This class is extremely difficult. If you put in the effort and do all of the book problems you will be able to pass. The curve is pretty big. He is a great lecturer and keeps each lecture interesting.
I'm terrible at chemistry and only needed the first two courses in the series for my major, but I would not have taken 1A and 1B with anyone else. His lectures were clear and well-organized, and he explained things well. Biggest regret was not doing the book problems, or else I probably would've done better. Take the whole series with Price.
I have to say that Price was a solid choice for Chem 1B. He relies heavily on the book problems, which is easy to fall behind in. Quizzes and midterms were fairly straightforward, with 3-6 difficult problems. The final exam is brutal and is nothing like the practice final, BEWARE! Demos are really cool and interesting.
AMAZING professor. You can easily see that he is passionate about what he does. He cares about his students and really wants them to do well. I went to every single lecture because it was worth it. His in-class examples and demos are really interesting and helpful. He also his a witty and dry sense of humor. Go to CLAS and do practice exams!!!
Awesome professor, you can tell he loves teaching this class. I got 100% on both quizzes so I stopped going to class since iClicker replaces quizzes, and ended up screwing myself over because I did not understand most of the topics that I missed. Go to class and do all the practice problems and you will pass.
Price is a fantastic professor worthy of the hype he gets. Tbh, he's not cheerful like I imagined him to be, but you can tell he loves what he does. Every once in a while he'll crack a joke. His demos are super cool. He truly knows how to lecture and convey information in a clear and understandable way. If you have the choice, take him.
Price is easily one of the best lectures for the Gen Chem series. He obviously cares about helping his students do well and gives you the resources to succeed. Like all the classes in the series, your grade depends on the work you put in. If you take the time to learn the concepts and do practice exams, you're guaranteed an A.
Scott Price is a gem. He truly loves lecturing chemistry and he is extremely concise and coherent. His jokes are nutty and charming and he provides a lot of support before midterms and the final. Wonderful guy.
Scott is a great professor. Very clear lectures, cares about student and makes an effort for everybody to learn. I would take him for all my chem classes if he taught them all. You wont regret taking this class with him
Dr. Price is one of the best genchem profs! He makes lots of relatable jokes to help understand the material, is super caring, and really loves his job and his students. Cannot recommend him more. As long as you go to class and do the practice tests you should get a good grade in the class. Grade is 2 MTs, final, ALEKS, and iClicker.
Price is truly, absolutely, and genuinely incredible. He delivers the most amazing lectures and the experiments he does in class are DOPE. He's very helpful during office hours and truly does want every student to succeed in his class. You do have to put in effort to earn a good grade, but it's all worth it in the end. Honestly amazing professor.
Great lecturer. Clearly, thoroughly, and quickly explains the problems and how to solve them. Probably the best chem teacher here, he just know what he's doing and can help you know what you're doing. Also a pretty rad dude besides that. take him
Easily one of the best gen chem professors. This class can be really tough, especially for the first 4 weeks so make sure you do the practice exams and book problems. His lectures are certainly worth going to so don't be tempted to skip them.
Made lectures interesting and easy to understand. Keep up with the reading and the assignments and you should be just fine.
Daddy Price is a great guy, but don't go into his class assuming that just because he's an amazing lecturer that you don't have to put in as much effort. I failed his chem 1a class and what I learned from it is that the book problems are actually crucial to doing well in the course, and that the other professors really aren't as bad as they say.
Take as much of gen chem with Price as you can, he's just the best. Really straight forward, helpful explanations. I didn't understand chemistry at all until I had him for 1B. Love his sense of humor too. Gem of a man.
PRICE IS THE BEST CHEM TEACHER! I had him for 1A and 1B. He posts lectures online but go to class because he works all problems out very clearly and explains as he goes. Do the practice tests for tests and as if you stay on top of the book problems in every email that he sends out, the class will be way easier, you just have to put in the work
Best Chem teacher at UCSB. Great lecturer. Strait forward/ easy tests if you do the practice tests.
I LOVE Professor Price. He is an amazing lecturer and genuinely wants students to do well. If you go to lecture and do the book problems, you have a good chance of doing well in his class. He is the best.
This man is a Chemistry God. I could tell you, in very specific rhetoric, how much I love this man. But I won't. Just take this class, take any class he teaches, and just enjoy him. He's smart, he's kind, he is the best teacher I've ever had, he helps you outside of class, he's got it all. Just actually do the book work and study. Enjoy.
Professor Price is a great lecturer. If you attend an keep up with all of the lectures and do all the practice quizzes, you can do very well in his class. If you took AP Chem, that's all you have to do. If not, do the book problems, and make note of all the questions you find difficult and ask him how to solve it. ALEKS is annoying but it helps.
This quarter I realized I really sucked at science but I do not regret taking Price's class at all. He was the best professor I've had my first quarter. He does not teach extraneous information that will not be needed in the future, he teaches what is necessary. He also holds review sessions and posts resources on gauchospace for students to use.
Such a great teacher who gives us so many resources! I feel like I took it for granted and kinda blew off this class, though. Don't do that!! Price is honestly such a great teacher
His lectures keep you engaged and are very organized. He is really helpful during office hours and the class isn't too hard if you study a little bit every day. Price is such a fun teacher and makes class fun