Introduction to a variety of statistics and applied probability applications. Active participation and a 15- minute group presentation or a short (2-3 pages) analytical essay will be required.
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeA great lecturer and very passionate about the subject, go to lecture!! She focuses only on the most important things in lecture and almost everything emphasized in lecture is tested on. Very fair tests just like the practice tests, lots of time for homework and quizzes, very accessible in OH.
The professor is a very very nice person. However, the course is taught superficially and moves very slowly. (6 weeks on glm, 2.5 weeks on ridge/lasso, 1.5 weeks on nonparametric methods) I also need to do a lot of repeated and really boring practice problems to do well on exams.
Clearly passionate about the subject but is an extremely harsh grader and stickler for notation. Expect to spend lots of time in office hours and study groups if you want to pass. Grading 15% quizzes (unlimited attempts), 20% homework, 20% midterm, 45% final
Professor Meiring is a very nice person, but it felt like she was juggling many things at once. It felt difficult to get more than a surface-level understanding of the material and the final was worth 45% which made the class stressful. Luckily, the midterm and final were similar to the practices (which are previous exams) which was helpful.
She is decent
Course had some interesting concepts, but it wasn't taught practically. Textbook barely used here. Lectures could have concrete analysis after drawing figures in lecture instead of more sketches. Quizzes needed to be worth more too!