An in-depth continuation of Art History 127A in a seminar/discussion format. Selected topics in masking, figural sculpture, etc., and emphasis on African contexts of ritual and social life.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeNot open to freshmen
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeAttendance was mandatory. There were no opportunities to participate so lectures were dull. Grading criteria was unclear. The course was very scattershot, and there was no overarching theme to it, which made it hard to stay engaged. However I passed easily despite never having taken an art history class before.
Gives very unclear instructions. Makes hypothetical questions that are unclear. Never sure what to take notes on in class. moves through slides very quick.
Impossible to understand. Super boring lectures. The tests had nothing to do with what was on the review slides. Avoid this class at all costs.
gets mad at you for being on your phone in lecture even though most people take this class for a GE. TAs are unnecessarily hard graders and dont explain why they give you the grade you got. class covers too much material in just 10 weeks and you have to memorize useless info for the tests which youll probably forget within a day.
This professor was rather disappointing. The most difficult part of taking this course was keeping my eyes open during lecture. It is clear that the professor has a true passion for African and Indigenous art - that is about all that is clear in this class. The TA's are no better; apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh?
Class was super interesting!! Only had a few assignments and a midterm + final which were the same structure on different artworks. You do have to memorize info on a set of selected artworks but making a simple google doc with the required info and reviewing it is enough to pass. Loved him!