupert's lectures weren't relevant to the homework or tests at all. He spends most of his time talking about current events. You really should get the textbook and go to section even tho it's not mandatory. Don't blow off homework b/c missed points here and there come back to bite you in the butt. Do CLAS!!!

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ECON2 . Rupert P 7 Years Ago

Easily the worst class I've ever had. Lectures are of no value, because he doesn't teach terms so much as ramble statistics. Homework usually asks you at least 2 questions on topics that haven't been covered. I attended lecture, section, and tutoring, and there was still material on the final which was never covered in the course. Avoid if you can!

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ECON2 . Rupert P 7 Years Ago

The content covered isn't difficult at all, and yet this was my most frustrating class. The lectures cover 1/3 of the material if that, the homework is very poorly written and often very confusing, and the practice midterms are outdated. The organization is just sloppy. Dont take this class. If you do, buy a book and hope for the best.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 7 Years Ago

Rupert wasn't a very good professor. His lectures are often not very relevant to the midterms and final, but can be interesting at times if you enjoy econ. He often clicks past slides so fast you can't take notes on it. Not very organized with grades and distributions of tests, which is important in the econ dept. Doesn't take the class seriously.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 8 Years Ago

I honestly did not like this professor. His lecture slides are really disorganized when he presents it to the class. His lectures are also confusing to follow as well and iclicker questions are just a horror. "No book needed" ha yea.... 80% of his test question are from the book so that's a giant lie. Would not ever want to take his class again.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 8 Years Ago

Didn't like his lecture style. Mainly just covers current data from the BLS. You'd expect this class to be easier than econ1 because it should be but its not. Got an A- in 1 and a B+ in this one and studied way more for 2. Tests given were harder than past exams. Can't avoid if you're econ major so have fun. he says no need for textbook but get it!

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ECON2 . Rupert P 8 Years Ago

Rupert seems like a nice guy and is interested in the subject. I really enjoy the connection to the current events. The tests and homeworks are meh, but hey, it's Econ.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 8 Years Ago

Horrible. His lecture slides are so confusing to follow, 75% we won't know what it is unless we follow economics news daily and he moves through them way too fast. Clickers holy this person needs to stop clicking back and forth and let us see them clearly before pressuring us with a time limit as well. Would not take this class if I didn't need it

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ECON2 . Rupert P 8 Years Ago

Rupert's lectures are filled with more discussion about current issues than teaching, which is great if you have a passion for the economics, but it requires doing the reading beforehand if you want the lectures to be helpful. Study the practice tests starting way in advance and use the internet to explain the key concepts; very hard tests.

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ECONOMICS2 . Rupert P 9 Years Ago

This class is more difficult than most just because of the grading system of the Economics department. Rupert is pretty political with his lectures, but I would agree most of the time his viewpoints are valid and warranted. They make sense. He uses alot of real life examples, which isn't a bad thing at all.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 9 Years Ago

the lectures "technically" cover the midterm problems, but they're completely different. You need to 100% focus and understand the concepts of the material, midterms are designed to trick you. My biggest issue is that his lectures just don't really tell me what to expect. like at all.

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2 . Rupert P 9 Years Ago

Prof Rupert's lectures are very boring and irrelevant to the chapters because he just talks about the real world yet the midtermfinal have nothing really to do with the real world. You have to go to lecture because of iclickers and the questions are basically impossible unless you look them up. The midterms are tricky so make sure you're careful.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 9 Years Ago

BUY THE BOOK. The book will help you do all the homework even though he says it's optional. IClicker class. If you put in a good amount of work you will do well. Tests are hard.

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ECON2 . Rupert P 9 Years Ago

Hard to understand what he is talking about, and he always skip some important chapters, never review, what he said has no connection with quiz and tests

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ECON1 . Rupert P 9 Years Ago

Econ 1, Econ 2, & Econ 10A are designed to weed people out. This class definitely does the job. Also, this guy is the Chair of the Econ Dept. If you are ready to work hard for this class it is definitely worth it, as the guy knows what he's talking about.

0 helpful 3 unhelpful
ECON2 . Rupert P 10 Years Ago

what he teach has no connection with the exam!!!!!! if you don't want to fail class, then don't take his class!!!!

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ECON2 . Rupert P 10 Years Ago

Knows what he is talking about but hard to follow in lecture. Sometimes switches back&forth between slides, so it's hard to copy notes much less listen to him. He should provide slides before lecture, but just read book before lecture anyway. Explains macroecon w/ only one perspective on what is valuable/successful w/o proving, which is offensive.

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