Calculus of functions of several variables, vector valued functions of one variable, derivative and integrals of vector functions, double and triple integrals, properties and applications of integrals, change of variables.
PasstimeUndergraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
Professor Schley is very passionate and I've taken and enjoyed his classes before. His lectures can get off topic but I feel like he's taught me a lot, and his exams are very reasonable (exactly what you studied) and he allows notecards/cheat sheets on exams. If you keep up with the lectures and homework and study well you'll excel in his class.
His class is so easy; you just need to do the homework, understand his practice exam, and go to the section to take the quiz. Some of the quizzes are actually the same questions from the midterms and final. After that, you are good to get an A+.
He didn't curve the class but offered extra credit pretty generously. The final was difficult considering it was 70% on material that he rushed to teach on week 9. Still, he's very friendly when answering questions. 6A is difficult but made the experience *mostly* pain free. Good luck!
He's a really sweet guy. Lectures were kinda disorganized with many mistakes in the slides--something he chalked up to lack of prep time. Tests were straightforward though and not a problem. CLAS with Ziqi was fantastic. Homework was very reasonable. Overall a fine class but lectures were the weakest point. 20% HW, 10 quizzes, 30 midterm, 40 final
Schley is a super nice and understanding guy. As a teacher, he is very intuitive and tries really hard although sometimes his lectures are a bit unorganized. His tests are pretty straightforward w/o weird curveballs.
Schely is simply not good at teaching math.